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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis ...
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tags: Neuro

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by whossayin(35)
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Teh noinmemc I kiel for rbmmeeergni eht tnaolicos of eth aialnrc srneev si teh ,24,"4,2 "rlue

eobvA b=irnesamt CN I + =nbMdaIriIi NC III, s o=IVnP NC V, V,I IIV, IllVaIMIu=de CN X,I ,X ,IX XII

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lovebug  haisosw@ny nhtxa so h!u!c!m +

 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by thecatguy(19)
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hsiT is a rvye kpcnyiti noquesti. sA I ees it, eht 3 nmai stpcocne desett ar:e

  • siTh tnetapi ash ieatglrimn ilaugnrea (srpa,h irebf, icidpeos pain ni eth cef),a hcwih is uscdae by a inelos to irparmy eonryss rfiebs ttha ryrca inpa noeainsst rmof eth .cfae
  • tpullieM slc,srsoie chhiw eht tnptiea s,ha si a tediemlaiygnn edsseia ,.i(.e it ctfefsa withe me)tart.
  • hTe ytnielmead axnso riarygnc pani tnsaeinso ofmr hte alsiaireptl cefa netre hte sntabrime at het leevl of eht ospn adn hnet sdnedec eobme(c the inlasp ractt of hte t.gmliair)en hsTee wehit emttar iberfs assp utgrohh teh npos to spnyase no eth spianl cuslneu of teh imeg,intral hwhic si in het duamlle luneu(sc = gary r.mta)te (epcritu eehr.) efrehorTe, a inoles ni eht iehwt ertamt ei..,( laq)eup ni the opsn ucold uasce ntirelgmia ue,lgiaran and stih mnonhpeeon sha neeb berosvde.

Aeobv eht ellev of eht aeimbtrns sa(thulma ±a rerecabl r,te)xoc uoy avhe dsneco rreod syrsneo suo.nnre nsoesLi in sith tpra fo teh iirctuc rea otn aylegenlr in erlmniigta glu.naaire I uopsesp yteh laos tawn su to usames taht ceno the psianl arctt of teh igtlaenrim enrste hte aldle,um s'ti not niteymdlea omy.aner I ndt'o khtni tish si etclmleopy rute, tbu envig teh icgol dbedceirs aoeb,v nspo wudlo sllti eb eth ertbet snar.ew

sA oelpep vhae ipnedto to,u teh rapmyri onsyers bfiesr ygricran ilhtg tchuo naeisnots mrfo het eacf sesynpa on eht efhic rosnyes scuenul in eth pson ymtideimlae etraf ehty eenrt teh Thsi oeutnsiq is nto iksgan uboat tohse fbirse huhg.ot

I got eth tiuesqno worgn oto..

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mightymito  woW siht is eth steb olnxanapiet !yet saTknh os hcum ofr yver layeclr igklwna us rghuhto a krctiy teuos.nqi +5
lovebug  cgetyt@hua ....Aer yuo a fesoposr?r thnak you vyre uhcm ): +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by feliperamirez(45)
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I do rsadenudtn atth hte capiinlrp uselncu fo teh matiielrgn nerve si daoctle ta hte nsop. utB sneic htsi paintet is vhgnai naetimrgil aarnuiegl ot'dwuln yuo be gdurpitsin eht wathpay leindvov in anpi dan erputr,mteea ihchw ni tshi csae lwodu eb hte ipslan uluecns (cedoalt ni het mau?)dlle

e,dBsise I uondf itsh at na artecil

A rncete esshthoiyp ueribttats hte inpa fo igtnilmrea laeurngia to a nlreact mehasmcin ovinvingl het rpas arsoil fo eth inspla aetiinlmrg un5u.le[sc]


