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Retired NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 10-year-old girl is brought to the office ...
It is a polymorphism 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +23  upvote downvote
submitted by sugaplum(487)
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casneI oaynne eels aws giihtknn hte same:
I aws tcuks nbeetew ihst nad rtviana of nnnwoku fciesan.cigni vowrH,ee tinvaar fo nokunnw ecsnigcniafi is a eeecquns not a ligsen cleueiondt

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nbme4unme  Tknha you ofr apneixlng,i I lecdseet hte onnunwk sficnanigeci awsren sa el!lw +5
dhkahat  lol ufck tihs ttes +19
chaosawaits  Beseuac nokwngi isht lwil tnleiifyde keam me a erettb rtoodc s/ +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by bwdc(697)
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A ignteec aaoinvitr in a rapalitcur eltiduncoe si by teniofiidn a yl.mprohimops Ntoe atth hte qotneius aslpflcceyii tstase atth hte nroeitp ensaimr

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by melchior(79)
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A eolnuecsii-egtnld rpsmoiyhmopl is a gliens indouectel bststiuontui that is rntepse in at tlsae 1% fo hte lpatpouoin (in tsih sqio,netu ti si 5.7.%) Tsih sfti hte iniefonid.t

'Im not sreu ohw ot lure otu rnatvia of onkwnun ciiiaeg.fsnnc I esgsu cesni we knnow ttah eth ietrpon is undag,hnce ew nca sya atth ti is ont tsaifgincni ad(n erfeoehtr eht ciafgcieinns is ton o.knunwn)

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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mMo dna her geruhadt hvae hte mesa equecens of N1BF. aWht is aliepcs si atht apdoecmr to a “aorlnm” )(lidey-twp B1NF, mom nda dugatehr eavh eno ttiell tiyn tiamuont ni eriht uscqn:eee a ilgens teduilenoc AG(),,CT, taht si ifeefntrd anht msot treoh lsfok.

Il,syirtt(gneen tish tluencdoei fneericfde osed ont tarel het onima acdi nedcode yb sthi trap fo the nee;g htta sakme Cicohe D (naehgc teh fngodli fo eht nepitro) and ohCcie E (erdutnact tnpireo) yevr neuyki.)ll

Bcak to uro esoni.qtu Eenv uthohg mmo nad ehardgtu evha hte seam ,minautto mmo sswoh on igssn of arMnfa dser;myno tsih etnsmileia cCoehi A (sisign-edaaucse tatmnuoi in eht etiatpn and her ehomtr.)

uoY mtigh kitnh shit is an mxleaep of irvelaab irixptseesvy (tno na otonip tbu a ogdo s)seu,g and ti mgtih .eb

nI hte tsme ehty s:ay

eTh sema leednoutic angche si dfnuo in 51 of 002 nidaiudlivs thuitwo Mrfnaa nord.yems

iIrengtn!ste Tish eanms htat in a ra“lnmo” mpasle of oepple wo(h veah no ngssi of rf)nM,aa 15 out of 020 illts ahev hsti n.atmtuio

yehT( no'dt say ganinyht oautb hwo nmay raanMf poeelp eavh teh tnaoutmi ubt we dont' edne tath aionmfornit to swenar hte in.tqo)eus

hWne a gene nca eb fuodn in ipueltlm ,rv“ensiso” ew allc teh gene lppmoociyrh (eral,ylitl aessnhmpa-y ro foym-marsn.)

So eht etsb eesprnos si eoihcC B (yiromosmhppl.)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by meryen13(48)
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geticne msolhipmorpy esmna ttah rtehe rae frndfteei aslelle traneat(ilve rfom fo a egen taht rasies yb tntomia)u of hte sema eneg in the iuotl.papno tath is aytxecl waht ihst squnoite was onnia. lngwipxe uecqense nvatari ea:mns A ncuq“seee nr”tvaia si a eursaogrt mret vgreocni ayn ntoiaetulnnni amino dcai u,nisoutttbiss nss,oomsii or nsirotiens riundg orintpe hesnyobst.isi c//0r2ss002i1d1a/.1-ttso.ch1/bspgh2/11:pokb20a.-0u50b./

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