yWh edso sih lcle infltidrefea sohw no oplsaioen?iih scohoasmSti si a .rmw?.o
tI osal yass ni AF ttha SCC fo ddlreba si ssctoaadei hiwt nlepsias hirm.tuaea yM deud in hte enosituq tems si vghain inap" twih noartiuin htat hsa sirendeac ni itryseev ruignd hte atps otm"n.h
irt,rat@aakTaiyuess nlctlciyhae eh sedo ehva lpeoinshoai.i reeeecRfn gnrea si 1 - 3%. Hsi is .%5 Al,os uhoalgth SCC of aedrlbd etpersns wiht elpisasn mi,thaurea smiaotssioisshc sefilt acn veah iuet,harma and taht erhutmaia nac be fulapn.i
FA 9(201 pg 60)1 dsoe ysa ti dwluo be easspnil lliscpiacyfe hcwhi si thwa emda em nale aigtsan osssiisctaihsmo
I ktinh the sal,ciicfnaicto ntmomarigii romf rcaiA,f aiospeih,loni iornhcc intaolamnifm, and oraalmung toormnafi (whcih acn orcuc hwti a tssiishamisco ontei)finc lal rtehoegt (+ a eyvr ghtsli fvr)ee dowlu lla adel to oSoi,sshasmsiict adn you uowld tusj ehav to georni thta uinnioart si iunaf,lp esbceau mnay ethor tsfacro oudlc be snigcau htat oto tdosieu of eth tltaoaidnir ceuat cossimohtisissa eintcfi.on ehT iapn heer si ujst ont eht mtos rmatopnit forcta I nto'd int.kh
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