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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man comes to the physician ...
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tags: endo PTH

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submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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I eelvbei hsti mset aym be ernigfnri MEN 1 mdenyrso - lipsbose trgiamnsao p(itcep elcru asedsei x),d daahtrirpoy ea,oadnm nad upayiitrt nadmeoa (scignau A)H.DIS t,Bu you 'ntod ndee ot eenv wkon hsti ot gte htis hgirt - tsju gnskai het feftec of hgih HPT on het smeyst - sausec ceneiarsd saltcotoes ytiatvic as wlle sa t.iaamntuor

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fatboyslim  heT momssytp fo shit paittne ear due to erelmcaychpai to(sse,n ,onseb organ,s TNERHOS ri[daceens rssd}ie,ui and ccstpiiryha ere.svnoot) erHaeilaccpym anc osla secau pecpit reulc edseai.s So teh rrypmai lgphtooay is tpirdroahya hipp/ymndlsaeroeaaa cgsaniu eht iyacecarmphel +6
beetbox  Deso yaenon kwno ts'wha up itwh eht no' ireoatmsnbila ni euhusrm ida'r?XyD yteh tsuj wohtr ahtt in fro no ?eanosr I ogt hodkeo on t,i I uhohttg ehert swa on ednirseca ctsesooatl .iv.cttyi.a eweosithr het ltraicco snoeb wloud eahv eebn ylddo hnti ro inohetsgm +4
topgunber  NME 1 - P P P . aihrPoad,rty aipc(sgsnetrarna ni isht ,csae) patiytuir oi.lnes ton key ot insengarw htsi t.uosneipt q mceso ithw ymtsmspo of chya,meareplic son,am ,nsraog shrtneo ei)p,(nge cshpy os rteLeknvooo. at pth dna .acmclui ew see ihgh ac nad hgih eW nowk htta hhig micaclu wuldo oewlr maens het hhgi cumalic swa eud ot eht hgih tph ..i(e drypatarioh oQasadeneunm)io t is calyluta sakng:i ahtw rae het ftseecf fo THP? a, c, petsoiop fo DTHP adn E i ielvbeed r'anet lreetda to snPuTdHB-o S togehinms keil hte psngiteehaos of sipyh-sthdrFd pmyupaereooia ew fdieyiteln kwon hatt HPT eesarinsc aC , so yb ngrnisceai tsseoocatl rvtttya/ciuimaaotin ouy altieerb cculami noti eth l.bood hist si eht etbs +3

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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acn sneooem ilnxaep hyw it ayss he ahs an ntci''ta PTH n.cocit.tie.oannrs it ot elt su wokn ttha teh THP ncretitnocoan si a etlrsu fo tla gopdhna?oy sh'awt hsi d?x nshat!k

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yotsubato  I rawse htye eakm up moes of tshi fsuft. ikLe wtahs up iwht teh s,irtht inu,nioart nda tpcpei uerlc ssadseei. +9
redvelvet  ciacprlhemyea cna uecas hennerpgcio etdsaieb ;ipdusins os ittshr, unontiri.a paaemlcirecyh cna asol seuca ptpcei luerc eaedsis. iHs mtymopss rae all otuba ehapcaeiycrlm due ot pa.timiherasdroyprhy +4
namira  yamlHipcec"rae acn acsue relan fcdnoysutin cshu sa hnencpegoir satbieed idusnpsii )(I,DN btu eth scmmhenisa enunryglid eaipcredh-camndluycei DIN rae not ellw oue"tns r.ddo01-al//e)3ei/ +2
dulxy071  hyW n'cta het rerctoc sneawr be C) whchi tsnoip swdtora eraln lau,frie chiwh yma adle ot dsracyoen srmyadtrpeyaprhiiho vnhgai teh amse esutlsr I bveelei +2
pmofmalasia  Teh senydorca pdyasroihtphaimeyrr ni larne uaeilrf si deu to lsos of cmliuca ni het nnionniu-togcnf ineky.d nI isht utsiqoen hte cculmai saw ealvt,dee so yuo acn elru tuo rnela ue.irfal +1
sars  pie-aleaccHrmy secsau etonss muic(alc ne,)osts arnsgo niiasntt)cpoo(, tehorns snaee(cidr oan,niu)itr nebos a(cisderne olecstsota ovtt,c)aniai and iihcatrycsp esontervo esnedoir.(s)p +1
epiglotitties  o@ysttabuo osal sa nmoeseo eedinmont in hnareot on,cmtem i itkhn e'thery nnhgtii atth teh px thimg aveh .NEM1 rrayoadtPih paphl-iayres peaclihyca,mer aypruitit ed-oaanm DIHAS th+ti,n)aunrroisit( nda tarccpaein umotr- gonrmaasti pipte(c rucel )seiased +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by killme(14)
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eTh cnpeoct ibnge estedt si th"wa deso PHT od thta lsade ot crplha"eye aimc.ghoiV.ab/npj/3eibs:pdi.sctPKm//tg

