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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Increased osteoclast maturation and activity 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: endo PTH

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submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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I ibeevle tsih tems aym eb egifrinnr EMN 1 srmnoedy - eiposbls smntoraiag ptep(ci erulc eidsaes )xd, piotaayhrrd dne,aamo dna pitauityr domnaae ac(ugnsi .IHSDA) ,But uoy dnot' edne ot eevn nwok htsi ot egt this igthr - just kgasni het fecfte fo gihh THP on eht esstmy - usaecs naresceid ottaoeslcs cvititay as llwe as .ouatmnairt

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fatboyslim  ehT ostmmysp of isht tiaepnt aer due to lphmacyaiecer sonts(e, bn,oes nagrs,o NSEHROT nrisdca[ee dieis}rsu, dna ycatirsphic evren)os.ot paelHymccriea acn aosl uscae pecipt elucr diseas.e So teh rprmayi plootyahg si piaoyrahtdr aindpaa/erolshpemya guscnai eth caercpyeialhm +6
beetbox  Does nonaye knwo sta'wh pu iwth the no' rnsmeitlbioaa in uhrmesu yDiX?r'ad tyhe sjtu towhr atth in for no soe?anr I tgo kdeoho no ti, I ogttuhh treeh aws on scnieraed toescltsao yvciatti... towshreei eht atoiclcr bosne dwolu vahe bnee lddoy ihnt or tgmiehson +4
topgunber  ENM 1 - P P P . Prryhaditao, raaicenpgsrsa(tn ni tish )sae,c riatiytpu nsi.elo ton kye ot inswgaern shit pn .eitqtous oscme itwh pomssytm of cayerlmhpce,ia ans,om g,osrna nretsho eepg,)i(n hypcs Lov e.otonesrko ta thp dan i.maccul ew ees ihgh ac dna ghhi .pth eW kwno htta ihgh ulcmiac oulwd olwer ts.h.ptih. esanm het ghih cmiaulc wsa deu ot het hgih thp (i..e hadrtpyroia mnent u)aoaesodiQ is ayatlclu ik:nasg thwa rea eht ctfesef fo PHT? ,a c, iopseopt fo TDPH nad E i eiebvedl tn'rea etreadl to -Su oPndBTHs gnsieohmt ekil hte eostiphnaegs of epdmhsedprysohi puoF-yitraa we dentyilfei onwk htta TPH narcsesie aC , so by acigirnsen etcoasotls umat/iintcttroivaya uyo elabreit ilmccau iton eht b.dloo ihst is hte bste ra.nwse +3

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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cna smenoeo exipnla yhw it syas eh hsa na tntca''i HTP ns.aie.ntonoc.rict ti ot lte su nkwo htta eht HPT cratincoeonnt is a urstle of padlon?yg otha was'ht ish x?d ha!ntsk

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yotsubato  I rwsae yteh aemk pu emso fo isth .tsuff eLki swhta pu hitw eht trhtsi, nrui,itoan adn ppcite urecl ia.sssede +9
redvelvet  alicpeyahremc cna seacu eripgocenhn aditeseb ;nidisusp so sirt,ht heapciaycmlre cna olsa escau epcpit clure si.easde siH sosmpytm era lal botau ceaiyphaerlcm deu to py.rpydashtehaiiorrm +4
namira  rcyepamH"elica acn casue alner yoninfsutdc shuc as nnohiercepg ditsbeea nsuidsipi D,)(NI but het ssmihanmec nydglurien ipraecyncdil-echemdau IND rea nto lwel ros"ddunoe.tar58y0/pn9-040u7dlt-rtwtl0s/ii5/wtcSltel3()o1wfeg8/.nhet.-kan:taoer63ii2/nx +2
dulxy071  Wyh tanc' teh teocrcr nsewra eb )C hwihc tiopns wtadosr elnra ,riafule hchwi yma elad ot dcnerasoy ydihmpsrraperohiaty ianvgh hte esam ssletru I lveibee +2
pmofmalasia  heT docneryas pryitpehraoymasrhdi ni anerl rifaeul si ued ot ossl of camciul in teh noninicuogtnf-n yidk.en nI iths nseuiqot het alccmui saw le,etveda os yuo can leru uto larne a.ufrlie +1
sars  aypalcHc-rimee uessca eosnts iccla(mu ,eot)nss nosagr oos)pitac(nt,ni honster dce(rnieas t,u)ranioni oensb nsceer(aid cseolttaos icanta)ti,ov dna cpsahiiytrc eresnootv .esnisro)epd( +1
epiglotitties  utsooy@abt olsa sa nsemoeo edmnonite in rheoatn ,tomnmce i tnkih ry'hete inghtin ttah eth xp hgtim vhea 1NEM. yPatroadihr hpa-iasyrepl hrcel,yeacpiam artytuipi ma-nodae SHADI shni,+it()rriuttaon adn napctierca oumr-t nrsaoamgit iptepc( eulcr e)diessa +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by killme(14)
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The ctpoecn inbge setetd is at"wh sdeo HTP od ttah saedl ot meaipre" hclcyaPt.oi/igmbsn.b.h/j/:eVs/tap3cKigpd

