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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Increased osteoclast maturation and activity 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: endo PTH

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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I leivbee hits stme mya be ginrferin NEM 1 edronyms - bisopesl igatmrnosa (ceppti ceulr edsaesi )d,x atahrdiroyp daeao,mn adn piiuatrty oedmnaa cna(guis HIAD.)S ,tBu uyo dotn' need to evne nkwo shit ot teg tihs itrgh - ujst agnsik teh cfetef fo ihgh THP no hte sstmey - suaecs aisdreecn stleooacts acyitvti sa ewll sa ntart.uaomi

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fatboyslim  hTe mmypssto of tsih pteinta are edu ot iracaelmhyecp noes(t,s nboe,s rs,ogan EHROTNS nr[iesacde e}ssi,drui dna ccrpiatshiy voesr.tneo) eecarciHlypma anc aosl ecasu ctipep rluce eeia.ssd So eht ypiramr ltgooypha is darhpiroayt aarldasinmepah/opey nciugsa the cemeyailrcpah +6
beetbox  Dseo eanony wonk sathw' up iwth het 'on mnlaeostiraib ni umerhus d'iXayDr? yeht tusj rtwoh thta in orf no rseano? I tgo kdeooh no t,i I thutohg three swa no eiacdrsen lastetsoco itv..aicyt. hieoewsrt the lcicatro bonse dolwu evah eneb dydol ihtn or gmesoihnt +4
topgunber  NME 1 - P P P . o,ardPairhty rpnsatanicsea(rg ni stih c)ea,s piyrutiat oie.nsl ton key to iwnegnras ihst .noisutp etq mocse wiht ostspmym fo raaheielyp,cmc ons,ma n,orgsa sehtrno pieg,()ne cspyh e vsLoootren.ok at pth and cilm.uca we ese ghih ac nad ighh pt.h We nkow hatt hihg uaccilm udowl relow t.pshith.. maesn the hghi acclium swa deu to eht hhig pth ie..( rptdirhoaay otdnQnaiae )umeos is aytallcu nkis:ga hawt ear the eceftfs of PT?H a, ,c ipsteoop fo TH PD nda E i eebdilev rnte'a leatred to TdsPBouH-Sn nteimsgho ikle eht ngaphoseties of sdyhtoimraeaophydur- sppeiF ew ftdniyeile konw hatt HTP aescirnes aC , os yb snciarngei acttelosos t/oincutvaiartityam yuo libetera icumcal tnoi eth .olobd htsi si hte steb +3

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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can snoemeo xeainlp hyw ti sysa eh has an 'antct'i THP .ectoc.snnrt.ainio it ot tel us nkow atht teh THP rooinactncnte is a srltue of o odyatlanpgh? hasw't sih ?dx s!ntakh

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yotsubato  I asewr thye kmae up smoe of iths f.tfus iLek thsaw pu whti teh rsih,tt t,inraunoi nad tippec lecru ssa.eedsi +9
redvelvet  caahepcmyleri anc casue reingnoehpc idatbese ;dunsiips os trih,ts oanin.ruti mehircapelyac cna slao uacse tipecp reucl sdesiea. Hsi spsmoymt rae all utoba eehlaccmayipr eud ot oprhairtyapserdy.ihm +4
namira  epylaraeHcmci" anc scuae aernl nfsciyodnut hucs as nonpciegreh atbeedsi issinpiud ID(N), tbu het nhcseiamms nuelydigrn panrhiydeeilmcedu-cac NID rea ton ellw d.ut"d snreoo19otw-Ssx(ne:i6i-/25ikw/ +2
dulxy071  yWh cant' teh croterc arnwes eb )C hiwhc tpoins trwdsoa alern feur,ial hhcwi amy edla ot erasdncoy adtpryshepihraiomyr gahinv teh mase eslrust I libveee +2
pmofmalasia  Teh eaoyscrnd hysoiarpeimdyarhtpr in elnra euilafr si ude ot slso fo luicmac ni hte ngnncuootnnfii- ndy.ike nI sith tnoiesqu het acmiclu wsa eavdeetl, so uoy acn relu uot ranle .uiaflre +1
sars  eilmape-cracHy asscue essotn liu(macc ),esotns anrgso ntips(c),oonati srhtneo iene(ascdr nui)otiarn, soneb eerndsaic( tosoecatsl )atvn,ioitac dna cicpithyasr evneorost eie.)sron(psd +1
epiglotitties  boauost@yt alos as oonsmee nitmnedoe in rnetoha ,mcoetnm i kntih te'eyhr igihnnt hatt eht xp hgmti vhae .M1EN rdiathoyraP ra-iaypphlse icm,hcepearyla rptyitiua eao-mdna IASDH iin(nto+,h)urtrisat nad arpctecnia ro-mut asnimgator teipp(c cluer s)eaesid +

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submitted by killme(14)
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hTe cpcteon gbine dsette is atwh" eosd HTP od ttah deasl to yarmilecac"e phadtbgssn.imptc/eiboV:g3jp//P/.Ki.h

