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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 3/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
The patient's DMD carrier status is uncertain because of random X inactivation 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by bwdc(697)
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DDM si dXnl-k.ei We nkwo her omm si a ieacrrr sdbea no aylfim hoi,stry ursedppot by bal .ietntgs Btu rhe omm ahs 2 X rmooe,shosmc lony one of cwihh is eTrhe si on way to kwno wihhc reh ehatdrgu lnayluevet sveeicer dan xsresespe by ehr ephepyton i.(e fi she is a creiarr ro )ton. ustJ sabeuce rhe CK is almnor ne’otds mane ehs tnsi’ a i–erarrceht phoptnyee of the ledXk-in rrareci edsepdn no iiioXttac-van.n

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em_goldman  Is aionXctt-avnii not mayrlnod ocsmai ootgrthuuh esus?its yM ithnikgn si taht arnmdo, ltiyvetesbn-reduid X cainatvtoi wdlou aecus otuba lah~f ssmoyptm e(x tRet ,donrsmye nek-lXdi domtnnai ftaal in retuo ni lmesa but vseviulabr in emsaelf due to iiio-ctan.)aXtnv oS oyu ees reh mmo with (eerums)pd laistdoe ersiandce CK, hihwc uyo oluwd etexpc ni hre if she aws asol a irrecr.a Mbeay enitnraotpe is riblevaa so y'udo eedn egeitcn etngtsi to cfnormi orf usre &tg;- the roeasn seh 'tnsode vhea smsoytpm si noii-tc.atnaivx +3

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by claptain(25)
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I tno'd natdudsren ihst iqo.usetn ehyT eetaqu atc-erirsurast to aenm afcftdee yb the .ellael eW kwno rhe rmeoth si a rirecra uabesce seh ahs aeldetve C.K thTa sanem eth etntiap sah a 05% eacchn to be a crrreia ncsie ss'eh aemlf.e nRmoad nonvitc-iaaitX dsn'teo trmeat whne gatknil obatu icrraer staust eceasub obth elelasl haev a encach ot get dsespa .no nRoadm X vociniaattin is olny rmaottipn rfo tridneeinmg heehtwr esh llwi edoeplv os.smymtp

I gessu sith si hyw het nueqisto swa ornwth ?tuo nslUse mI' simnisg o.snetimhg

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claptain  m,vN isht sqoenuti alypde m.e I zleiaer ttha E si eht yonl eislospb h.ccoie hBot A adn B lodwu eb 2%5 snachec, nto %50 ehcac,sn dan oyu tncano aumses heertwh seh is or is tno a rcirare ttuwhoi cietnge islyaasn ci(eocsh C dna .D) That levase yoln E. +6
beansbeansbeans  Wiat I aeger whti your iftrs mm,ecnot anc uoy eianxpl awht edam yuo cengha uryo ndmi and ratnensddu hs?it +
yerpderp  yTeh ear eirnrgrfe ot x inoitvainatc in eth teghardu iwhch duwlo eamn she duolc be a rcarire ubt ew tanc lt.le +1
cbreland  so her mom si a reacirr cubeeas she 'esndot eavh elceomtp ommptssy eilk het rhtreob dan ue?cnl? I susge I tghuoht it asw all fo tonngih wthi edncneuh +
cbreland  mD,an rhe omm si 0.5 ecunheDn isneptat n'dot elvi that .gnlo.. vmn ubmd no ym par,t hudslo ahev aedm eht ontnnicoec +
j44n  hre omm actn ehva the ufll bwnol eeaidss sabucee sit na RXL ds.aeies I nthik we hda to orrawn tish nwdo yb spocsre fo iniimoelnat +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rohan225(1)
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Wyh si the arswne cirarer asutst on?uwnkn yWh at'cn eth tmhore be osoh?guozmy hneDenscu si X eilknd re.sesveci

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dkhan123  otn rsue tub heer si my clgeolMai- : igisbnl fo attpien ash eddi mfro eu,cnnhDe ncgfniirmo tormhe UTMS EB tieehr cfdefeat or a errMeoharrtci. - odes ONT ehav hte nehnceDu eney,tphop ubt sha evtalede ,snmeyze useggngist esh is a i.crraer hTe Denuenhc graveae eilf ctcpxenaey si 62. Aosl the eqnostui is witernt uchs thta ti sepiiml hte hotmre oesd nto ehav teh ehucDenn ephtyenop adn eth lvteeead eymnez elvel is eud ot the iraerrc sautts fo unDchene dan not an euadretln lsenas,.lyLtsl i- eth dguhtrea ash lornam eemzyn les.vel hTsi clduo eb eud ot otw ssiplebo nsecsaro,i eetirh she iiethdrne the euDnnhec eeng and hsa cvntaedtaii t,i ro seh never hieetinrd het egen to gneib ti.wh +5

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by netsirk2023(1)
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Tsih rabblyop has ot do wthi arrB dseoiB AF( 022,1 pg 1.6) oT perpasaarh FA, neeactrenp adn vreeysit fo iesssade in XX ddunvsliaii nac be DDM si duidlcne ni eriht .tsil

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by madamestep(17)
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rHe omm ahs ghih KC seceuba hre X tanvaotniiic si ielkyl manebalidc ot aehv mreo mateudt X eersxepd.s But tneo htat a ihgh CK edos ton laqeu ouwnb-lllf De.hsceunn Is't smiirla to owhilnemH-am-poei nac vahe ercieasdn ildebeng tub not llfu oeiphhalmi ebuecsa of htis monon.eneph

eHr tmreoh ahs esmo uhencneD ,oppynthee btu we dulco ujts as islyae ese no nppeoyhet in a crriar.e

tuFrh,er fi stih oawnm si a ra,ecrri erh ldich sah a %52 anchce of lginoveedp DMD (%50 anhcce fo a yb,o 50% of the dba .X)

hiTs nmaow ekyill hsa a 0%5 cenahc of ebign a irerr,ca hes ns'deot haev DMD edsba no erh KC nad gea adn en.rdeg

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