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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old woman is brought to the medical ...
Orthostatic hypotension ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by thisquestionsucks(9)
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sTih nisqoteu is dkain hawk.c tgiRh aawy, I cudlo llte tish aws eeexdcrce-udinsi acopsl,le hwich apsnphe rtpety enfto to rur.nsen I cipdke iauotnocm osudiyfctnn asbueec I did'tn rezeail thta tihs is rcdeoednsi an cra"hoottist p.nioy"heonts trfeA a lgno ,reca rerunsn heva a eddsreace SRV ofrm lal fo the odobl wflo gonig to uc.smsle Oenc heyt p,ost olodb ,spool n'doste get akbc to the ol dneool nda tyhe apo.llsec tuB fsf I tills ddn'it cipk iroosthasts baecsue I hntik of dlo epe.lop Fkcu me

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step7777  Nto ot emnnoti stchtriotosa in eth hastploi ypmli a eudnds acenhg debsa on hTsi tienapt id'tdn og rofm gylin wdon to ndignsat dnudeyls uts(j tebitr bc I lsao oeshc omtaicoun itoynundf.cs +3
jbrito718  aklmaHioeyp udlwo ernetps iwht semulc aesw.eksn itomuonAc nxdfsy is a caeeersdd ecorpaborrte siinsyvitte so we luowd ton ees ptaippoearr ororctiecn wthi evdealet eetf evor( ohsiecroip/oeeyrnnnrttc uwodl eb ene)s. tinscIoo einlas wluod not eorrtcc tirypomhne,aa ti dlwou yaprbblo meka ti rsoew iitnuodl( .eft)fec MI uwldo vahe ffeinterd mmopyss.t +2
faili7777  j7r@o81itb I kthni yuo dstiuorsnmeod tnoe.Pielhos gmep owh od aahtronm era lalyer ilsbepecstu ot nahpiemrto.ay A nd teh temtetnar rof ornaahimpety si tylaellri %'90. 'ilanes baseuec ti si osiocnt.i oS 'tis dues ot retta ia''tmrohpenya +2
stenebee  saol shoec utanomico ytfnidonusc sicen I ouhhttg ittctraoohs oeypnhinots had ot desaermu ni a hmuc srhot emit tilanvre naht 30 eustinm taapr leki siht eisqntou citeidans 85(5/0 at tfrs,i 101/70 irytth ntsiume tafre gle aieasvltlnno/iee )sfnn.ouii yM nairb was itighnkn teh eartep mureamesnet wlodu eedn ot eb inwiht 5-1 smni ofr it ot eb oahtrittosc hyne,noositp ;a&pm erp FAAP Oo"trhttasic oinyoepnhts is eifdend as a aesecdre in syscliot dloob ussrepre fo 02 mm gH or a dearesce ni lotacdisi odolb erusreps fo 01 mm Hg nthiwi teehr ietsumn fo nsidngta ehnw aderpmoc twhi lodob userpesr ofmr the ntitisg or pneius "tiin.psoo uhhgh hh ): +

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submitted by โˆ—lpp06(41)
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I ugefdd dan tenw hwit tnoiamuco nndocfituys - TUB you anc mtelneiai itsh opoitn caeuesb hte s'bdoy esesrnpo to erh vpycoelomih atest si ctyleax as ti oludhs be iesd(cnrae RH eud to aeescdrde rarcbepooert ce.)hsttr erhTe si no odycnsfitun

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mamast16(4)
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gTuho tqneious ubt .%90 enlsai si stocinio adn yomanlrl edus rof melvuo onplterei si owh I got it

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—b1ackcoffee(115)
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sduecnof hyw hist si ton nticaomou ynnsidoctfu ro aoaeyhmnript due ot etgisnwa dna hyw si tsih oottaischtr i?hotnnespoy

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mdmofongo  Tshi oen is ckirty dna cmeo swndo ot oginsoch the โ€sebtโ€œ o.niotp I nac ese ywh uyo eewr udcn.oefs rHwoeev do eton ttha ni na oitcaomun snfnytuciod uoy lliw vnree etnrspe hatccdaiyra as shit teiaptn I geuss hte key here si niesge how reh BP lrnaiezoms ceon seh si nayigl o?wnd oy,rSr tshi oen si a dinak unlsauu ersatepntino of rotOitcasth .hoyp +
mamed  tNo user fi isht si cocterr kiinhtng utb how I gto sthi thrgi w:as 1 . Seh si i.mhlpe 2ocvoy iLylek nigtieanr lsta so twera osfwoll (DAH ro just aelnr snydicma in el).nrgae Tihs is who I luerd oru mhaalipyeok dna anr3ipehmoty .a fI she si tnpheimoayrc cb/ ewsngtia ehnt hwy ltdnuow' hes losa eb e?cpiymkhalo so ohbt heva to rnogw seaeubc obht atn'c be r4.i gth Voeuml ineoltdep ;tg&== sihatcoottr stoiehpnony +2
blah  I htughto htta itrtshtoaoc niyothsepno asw mroe of a nihrocc onionc,tdi utb I lfoedo fsemly onit nlgeivieb tat.h +1
cbreland  I ecemlylopt edra eorv het iinalti PB setmrmaeenu nda ckpeid hte gorwn nwrsae (syotml cb/ fo Tste ni 4 dyas estl gte t!i +4

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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heT key is hewn reh lseg up, Bp anomlr nda mspmosty .eerf nI ottn,acs ehnW asinngdt pir,nnuu)(ng wol pB and ypo.nsec nAd Lwo uvemlo is lysru eht CtM.sM'I tsju so edrw.i opictveteesr"r rusotep h"eg?a?cn

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1780)
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This is a tkciyr uoits.neq Teh areohnt big ntiop fo fsoninouc ehre is ttha tawes aatcully ecasus a opcherotismy lovemu toc.nintacro hiTs scrouc suceeba eht eotntnc of awtse si scdmepoo raimipryl fo rwtea mroe so tahn Whit htta dai,s sit knlliuey hatt shit atpntie llwi eb yocptiern.hma fI athinngy hse wlil be tripehreyanm.c

-yBill ibRnu

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