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yotsubato  g,hu bhlst.iul I wsa tyigrn ot gfieru otu na alautc sedseia sroceps h.ree +7
rio19111  ist rpamiry dasrhyteiopirrapmyh auscde by thpaoyriard nmdaeao. inotdida of eth peptic lrecu ssguetg niZogller -t-&;g- N1ME tub neno of htat si mip bceeasu t'stha ton what hety aer ai.kgns All they era inskag ofr is teh cuinfton of HPT. +3
topgunber  NME 1 - P P P . iraydrt,Paho ran(spcsagtarnie in shti es)c,a pituatyri lnos.ei ton yke to nernaigws isth opqis.tutne cmeso whit stmospmy of yp,ieleharaccm mso,an ,oarnsg thnsoer gn),piee( csyhp ooe .okvoenstLr at pth dan icmlacu. we ees hihg ca dna high thp. We ownk tath hghi iaclcmu uwldo woelr i..h.sthpt seman eht hhgi mluciac wsa edu to eth ighh hpt .(ei. doahrytraip eQndnuoastoe)ma i is aautlcly a:kinsg htaw rae het setefcf fo PTH? ,a c, soptepio fo DHPT nda E i eeliebdv e'nrat ratdeel ot TH-oSsP duBn ngeosmthi ekli teh nseosipaegth of d Fhoiuhpapsi-etyeormryaspd ew ieytlefidn owkn htat THP cseinsare Ca , so by rnanisgcie toceslotsa moiutin/iartttaayvc ouy itebealr icamlcu into het lb.odo tish is eht esbt s.rwnea +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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In diionatd ot PTH = sotleastco ctvayiit = casiderne cuaicml, hsit eopnsr lcudo loas eb nihiitebxg sotpymsm of .E1MN

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topgunber  MNE 1 - P P P . tydarroPiah, ngtpani(raserasc in tsih s)c,ea ytuitirap o.ilens otn yek to rnenagiws stih u.e tontqsip cmeos iwth tsmmyops fo ae,hamiclcpery ,nmsoa nosagr, thsnoer ,ipeg)ne( shypc kro.osene tLoov ta pht adn cium.alc we ese ihgh ca and ihhg tp.h We owkn ahtt hihg ailmccu duwol oerlw tsphhi..t. anmse the hghi acciulm was ude to the hgih tph i.(.e htproaraydi eudaain)soentmQo si uaallytc nias:kg ahtw era the eecffst fo THP? a, ,c sootipep fo HTP D and E i libdveee tr'ean rldetae to oHuTsSd-PnB gsohnetim liek teh ehainpsgoset of hdeieppytiou ordyrs-pahsFma we einydfltei knwo htta HPT eaisrsnce aC , so by eigninacrs aesclstoto auaionvyitt/imattrc ouy eritbale ucmliac toin the od.lbo hsit si hte tbes anwsr.e +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rio19111(16)
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ist ipyrmra tidpripayyorreahsmh seucda by hropirtadya na.oedma odditnia fo eht ipcept ulerc estsgug lnirolZge g&-;-t- 1ENM

utb neon fo htat is mip esauebc athts' otn wtha ethy ear ag.insk llA eyht era ngiksa orf is teh nuicnotf fo TP.H

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rio19111  sSetno, ra,gons t,heorsn ypcaritsihc evrtesono --;>- osmystpm +1
topgunber  MNE 1 - P P P . drat,oiPyhra ragp(sntisnacera ni shit ),asce ripiatytu ieson.l not eyk to rnesaginw ihts tts.pqenu oi oecms htwi msmotspy of iaerem,ccpalhy ,amnos narsg,o nohtser i(e),egpn hsypc eroonv.steookL at pht nda alcu.cmi we ees ihhg ca dan hihg .pht We nwko hatt hghi uamlcci ouwld elrwo hhs.iptt.. nmsae hte ighh uamclci saw due ot het ghhi hpt e.i(. iaoatryphdr ao naousn)iemtedQ is uaclytla aski:gn wtah rae the efstcfe of ?THP ,a c, ptepoiso fo D HTP and E i ebieveld ar'etn teredla to o duH-TSBnsP oehgtsinm klie het isaghenpseto of dpptiyserF-mheoyhou ridpsaa ew iidftynele oknw ahtt HTP csaenesri Ca , os yb nnaiesicgr teaolotcss ioiarntt/uycmaitvat uyo leitarbe maicclu ntoi eht b.oodl itsh is the tbes esrwn.a +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Dsoe eyonna okwn teh nisfgaiincec fo nmooytec iilm?toyt

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submitted by arthur_albuquerque(1)
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Wtha ldephe me to ewrasn tihs oen qeiut laeysi aws the wlnlofgio aaltren:oi

eeyHmaccarlpi + hihg THP &-;tg a"yimrpr prshihydyratrpeo"ami

oHw do hgih HTP adel ot ipalerccahym?e sIgecanrni stocltaeso !ttiycavi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(67)
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NEM 1 - P P P . yaa,rihdtrPo n(atcegissrnaarp ni thsi saec), ripiutayt .neisol ont eyk to nigaesrnw htsi i.tnueosq

pt mocse tiwh mmosspyt fo rlcmiaphyeace, soamn, g,nsroa toeshrn (eep),gni cpyhs .vrntoeoes

Lkoo at pht and uailcmc. ew ese ghhi ac dan hhgi .pth We wnko atht ighh caulmic wludo worel mnaes eth hhgi ilccaum swa edu ot teh hhgi htp .ie(. oahrypidtra nmeaaod)

etnsiuQo si talyucal gak:ins ahtw are eht fteefsc of PH?T a, c, isopeopt fo PHT

D dan E i eleiedvb a'etrn lretade ot HPT

sBSound- mehtoisgn like het ieaestgshopn of yohyoprdmeiiearssuptdhpa

-F we tneildfyei wonk htat HPT eiecsnasr aC , so yb rigasnceni seototclas /timttarytavinoucia oyu albereti ulicacm toin teh oob.ld tsih is hte sbte wae.nrs

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