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Retired NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old woman is brought to the medical ...
Orthostatic hypotension ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by thisquestionsucks(9)
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siTh sunotiqe si knaid h.kwac gtiRh waa,y I ludco ltel shti swa ruxeieedsnc-iecd ,lsoacple hhiwc npaesph rytpet etofn to s.ernrnu I ckeidp umacootin unfcdotsyni saebcue I t'idnd aieelzr atht tsih si deodcersin an iatcotshrt"o ooe.tnni"yhsp Arfet a nlog cae,r senurnr heva a reecdesda SRV form lla of het bldoo olwf ognig to ceu.msls Ocen yteh p,ost dbool ,polos o'stden get akbc ot the lo ldeoon dna hyte e.lspaocl Btu sff I lltsi idd'nt pikc rtssahiotso abeesuc I hnitk fo ldo polep.e cFuk me

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step7777  tNo to noimten arohcitttsos in het tsaohlip lpiym a duedns gchnea dbase on piniti.gosno hTsi anptiet dd'int og omrf nygil wnod to atndsnig luyddsen j(tus eitbrt bc I alos osceh tomcinuao y.dciofutnns +3
jbrito718  leiyamkaopH uowld spneert htiw sulemc wsk.nasee mtcnuooAi ynfxds si a eacsrdeed rerapretocob titynisisve so ew dlowu not ees peptarariop creritonoc ihtw leetvdea tefe oerv( eosnrceooerinityn/rchpt udlwo eb een.s) itosconI leaisn ulwod ton rcteroc ,hianoprmetya ti loudw porybbla make ti rewso toilidun( ffee.)tc MI owdul vaeh fftenreid .mtmpssyo +2
faili7777  7tr1oi8b@j I khnit yuo dnriesoomdsut e.ln oeohgsptiPme owh od oahrtnam rae lyerla lscueebpist ot rnmto.piyaeah nA d het tearmettn ofr iomhptyaaren is lyiletlar .%90' lina'es ueesbac it si ontiioc.s So i'ts sdue ot ttera a'teoinyapr'hm +2
stenebee  olas hcose oomutcani tsncynuoidf senic I thuthog tshatioorct pneoshnityo ahd ot edrasmeu in a much rtsoh item lrenviat hatn 03 iesutnm prata keli tish unqoetis iatsncdei 0(855/ ta ifsrt, 101/70 irytth emnuist aetrf leg noen/tveaeaiilsl n.onisfiu) yM nrbai swa ngkhitni teh eatper mtemeesnura dwulo ende to be nihtwi 15- nims for ti to be tcioatshrot shepytionno, ;&pam pre FAAP hot"caOtrsti pnynosieoth is dnedfie as a eercdsae ni ystislco odblo rusereps of 20 mm gH ro a aesrcede in osiciadtl loodb rusrepes of 10 mm gH tinihw ehter stmiune of dtngsnai when opmdaerc tiwh oblod esprersu omrf teh gttiisn or senipu osi"pn.oti hhhg uhh ): +

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submitted by โˆ—lpp06(41)
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I uefdgd and tewn htiw nmooaucit nicnyufdsot - UTB ouy nac taleimnei ihts inopot usaeecb the ds'ybo resoneps to her pelvchioomy estat si aytlxce sa ti loudhs eb (eriacends HR due to edaceserd retroaerpocb )ctset.rh Three si on ndnyfsuciot

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submitted by โˆ—mamast16(4)
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ohgTu iotnqsue ubt .9%0 slneai is oticsnoi nad llyamonr sedu rof uvlmoe eperntoil is owh I got it

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submitted by โˆ—b1ackcoffee(115)
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dnfescuo ywh hsti si tno oiamoncut syntdfoncui or iaahmrntyoep eud ot wtnisgae dan ywh is htsi ttsohrocait nnpoosyht?ie

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mdmofongo  shiT noe is rcikty and oecm swodn to goioshnc eth โ€œteโ€bs .ponoti I cna ees ywh you eerw uecfdns.o Hvroeew od ento hatt ni na octnmuoai iucfdnsntyo you will eervn prentse aaycidrchta sa hsit ienptat d.ose I gusse teh eyk eerh is sieegn how hre PB alornzmeis ocne hes is alingy ?wdon ,rSyro shit one is a adink aunulus rsanntteoipe fo Ootthiatrcs phoy. +
mamed  tNo ersu if hsti si etrccor hnigtkni but who I tgo hsti hitrg ws:a 1. ehS si myoo2h l.ipevc Lkiley irieangnt slta os waert lwfoslo D(AH ro utsj elrna dymcsina in ge) shTi si hwo I dlrue our eyhaoiaplmk nda rphotaeain y3.m fI hes is ypcrnetihaom bc/ agetiswn hnet hwy tolw'dun ehs loas be ke?phmyoliac os boht vahe ot gnwro uabcsee tbho nta'c eb i rh4gt. emoulV litdpenoe =g=;t& hiaoctosrtt pyintoehosn +2
blah  I uhthtog thta rttihactsoo sntenoohyip asw meor fo a ioccnhr ,noidctoin but I efodlo sflyem tion lvbeeiing h.tat +1
cbreland  I elecymoplt dera revo hte tiilnia BP amtnueersme dan kpdeic teh rwnog sranwe ots(yml /cb fo ).htat eTst in 4 yads lest etg !it +4

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submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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hTe eyk is hnwe ehr sleg p,u pB lrmaon dna opmsymst rfee. nI to,cants hnWe nsnitdag ugp)nn(r,iun owl Bp dan ecsypno. nAd wLo vluome is surly het 'CIt MsM. sjut os .eiwdr eiscorrtv"epet uproest a?hcgen?"

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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Tsih si a rictyk inoueqt.s The aohernt igb iontp fo osnoifcun rhee is ttha tawse laltyacu cseusa a epohsmitorcy louvme rcctoan.tion hsiT soucrc eeacubs hte ncntoet fo waste is esoocdpm pymiriral fo ewart meor os htan .atsl Wtih atht ,isda sit ynlileuk htta hsti ttiepan illw eb ecrhnopmtiay. fI tiangnyh seh llwi eb htnrim.yearcpe

lliy-B nbiRu

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