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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis ...
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tags: Neuro

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by whossayin(35)
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ehT emmoncni I klei orf brmegemnrie het ctilsnooa fo het ciaranl ersnev is teh "2,,24,4 urel"

eboAv ibmter=ans NC I + rdanI=iM iIb CN ,III PVo I=ns NC ,V ,VI IIV, VaI elulIMdI= NC XI, ,X X,I XII

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lovebug  hyansiow@s nxtah os u!m!!ch +

 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by thecatguy(19)
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hisT is a eyrv kptiyinc ntiuoes.q sA I see it, eht 3 main optcnesc stdtee ar:e

  • Tish iettnpa ahs inaretmilg iaenualrg r(,spah i,erbf seicpdio iapn in the a)fc,e hiwhc is escdau yb a ielsno ot mpiryra ssyreno rfibse hatt rrayc napi seiansont mfro het f.aec
  • ltlMuipe isrsc,seol hihwc eht enitpta hsa, si a melnygaindiet seaside i(e,.. ti fcesatf wehit tme)atr.
  • The atnyeelidm xnsoa iryrgcan npia nstsoeina morf teh lrtaiaeslpi ceaf tener hte amrsinteb at the lvele fo hte pnos adn thne sendedc m(eoceb hte pnails ttcar fo het )giramlteni. eeTsh hweit tartem seifrb sspa guhrhto eth posn ot nayesps no hte ilsapn uncusel fo eht rtiag,limen hchiw is ni teh mldaule (ulunesc = aygr et.)tram (itrepcu ehre.) eoTef,herr a nieslo ni eth tewih rmeatt (e..i, pel)uqa in teh posn uldoc asuce ngimiratel irlg,enaua nad tsih ehnnonepom ahs eben svebredo.

eAvbo eht evell of eht intaebrms mautsahl( a;m&p ebarerlc erx)t,oc yuo haev onedsc erord yrossne r.nuones eLisosn in hsit atrp fo hte ciictru rea ont eagelrlyn ni itrilnmgae a.uirnaelg I upsopes htey sloa wnat su ot sesmau thta eonc the lnpisa ctrat fo het manirltieg tseern eth mde,llua st'i tno eademliynt oeyram.n I dotn' tihnk ihst is etollcepmy teru, but ngive hte cgilo dcdisrbee eab,ov sopn wlduo sillt be the etetbr enswra.

sA epople aehv dnopite ,tuo hte ympriar nsrysoe sirbef ncirgray tlhig htouc esioatsnn fomr the aefc sensypa no hte ecfih nyrssoe lnucesu ni hte onps amltemyeidi fetar yhte nrtee teh nop.s iTsh utenqois si not sgnkai tobua setoh fbesir ughh.ot

I got teh qtnsioeu owrgn to..o

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mightymito  oWw hsti si the sbte lxaatpienno t!ey ahknsT os much orf yrve ayclrle kaglnwi us tgurhho a kcytri uinqeo.ts +5
lovebug  tutah@ygce .r.A.e. uoy a fo?esrorps htkna uoy rvey hcum ): +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by feliperamirez(45)
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I od stneaunrdd ttha the nirapclpi lcsuune fo eht trmilaenig neerv si oetacld ta hte opn.s utB csine thsi pttinea si gahvin aminltreig garuielan twn'lodu you eb dgsiipnutr teh tyhwapa ovnlvdei ni anpi dna mera,utetpre hiwch ni sith esca dowlu be teh npilsa seulcun ctedlao( ni hte ull)de?ma

siseedB, I ofndu shit at na eirtalc

A retcne sishphyeot brauteistt eht ipna of mieatrilgn eulaaingr to a nlaerct naieschmm nigvnovil the rpsa iroasl fo hte plians militrnage ]5l.use[unc


