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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 6 Answers

step2ck_form6/Block 4/Question#45 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old man comes to the physician with ...
Measurement of blood lead concentration ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: toxicity inc

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep7(71)
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  • ientPat ihtw sirk forcat for adle gnonisipo ehaomme(d heyswki) serenpst htiw mndoiaabl na,ip oucgonrlie sm,psymto nad a iiccocmytr aie,anm hwich ear teh reeht liacscs pmtmsyso fo eald nsgpiioon
  • eyK aid:e tilePtnoa bdwzuorsz ttha sodlhu eggtrri uhtgoht of ldae oninigops cleudni ttbreya tfa,cory hoamedem yhesikw, ovnriegtna ldo hous,e
  • e:toN hlWei ont a e-hlidygih aotaonsisic, aeld gsinonipo anc deal to grenwisno fo otug
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submitted by โˆ—shastri96(17)
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ADLE GPONSOINI NI T DUA:SLIG :mSmposyt dba ,anpi itocinosanpt (t) :aerouueNc oviteinCg deicft,i rrhiPlpeea eautyornhp he)coc(:n orgiHltoaimlac anmeiA

iths anpetti hsa snSgi of nhcrioc elad piogsn:noi ocsecfininp opsmmyts (ge fari tybarltgt,ii,ieiu iiaon)n,sm T,HN ortmo nsyoedanrs ,fcidsiet citvngoie cdfete.

So ew cchek orf edeavlte usvnoe aLde nlv seeald egvi inceaothl har.ytpe

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tinylilron  I aws xgenlainip his tmmyossp whit ish olhco-aelsu rrdedosi btu yeiethnvgr oyu aisd kaems snees +2

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submitted by โˆ—sassy_vulpix(23)
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aWth tabou atecu tmettnnirtei aoprihpyr 22/ a?lhoolc tI loas has ifpunla nadbem,o utyppheoayrnlo

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jmorga75  sMot fo eth emit IAP ustqieons eitnnmo a oivepist yafilm ytrisoh for ,it dan mtyspmso taht onresw ithw a.gnfsit +
satanicdo  heyt aehv iralism mpysmtos ebesuac elad acn irudtsp mhee tysheisns rm(lsiia agtoph,pyoo)hliys tbu IPA secuas ctiesder kscttaa fo apin etrhar nhta unntuicoos s.mytsomp ao,sl lead ioigsonnp nca dela to ccyirmicot animae nad opneyhristen +1
charcot_bouchard  hoBt rhssae a,uhentroyp adlinboam anip nad eruonhcysp msm.tpoys uBt API iansp ear imrinttentet dna anc eb ervy e.rseev iaAnem suph oartdsw aeld .siginonop senAbt of unrie lcoro achgne loas hpsu rawsdto .dlae And akem ur boeoz in uroy greaelrcelag/ ckeH aY deaL osnnoiigp +1

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submitted by โˆ—tinylilron(57)
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oDes oyenna aehv ayn ieads rof tshi ?ne?o?

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lubdub  I kniht eht eamodehm ikyhsw si eudpspso ot tip us fof ttah 'hse gto eoms ogfoy or.sexepu +3

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submitted by โˆ—medpsychosis(147)
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oedaHemm ihskwey dan hosnminoe uerrqei ebrgiwn and lobiing ni tlmae pts.o iThs anc ecsau het elesear of ighh slevle fo eadl toni teh otlonsiu dna ni runt to het uddniaivil onec doemsuc.n vienG htat the moysmstp era pyttre geuav dna oudcl tfi ermo atnh eon rensaw hoc,eci I ebleeiv hte ENMB si ucnirggneoa su to asrtt kignma our wno eomaehmd ihywkes nad sonhenmio os we can rnela sethe gishnt hnads !o!n!! 'soWh ?in


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