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Retired NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 2/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2 month old boy is brought to the physician ...
ventricular septal defect ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio repeat heart_sounds

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submitted by โˆ—cheesetouch(250)
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2 nhsmot dlo w/ otlsoocyhsil LLBS uurmmr -- LNOY ltlhycooosis srrumum rae rlaitm reu,rgg sucipdirT egrru,g SVD A DP - uotnsnuoci nhmciea ilke ruumrm

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isaacyo94  utB tsih was recdbdise as a WOLGNIB mur.rum Whne I erah eht obwzzrud NBGOLWI mumrur, I nhtki .rgurge +1
djeffs1  cna omseoen mrdine me htaw het nntofialcu mrurmu wdulo oklo lie?k +
ih8payingfordis  o'nDt teg tdidertcsa by blnwgo""i Hoi lscyootsl is teh key here nda frmo rethe ouy anc teg SDV uabeecs tas'ht het omts mcnoom lnoigenact ehart eefdtc +1

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submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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sollo:Hycosit R,M R,T or SDV

eLorw eflt anltrse obdrre t(eh letf derbor si sbE'r p,toin tnhebae atth si the pudiTcris )eara -tg;&- RT ro DSV

ahtWs mroe c?mmnoo VSD (by !!raf)

If hyet adh deentmnoi eht mum nigavh BDP ro tgikna plsli fro a hsypc oreirdd,s ehtn RT ucdol eb a gbi noedtenc.r

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submitted by โˆ—step7777(7)
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heT tialocon is hwat epedlh em o.tu eLtf lrowe seltrna erbodr si V.L Miatlr gegrur duwlo eb at e,axp DAP woldu eb cniaemh iek,l catnatcroio lwodu ehva wkae lidast etxtimeyr mis,ulesp dna tnapet efoanrm aelov dwolu eb ppreu rselant rbrd.oe The noly ietm Iv'e erve rahed fo rpsTdciiu etoutngrrigia is wiht VIA,D which I boutd si ingog no tihw hte 2 tmnho dol oby slnues teh mom has teh yneiptpors ot hotos mih pu and in htat seac deh' arylpbob seeprtn whti a feerv ayywan.s

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