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pg32  I tilalyelr had aludlem eetcdles hte owleh iemt nda nthe nhedcga ti ot snop limspy beeucas i lfet eth estt riewrts ewer just eegisn fi we wekn erweh het liraemitng eevnr swa ctdl.aeo mrembu uesabec I nktih oruy ilcgo is ayw ettbr.e t'si hatw i itfsr tohught wehn i rdae teh .csae +1
l0ud_minority  eTh uetsnioq ahs a nbiodemc nieols taht codul be in threei eth pons or ldealum ivegn het onquiets .mtse heeTr is eevers ointgohs sapni hcwih wluod inictaed eht Sipaln lueucns fo V a(yimnl npia and ete)erumrpta as llew sa eht iaMn ornssey eulcsun fo V ayinm(l chot).u erHe si na ameig ofr r.fenceeer omrilett//nefmsi-n:mteaysnyaunn.t-tshrmyegeoeop-/e/ooecoapt-syxs-ksahs +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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ciprlnieP rsynSoe Nuelusc fo teh iTrelgiman is elodtca in het ,Posn sa is the ortoM ienraliTgm lcuuseN fo teh s.pon hiTs siearnnpotte is rylbopba dnleiag orem wthi eht recnlpPii yoSesrn clsuNeu.

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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Teh onsp has vseenr 58,- so teh agriteimnl lwduo eb dftecafe here

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masonkingcobra  hlciTmaa iapn ndryesom odwul eivovln essytseshiad no eht nierte atlcnelarrota bdyo os eorm ahtn utsj hte a.cef Also ti orcucs ofetn reaft rotets.psko- ,itdladolnAyi shete siheyssedats aappre enskwtseh/mo re la t +15

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by woodenspooninmymouth(2)
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MS si a etmngiindylae aTh'ts ywh I ndi'td cipk ocxret ro ;althuams thye ear eryg erattm. I picekd alumeld besaeuc I teh inrseliamgtnpio seervn terasrev het I uegss ew are tjus pseupsdo to uassem the anlmodneieity si naepnhigp ni the po?sn I d'not .know

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woodenspooninmymouth  ryrSo, I antem to ays tath het sonp odulw aehv hte clel oedbsi rof the am/pntiep unros,ne ?on +
athenathefirst  mwnopytoiodenomh@uons tish is ieacplfylsic glietimnra egarnalui htiw evlovnsi crlaian eevnr gt-5-;& erweh dsoe CN 5 elaoizlc t?o is't eth o.snp If you t'nod etg ihst eiuotnqs lts,li hwact hte Reul fo 4s ni rBsdoa nad Boneyd ctiseno on taenmriBs. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by lilyo(94)
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I saw tkgihnin lgano het selin fo flicaa snsioneta ihhwc is dtimaeed yb eht atgrniimle eenvr and hte ctaf ttha eth miaterinlg nvere is eodltca ni het s.pon

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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rsheet an aatncoiisos aedm in 7120 ihtw gietilrnam ugelirnaa nad MS - chiwh si what i thkni iths pt sa.h key hngti ot tnoe si ttha wehli all otmro nda oesrsny ifbers of NC 5 nrete ta eth lvlee fo eht spno rewehvo( eoms sola od ertne at eth eelvl of elualdm dan eevn eht sc via eth slaipn ctrat of 5 ot saspyen htwi the nogl yorsnes eusnulc of 5) esreh het lkin of girlaimnet analergui and : MS/64inmc/nbsp4lMi.s:v..wnm/C/gcltc5.hwateP9orph/w7t/3i

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mamed(25)
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reP sbaord dna dybo,en in eth aatlelr nspo is reeht si eht lspnai V elscuun hihwc csierar lraarncotleat apni dan eptmt.arueer ngiKwon tath + CN V rassie ti ni teh ,spno I ntwe iwth pnso. The olyn rhteo tpnooi I adh eltf ont rcsedso otu aws aeercrlb ehiemsephr utb taht esdeme to ao.drb

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vivarin  BB sola aids ton to eus eth erul of 4s' to zaellioc CN V to eth pson os tahs't ywh I rscdeos ti .u.t.o +1
athenathefirst  vin@irva toymellpce earge itwh y,ou ubt tsih is BNEM alawsy ilgikn ot rtkci nda snefcou .su +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by athenathefirst(7)
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wHo si this 1.26 elelv fo dlicfftyui enwh ibtsstao qitsosneu rea suylaul 17 ro 81 nr#icyg

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