Fnuoisalcctias = NMU ngsi
^ no fnsilcastauoic rae a LNM in,sg cliacdf plairysas hwit tinigwhct afcnlu(atisiso)c si NML oAenF
isl 1920 pg 571
tub to asernw teh gloairin oiestnuq, MG lsyualu etsrpsne ithw tctluuafgni ht(rare than ovrre)ipgsse anskesew in lcuraxteora nad bbaurl ucesslm efbreo gssin in lsibm so ti uldow be dod ot not nneotmi ,ppiaiold ,ahiygdasp lerotbu ehiwncg e.ct adtyndloiliA the fatc htta ti is roiesvspgre aensl rowadt SLA rrtaeh nhat uiuflntcgat (G).M Asol if uyo eerw tslil neteweb ALS dan ,MG GM = mleidd deag nwmao hlewi SAL is a edmidl aged an.m
ooooo ym abd gyhpaiasd is teemnniod tub teh igopsvrsere trae,efu ongueh to put ihm onit a hrwhilceea sitll andsst otu to me as AL,S dna agpaihdsy and nasoiartip aer etfon awht aedsl to tehda in LSA
submitted by โjbrito718(48)
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$279$49iThs mna leylik sah &L;AtS-g ihetwg os,ls erpivoerssg aseewnsk cngasiu hmi to onw eb ni ,eehrlaicwh sgadph,iya on ,PHM sftlc.ciaaiousn It si a ixm fo pruep nda eworl rotom oruenn ftceiid nda OTRMO ON.YL aesBeuc sceulms lwil tno eb emu,tasitld yeth lliw yoarph.t U"ES IT OR OLES "IT