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Retired NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 2/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2 month old boy is brought to the physician ...
ventricular septal defect ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio repeat heart_sounds

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submitted by โˆ—cheesetouch(250)
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2 tsohnm odl w/ cshosliyootl LLSB urrmum -- NOLY cslsioloytoh mmsuurr rea tlamri ggeru,r iiudTcsrp rgrgue, SDV APD - ontnuuicso einahcm leki mruurm

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isaacyo94  tuB tshi aws dserbdeci sa a OGBIWLN mrurum. nWhe I ahre the zuowrzbd OGIWBNL rmmur,u I ikthn u.eggrr +1
djeffs1  can seeomon enrdmi me whta eht nntfaucoil umrmru wdoul oklo ke?li +
ih8payingfordis  o'Dtn etg cesittardd yb lnbowg"i" tosclslooy Hi is eth yke eher and rofm ereth yuo can etg VDS eaeucsb atsht' teh somt nmmcoo goinnctale rheat dfceet +1

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submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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yoltlsHoco:is R,M ,TR or VDS

eroLw tfel lentars oebrrd he(t lfet obrdre is rb'sE o,pitn ebnateh that si teh ciiusdTrp eaa)r g;t--& RT ro VDS

htsWa rmoe moon?cm DVS (by )!far!

fI htye dha nmeoditne hte umm hvgina DBP or nikatg lplsi for a cshyp orirdse,d hnet RT oclud be a igb tdenorc.en

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submitted by โˆ—step7777(7)
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hTe nootclai si hatw helped me otu. Ltef wrelo terasln drreob si LV. talrMi grguer ulwdo be ta pe,xa PAD oldwu be cnahiem ,lkie iraotaontcc udwlo evah ekaw dasilt eriyxttme esp,lmuis and aeptnt ornmeaf vealo dowul eb reppu strealn rrb.edo eTh yonl tmei 'veI eevr aherd of cidrusipT aoigrntgreiut si wthi VA,DI chhiw I ubodt is ngigo on hiwt teh 2 nmtho odl yob senlus the mmo hsa eth itnppsyero to othos imh pu nad ni ttah seac d'he rbaplboy pnerset iwth a rveef .aaynsyw

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