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Retired NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old woman is brought to the medical ...
Orthostatic hypotension ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by thisquestionsucks(9)
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shTi nousiqet is dkain w.akch Rthgi waya, I udcol etll this saw -rxieisnddeeecuc ealols,pc cihhw hepapns tpyret tenof ot enrusnr. I kcpide caoimnuot tiysnfcdoun auceseb I 'dindt lzreaei thta hsit si rdndoieces an scitttoorh"a oytsp".onhien rAeft a lnog rc,ae rreunns eahv a daesdecer VSR omrf all fo eht doobl olfw ggnio ot esscmlu. nOec yteh pt,so obdol s,loop sdo'net get bcka to hte lo dolnoe adn hety aloe.lpcs utB fsf I siltl tindd' pkic ssshattioor eceabsu I knith of odl eppol.e ckFu me

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step7777  Nto to teinonm striathtoosc in hte soliptah lipmy a enduds acnghe sdabe no oiipotin.gns hTsi naptite dit'dn go romf ynlig dwno to itgnsdan neudsdyl tu(js erbtti cb I laso eohcs ucnomtaio .csfntnioydu +3
jbrito718  mleiaaHpyko louwd penetsr htwi ulmcse eseskaw.n cAuoomitn dnyfsx is a eesecddar rprtoebeacor ytinisvtise so ew wuodl ont ees piaoprerpat tnroiocecr htwi deelvtae ftee orv(e io/nceochirrenrestnypot udolw eb e.ens) tcsnooiI salien owldu nto rcctreo op,manehtayir it oudlw aopyrbbl mkae ti rsowe i(oltdiun fc).tfee MI odwlu heva ffrdteien m.smyspot +2
faili7777  r71j8@tibo I itkhn ouy nstsmouredido ehpoit oegnPms.el ohw od tahmrano ear llraey cupitsbeesl ot i.thyepnaamor dn A het aeentrttm for hamoeiypntra si alrlltyie %.'90 ai'esnl eesbacu it si osio.nitc oS 'its ueds to trtae ay'imhptnor'ea +2
stenebee  olsa cesoh ocuontmia dfyuitnnosc sinec I thouhtg sochattiort noipotehsny adh to rsadueme in a chum rshto emti eatilvrn hant 03 inemtsu praat klie tshi eniouqts tciednasi 805/5( at ,itsrf 17/100 thtriy umeistn freta gle eintnvlasl/eoeai .insou)fni My nbrai saw knghitin eth eeaptr emmstnureae ludow ende ot eb witihn 5-1 nism rfo ti ot be otothsraitc h,etnpnyosio p&;ma rpe PAAF itotOscrh"at pontoyhesin si denfdie as a dceeesra in ltsosiyc blodo psureser of 20 mm Hg or a scaeeedr ni cialsodit olobd rssuepre fo 10 mm gH htnwii trhee tisneum of sgtdnani nweh romdcepa whit bdolo pessreur mfor het tisitgn ro psnuei "pintoi.os ugh hhhh ): +

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submitted by โˆ—lpp06(41)
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I dfudge nda etwn itwh iocutmona onudnicytfs - TUB uoy anc lmiineeta tshi pionto auscebe eth bsdoy' rnsseoep ot ehr vyhiloomepc astet si lytxcae sa it uhdslo be icdrnease( RH ued to eaecsrdde tcreoabepror ttrsh)ce. Treeh is on fnitydusocn

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submitted by โˆ—mamast16(4)
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Tguho toqusnei tbu .%09 asieln si tionsoci nad ymonllar usde rfo oumevl eipoeltrn si owh I otg ti

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—b1ackcoffee(115)
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eudsconf why tihs is nto tonaicomu tnicdysnofu ro mnraehypitoa edu ot gsiewnat adn ywh si ihts oahrottsitc etsopynn?iho

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mdmofongo  ishT oen is kytirc nad ocme odwsn ot hnicosog the sbteโ€โ€œ tioonp. I cna see hyw uoy rewe ucone.sfd Hrveoew do nteo ttah in an imoutnoca itfscdounny ouy wlil nerev rnpetse haidactrayc as isht etiatpn d.oes I guess eth eyk rhee si seneig who ehr BP onzmlaersi eonc she is gaiyln nwo?d ,yrorS stih eno si a idnak luusaun eopsiatnnter of thisoctrtaO oyp.h +
mamed  toN resu fi shti is errctoc itnihgnk btu owh I gto htsi htgri a:ws 1 . hSe si ihvycp.2lome o liyLek raitnneig stal os tarew flwlsoo HA(D or tsju nrlea iasmncyd in genl)are. ishT is who I uedlr ruo klahemaioyp dna py ehrn.tio3maa fI hse is pcitahmenoyr /cb tsaigenw hten hwy 'ldnowut hse slao be himocayk?lpe os tohb heav to nworg asubcee bhto ac'nt be 4 molVue leentdoip t=g&=; htsrttaooic pnsehoytion +2
blah  I thtugho htta ttoahscroit eoohyptinsn wsa omre of a hrcoinc in,oincodt ubt I dlooef fymsel niot nbvlgiiee tth.a +1
cbreland  I yocelpmtle read reov teh iilaint PB sunaeemtmre nad pikcde the rgonw wseran os(mytl c/b of t.ta)h tTes ni 4 yasd etsl gte t!i +4

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submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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The eyk is hwne reh egsl ,pu pB nomral nad oymmspst eef.r In ,csoattn nhWe nindastg (ngn)niurp,u owl pB dan oe.pncys dAn Low mleovu si yulrs teh .C 'tMsMI sjtu os ewi.rd er"opevtrsiect suerpot eha"cg??n

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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ihTs is a rctiyk tunq.seio eTh hnreaot ibg opint of fooucnisn reeh si atht awste atayullc ascuse a pymtrscoehoi uleomv a.coriotnntc sTih cocrus beusaec teh nctneot of tweas is opmdsoec arpimyilr fo etawr rome os atnh .tasl Whit htat id,as its ynillkue htta stih itnaetp wlli eb hyati.omrecnp If nyanhtig seh ilwl be reyi.crthpname

Bill-y bunRi

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