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yotsubato  hu,g lu.bthsil I asw gryitn to uriegf tuo na taulca ieedssa cossrep .eerh +7
rio19111  sti rympiar phptrasyeirormayhdi csdeau yb ihyordpraat .mdeaano aodniidt of the eitppc lurec esutsgg rnZeoligl -&;t--g NME1 tu b neno fo htat is mpi abecues 'sthta ton wtah tyhe aer siagkn. llA tyhe rae gnasik fro si the ntnicfou of T.PH +3
topgunber  ENM 1 - P P P . yarr,ohaPdit ptsc(risrageanan in siht e,a)cs tyuiitpra eisol.n ont kye to wginesrna hsit ue.q notipts osmec iwht pmmyotss fo lmec,cyeaahipr ,mnosa rgsoa,n htnseor ng,pe)ei( hspyc e.noLo tkoserov ta thp dna ew ese ghih ca dna hghi htp. We wkno that hihg uilcacm luowd rwloe thits..hp. aenms het ghhi laccumi wsa deu to teh high thp ..e(i aipadyrthor deuQoomins aan)te si alalyuct nik:sga whta rae teh eftecfs of TH?P a, c, iostoepp fo PTDH dan E i biedleev antre' rtdlaee to -osTdPHSuB n ghtnsoime leik het pshegesantoi fo de mpohpauisirrdhestyyaFp-o we eiieyftldn wokn ahtt HPT ncreaesis aC , so yb ngrasnicei tsaoclsteo rotnvaiimtt/auatyci yuo eeiabltr imccula iton teh .doobl itsh si eth sbet erns.wa +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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nI niiddota to PHT = olscaettso iiyvctta = esracinde icalu,mc tihs prnose odlcu asol be ieixnigbht mmstpyso fo M1EN.

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topgunber  ENM 1 - P P P . rtarPyaodhi, snraneaicaptgs(r in ihts aec,s) tirptuaiy .noesil otn kye ot wgnsinear ihst ni.pqotute s oemsc ithw tsoypmsm fo h,raeyimcclpae anso,m srgnao, srtnohe n,pegei() chyps t rskove.onoeoL ta pht adn uccl.mai we ese ihgh ac dan hihg We wnok thta ihhg imluacc oduwl eolwr sihtpht... esnam the ghhi cmaclui swa ued ot the ghhi thp ..e(i odpaiaytrhr sme )oeaaondutnQi si uatyclal nia:gks tahw ear eht steffec of ?TPH ,a c, oeioptps fo HTP D adn E i vbidelee n'aetr rletead ot odTsHnSBuP - igomehsnt kiel eth aheosstpgein of h-Fr mdpaeursppohoyieaysdit we eyinfelidt owkn ttha PTH snesaiecr Ca , os yb gicaiersnn atltoescso tiitautirt/amncvayo yuo etiblaer icmlcau noti eth doobl. tshi is het best n.rsewa +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rio19111(16)
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sti rarmiyp ypthrrdieipmoahyrsa cseuad yb ahpytiardor nadoma.e idtdnioa of hte icetpp elurc estugsg gZloirnel ;--tg&- 1MNE

btu neon of ahtt si pmi ecsaebu 'tahst not wath ehty aer sk.niag lAl tyhe ear niskga fro si het infocutn of PHT.

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rio19111  t,eoSsn r,sango hter,sno ytaichcpris vneetosro t-g-&-; ympsomts +1
topgunber  EMN 1 - P P P . doai,ryhrPat caaarnnsepits(rg ni shti asc,)e iiratyptu oe.lsni ont key ot nisreagwn tihs n. oieupqstt moces hwit tssmmopy fo pac,alimcheyre ns,aom ga,snor trnehso g,)(inpee pychs o.Levoose oktnr ta tph nad ilcc.uam ew ees high ca nda ihhg eW kwon htat gihh ucaciml uowld rewol s.t.t.phih asnme eth hgih aliccum saw ued ot teh ghhi pth e..(i rhaypritdao oineasn )Qoudmaet si uyllaatc gna:kis htaw rea the cfsetfe of P?HT ,a ,c petipsoo fo PHTD nad E i ebedleiv t'rnea dleerat to uS -nBPsTodH mgetisohn kile hte spaetghosein of Fo hp-prsiadisudroeyymephat ew tildeyeifn nwko taht PHT sceserain aC , so yb niearncsgi scsoleatto rvt/autntaciiyitaom uyo blrtaeie mclicau otin eth bood.l hsti is hte etbs en.wasr +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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esDo yaeonn nwok eht afsiciinngec of tonmyeoc olit?myit

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submitted by arthur_albuquerque(1)
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atWh edhelp me ot saenrw tsih one itequ isalye wsa the lflonogwi tirnala:oe

emarilacyeHcp + ihgh PTH ;&g-t "apmyrri trpesiyir"apamoyrhdh

Hwo od hgih THP elad ot rmca?ypahceeli Igienncrsa eactsosolt cvayit!it

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(67)
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MEN 1 - P P P . taodaih,Prry ngr(ecispasanart ni htsi ,aces) ryapiiutt o.lsien ton eyk to gnnwasire shti unsto.iqe

tp esocm twhi smmtpyso of miylraeacpec,h smao,n nrg,osa trnseho nege,)i(p cphsy nrevto.eos

kLoo ta htp nda .umlccai ew ees hgih ca nda ighh .pht eW okwn hatt hhgi macucil udlow relow .pshiht.t. amnes the ghhi mlcucia swa deu ot the ihhg hpt e(..i ardarhtypoi mandoa)e

ieutosnQ si taylcalu skng:ia thwa aer hte ftfecse of TH?P a, c, toispeop fo HTP

D and E i evbileed rt'aen laterde to THP

dS-usBno tomginhse leik the atosesnegiph fo hrosydepduoipiephyasartm

F- ew itydeilnef okwn ttha HTP iscenaesr Ca , so yb nnciiagers oosalstect mictarii/aoutntvtya ouy rlteebia cimaluc tino het .loobd stih si eth tebs sn.waer

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