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pg32  I eyrlltlai dah aleudml leetcdse het owlhe time dan hnet hdnecga it ot pnos pilyms eucbaes i tfle eht etst rtrswei erwe sjut ngesie if ew wenk erehw hte niamtliegr enrev was aedctl.o uermmb sacbeue I ihknt uroy licog is awy .tebert its' what i fstri toghuth hnwe i daer eht e.acs +1
l0ud_minority  hTe suoitnqe sah a obidcmne nolise htta lcdou eb ni irtehe the onps or udlaelm evgni hte nqeuoits e.smt Trehe is eserev nsioogth sianp ichwh uldow idaicnte eth npialS euclsun of V iay(nlm apin nad terepm)tuaer as lwel as eht iaMn oysenrs cusuenl fo V (anyilm ).thocu ereH si an emagi rof eene.crfer seotxsmsea/-en-tyyc-mospoyknmspye.tetita/orlue/rioaenatsg:s-nhmn-ehof/ +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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ipcrilPne sreSoyn Nelscuu of the mlTniiager si eadotlc in eth nP,os as is hte trMoo ngiTreamil cNulesu fo hte spo.n Tish iasoptteenrn is yrbpaolb nadigle mroe hiwt the piePicnlr enrsoyS luusceN.

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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heT psno ahs nsrvee 85,- so eth etmirlaign dulow eb tfdaeefc eher

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masonkingcobra  Talmiach ipan denrsymo owudl ilveovn dsaiyesshset on eht teneri aartantclorle odby so rmoe htan tusj eth fca.e olsA it ccours oetfn aretf .ptkt-sorsoe oyniaiAt,dlld shtee ayedessstihs arappe mksesh/tnoew elr a t +15

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by woodenspooninmymouth(2)
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SM is a amnetgneidliy sadi.ees Tsath' hwy I ddt'ni pick tocrex ro us;hatmla heyt rea egry em.ratt I dikcep maedllu ceusbea I teh aimgiriptlsenon nrsvee rarsvtee eth ed.ulalm I ussge we aer sutj psepuods to seuasm teh moelyinntaedi si hipegnapn in eht npo?s I tnod' w.kno

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woodenspooninmymouth  orSry, I tamen ot sya htat teh psno wolud ehav het cell odesib for eht tnpm/apei souner,n o?n +
athenathefirst  noonwumsmohiodponey@t hsti si iciyspflaecl lgmeiintra graaneiul hwit novivels naacrli vrnee t-&-;g5 ewhre seod CN 5 liealczo ot? is't eth p.osn fI oyu 'ndot gte thsi ontqsuie ls,lit awcth teh uleR of s4 in adsorB dna dBneyo toenics on mnBer.tsia +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by lilyo(94)
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I wsa hginitkn glaon hte einsl fo faical ssaoetinn chwih is meadtdei by the ailgimrten envre and teh fcat htta the iilengamtr rneve si tlocdea in eht pnso.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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treseh na iasooctaisn dmae in 0217 hitw miairgtlne nragaelui adn SM - chhiw si tahw i ntkhi shit pt ash. eyk nitgh ot etno is ahtt welhi lal otomr adn essryno frebis of CN 5 rtnee at the evell fo het opns ew(vhreo mseo oals od neter at teh vleel of aumledl and neev the cs via the lnipas arttc of 5 to syansep whit het glon rnoesys nsueluc of 5) heesr teh likn fo latregiimn arneiluag dan S M:c6t.n.wc5v7Miin3//w//lCtp.hoieP:/hap/9bwrg4mms.snc4lt

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mamed(25)
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rPe osrabd dan d,noybe in teh alalert spno si eerth is the ailpns V lseucnu cihwh rrsiaec ltrcealaoartn apni and utreatmere.p inKwgon hatt + CN V iaerss ti in eth on,sp I ntwe thiw pon.s ehT onyl rtheo tnioop I dha tefl otn rocesds tuo wsa rlbeacre hrpisemehe btu ttha eedmse to r.boda

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vivarin  BB olas asid tno ot esu the erlu fo 's4 ot zcliloea NC V to hte npos so shta't why I soescrd ti o.u..t +1
athenathefirst  viairn@v lletemcypo aereg tiwh uyo, ubt itsh si BNEM sawayl iiglkn to crkit nda cuoenfs s.u +

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submitted by athenathefirst(7)
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woH is tish 62.1 leevl fo ctyiluffid hnew iatsosbt senutsoqi aer asyullu 71 or 81 i#ncyrg

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