cna eoneosm xpeanli hyw ti ssay eh sha an catn'it' HTP ttoirncsean.ino.c. it ot tel us kwno atth teh PTH cnttacnoornei is a utrlse of yaapo?lhtdogn atw'hs sih x?d hsntak!
hTe tpcecno gbnei dtstee si t"ahw edos THP od atht sedal ot imee "lphrcyaacdiPtcjgneig/stKh/s/:.Vbapi/
nI aodinidt to THP = eltstosoca ytvtiiac = neeircdsa ,imucacl hsit esnopr lcuod sola be nbehixtiig stomypms fo MNE.1
ist iypramr yipsmrhhryietdaapro udeacs yb aiotaryhdpr amdonae. tddaiino fo teh cpiept lurce gtusseg lenilroZg ---&tg; MNE1
utb neno of htat is ipm aecebsu ha'tst tno tahw tyhe era g.skain llA ehty era ikngsa rof si hte unitocfn of PHT.
oseD eoanny kown hte sciningfeaci fo mtneycoo otimt?lyi
What pledhe me ot eanwrs isht noe iqeut iylesa was eht ogwloifnl :itleaoran
cacelrempiaHy + hhig TPH t&;-g ipmryra" a"rtypseihorhdpamyir
How do hghi HPT aled to iay?relceampch ecnarnIgis slsooaectt tcia!vtiy
MEN 1 - P P P . ,thdPoairrya rcnsreats(ingapa ni hsti ase,)c ityptauir no.lsei nto kye to swagrinen hist nsq.itoue
pt msoec ihtw mmosypst of eher,maccilpay noas,m nsrag,o trnohes epi,)gne( ycphs rtosevoen.
okLo ta pht and uilmac.c we ese hgih ac dan gihh eW wnok htta ighh cilcamu uowdl wrloe .sht..phti emsna hte hghi ilaccmu wsa due to teh ighh pth (..ei oaitdhpyrra ndoa)ame
etnQosui is alacuytl skan:gi whta aer hte eseftfc fo T?HP ,a ,c popoesit fo HTP
D nad E i ledbviee ne'tar terldae to TPH
uosd-nBS hieongmst ielk the tieehassgonp fo ypaytrmueioaersddhphosip
-F ew tlyeideinf onwk hatt TPH isaesnecr aC , so by cinreniasg osaeottcsl aavyrmcatnitu/toiit you etableri icamclu tnio hte .oldbo sthi is hte ebst nerasw.
submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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$279$49I vlbieee sthi tems amy eb rnfiginer ENM 1 oynermsd - pbsioles isnaamrtgo e(pcipt elcur edeiass ,)dx oaayhrtpdri ed,aoamn dan uytrpaiit aemoadn c(auings IDSA.)H ut,B uyo odt'n ende ot neve konw htis to etg isth rhigt - tujs ginkas het fcefet of hhgi THP no teh ytmess - suesca eaidesncr actessolot yviitact as lwle sa otamt.rinau