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yotsubato  u,gh blhusilt. I saw gyrint ot reugif tuo an ctlaau ideasse osrecps .here +7
rio19111  its irpayrm dhermsapthryiypoair usaced by yrthaaoiprd om.ndeaa ditidnao of eht iptpec lceur gusgest eZirnollg --g&;t- 1EMN tb u nnoe fo that is pim esbeacu tat'hs tno athw teyh are .iagkns lAl htey are ginask rof is het uotinfcn of T.HP +3
topgunber  ENM 1 - P P P . iytdraorh,aP es(narpsrtnaiagc in hsti )cea,s pyiturait islne.o not eyk ot wnsnrgiae hits tq put.iseon ceosm tiwh somypstm fo ilacehpcye,mar asnm,o osran,g rnotseh (,gp)neei cpsyh Lesonvt.oo oerk at pth and a.umcicl ew ees hihg ca nad hhig .tph We wkon atht ihgh caiumcl owdlu reolw nesam eth gihh ulcacim aws edu to teh hghi thp (..ei rtadypiroah )mo uQtdanaineose si lclatuya n:agkis awth ear teh tsfecef fo ?TPH a, c, peiootsp fo TPDH nad E i dveleeib 'retan eaetdlr to uo dTs-PSHnB tehmniosg ielk eht ehsntgaiosep of sohpdpimuhsaer-tai eFdpyoyr we ilnefideyt wnok atht PTH arsecnies Ca , so yb ecisnringa otcsltosae oiriaunaatv/mytttic you taiebelr ilcucam iotn eth bodl.o hsti si het steb e.srawn +1

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submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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In ndidatio ot PHT = ctoeosastl iityatvc = edaeinscr cm,lauic isth speorn dulco loas eb xnhgeitbii pmsomsyt of M.N1E

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topgunber  NEM 1 - P P P . oityrharaPd, psstnieagraracn( ni siht e,)asc aiiyrputt eoi.nsl ton eky to wnsrageni isht usi p.entoqt mecso tihw msyopsmt fo pcceea,lyhiarm sna,om ngro,sa noshret ,(npegie) ypsch ove.otknsrLo eo at tph nad uaclmic. ew ees hgih ac nad ighh th.p eW wonk that hhig mailcuc oudlw woelr h.hitpst.. nmaes eth hhgi amclcui swa edu to hte ihhg pht e.(.i pdyaartirho tanindmesauoeQ) o si lauatcyl siakn:g twah ear eth fefetsc fo ?HPT a, ,c ioepspot of PTH D nad E i eedebivl 'rnate atleerd ot HB sSPTo-udn geshmnito liek hte eosiahpngste fo etssopippoyudma rhdyehrFa-i ew tieydeflin wonk hatt THP arnecisse aC , os by siaingrcen aostotscle ctunaattiv/ityoaimr oyu beiaetrl lmiccau itno the l.obod isth si eht stbe +1

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rio19111(16)
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its irypmra mihpaetydriyrhaorps dcseau by aphtdyiorra .mndoaae tdnioaid of hte pteicp lrecu ssuggte Ziolrelng t--;-g& NE1M

tub neno of htat is mip bcuease stth'a nto htaw htye ear All yhte ear ignaks fro si eht nfocunti fo .PTH

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rio19111  ot,nseS gso,arn st,rhone iispcctyrha retevonso ;-&t-g- mptymsso +1
topgunber  MEN 1 - P P P . y,rPraodhiat iprcaastrne(gnsa in tsih ,e)csa irtpayuti l.iesno not yke ot rgnnieasw tshi optneisq. ut csemo htiw tosymspm fo apmrce,lceayih n,oams gr,nsao nesotrh inep(e)g, syphc otekrne .ovosoL ta htp adn cilcmau. we ees ighh ca dna ighh We oknw htta hghi icumcal lwdou oerlw pthsiht... nemas hte hgih uiacmlc wsa deu ot hte ghih pht .(e.i irapotdrhay usmoenaQtea)dno i is actlayul gs:niak thwa aer eht eeffcts fo THP? ,a ,c tpesooip of P DTH nad E i vbelidee e'arnt elrteda to udHoBsTn-P S ntshimgoe klei hte enhpasgiotes fo iypeiotpdeu-saoasFphrrymh d we dteyieflni oknw htta PTH racnssiee Ca , so by cganrineis ttsoscoeal atit/iraatiymvunoct uyo rbiaelte ucmlcia oint the l.oobd iths si teh tesb rswean. +1

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Dsoe yonnae knwo eth iceicnigasfn fo ocetynmo iittmyol?

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submitted by arthur_albuquerque(1)
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htWa epelhd em to wnsare isht oen uiteq islaey wsa hte ooillfwgn rlentai:ao

elrypaamcecHi + hhig PHT ;g-t& pmr"iyra "myiprrpaoteyiahrhsd

woH od gihh TPH alde ot ialpeyceachmr? nrgcIasein eaoosctslt ii!ttaycv

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submitted by topgunber(68)
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ENM 1 - P P P . o,yradrPiath canna(arsetprgsi in tish csa,)e ryiipatut e.islno not key to ewnriasgn shti ou.nietsq

tp oesmc thiw oystspmm fo rcaheelapc,imy s,namo osgnra, nreshot (pe,i)eng schyp oreoesn.vt

okLo at htp nda mcau.ilc we ese ihhg ac dna hhig .pht eW owkn ttha ghhi maliccu udwol leowr esamn the ihhg macucli aws ued ot teh high hpt e.i.( rtyiahoapdr a)amdeon

stQueion si ayltulac skig:an htaw rae het tffesec of PHT? ,a c, oetoispp fo PHT

D nad E i leeibdve aretn' rlaedet ot PTH

uond-SsB hotgisenm elki eht esihosagntep of hiryompeasydhtppsiuoerad

F- ew itdlenfyei know ahtt HPT snearseic Ca , os yb enrsaiingc eltscoasot m/atyraciotvnaitiut uoy etibarle accilmu noit the ob.lod hsti is eth sbte ne.sraw

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