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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Increased osteoclast maturation and activity 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: endo PTH

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submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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I vlbieee sthi tems amy eb rnfiginer ENM 1 oynermsd - pbsioles isnaamrtgo e(pcipt elcur edeiass ,)dx oaayhrtpdri ed,aoamn dan uytrpaiit aemoadn c(auings IDSA.)H ut,B uyo odt'n ende ot neve konw htis to etg isth rhigt - tujs ginkas het fcefet of hhgi THP no teh ytmess - suesca eaidesncr actessolot yviitact as lwle sa otamt.rinau

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fatboyslim  hTe mssympto fo shit inaptet are deu to aeiahcpcyrelm tsno,(se ,nobes sngr,ao RHOESNT [cdisnraee ssed}u,iir dan htyraciicps )tsvnre.eoo Hececarliaymp anc osal sacue pctpei culer isaee.ds So eth prrmayi oyploagth is phyriotdara ipn/rpheyaslamaoeda igcsuna eth eymeialchprac +6
beetbox  eDso nnaoye know 'ashtw pu tiwh eth o'n traeonsbaimli in uurmesh rXdD?y'ia yeht ujts tworh htat in fro no rns?oea I otg dhkeoo on i,t I ohhtgut rteeh was no rcsneedai tsoeastocl ya.ctivi..t rowhteesi hte lracotic soebn owlud evah bene oydld ihnt ro ngitseomh +4
topgunber  NEM 1 - P P P . thrrd,aoyaiP annirsetcrasgap( in shit )e,sac atpiyuirt nel.iso ton eyk ot agisrnenw isth otsepu .nitq emsco wthi spommyts fo ,mraahecyelcpi o,nmsa nsorag, norsteh en)g,(ipe scphy e.ookt eonrLvos at tph and amu.licc we see ihgh ca dan ihhg thp. We wnko atht ighh cciluam dulow lorwe tt.hihs.p. measn teh ighh camlicu wsa due to het ihhg hpt .(ie. odraprhiyta dtuam neo)onesiaQ si actyulla nak:isg what ear teh tfseecf fo PT?H ,a c, opptosie fo P DTH adn E i vleibdee 'entra altdeer ot T HdSsnu-oBP semgoihtn ielk teh eapioshsntge fo -ppisyaeoiorytrm peFuhhsdda ew ftdyelinei kown thta PHT ersicaesn aC , os by anginciser cosasetolt rnytaiam/aittcuivto you iberelat caclmui tnio hte .dbloo hsti is eth tsbe .rswean +3

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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cna eoneosm xpeanli hyw ti ssay eh sha an catn'it' HTP ttoirncsean.ino.c. it ot tel us kwno atth teh PTH cnttacnoornei is a utrlse of yaapo?lhtdogn atw'hs sih x?d hsntak!

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yotsubato  I wsear hyet eamk pu seom fo this ufstf. keLi wstha up thwi teh rshit,t ,roiinutna nad teppci ucelr seideas.s +9
redvelvet  emccilephraya can scuae enrpgciehno bseedtai siusdnpi; os rtths,i u.ainntior lhcyairecmaep can sloa suace pitpce uclre easides. sHi oypsstmm era lal tobua aliaehccmeyrp ued to oshryrrym.iteppidaah +4
namira  Halcrpce"yaemi can secau elarn dnsfniucoyt uchs as peehonigrnc eetaisdb iuiipdssn )DN(,I ubt the emisnhacms gienydunlr epuciechaedyri-mlcadn NDI are not lwel oneos"r. tdud(.w/trn36eliw.i1S4e3/txnk0d/ul/t88lf9t5o-twihy:nptse0a/co2-tr)ean5giral0-07 +2
dulxy071  hyW n'tac het cctoerr ewnsra be C) ciwhh nptiso dswrato narel ailfre,u icwhh aym dela to caesydnor itrihpryerhysopmdaa agvinh the aems srsleut I veeelbi +2
pmofmalasia  hTe ndecasyor riaehpsyaritrodymhp in reanl uaifrle si deu to slos fo ccialum in teh ontoicnun-nignf .dnikey In hsit itqosune het mliccau aws edvltea,e os ouy cna erul tuo nlare f.rliuea +1
sars  ac-emaHcrlpyei aecuss tssneo iauc(mlc s)tsoen, sogran a)pnniiost(ot,c hterosn sd(aenirec at)urni,oni ensob denesraci( aetsstcool ia,n)vtoitca nda acrtcipihsy otoeesnvr oe.s)s(pdrine +1
epiglotitties  ttbo@youas olas as senoemo nmeniedot ni htornea mc,etonm i ihtkn 'rhteey iihnntg that eht px tihgm haev E.1MN ahtirodayPr pepyahasril- ,hmccerpaaeliy ttpuraiiy -ademnao SDIAH hti,(irnuos)ttain+r dna naptacicer -tomur atiroagsnm ei(cppt euclr eai)sdes +

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submitted by killme(14)
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hTe tpcecno gbnei dtstee si t"ahw edos THP od atht sedal ot imee "lphrcyaacdiPtcjgneig/stKh/s/:.Vbapi/

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yotsubato  ug,h s.itlubhl I wsa ryting ot ierufg tuo an acualt esisaed ssreopc .erhe +7
rio19111  sit pmryira ostrmhriyayeppiadhr aescud yb dtoirrypaha nao.dema iadtoidn of het ptecip eurcl gtesusg leZrlingo ;t--&-g 1NME ubt onen fo htat si imp bcusaee tsa'th tno whta tyhe rae .iknasg llA yeth era isgnka orf si het unitfocn fo .PHT +3
topgunber  MEN 1 - P P P . dyrParhai,to (aenapisrarsntgc ni htis a,)cse yrpttiaiu .noesli ton eky ot nwrneigas stih setq. piuotn smeoc ihtw psmsmyto of c,ryceaphemlia ,asnom ornsga, rosneht ngpe,)(ei shypc osoLkornotve. e at thp dan acm.licu ew ese ighh ca dna ihhg ph.t eW nkwo tath hhgi cmcauil wlodu lerwo h.ithp.t.s manse eth hhgi icmuacl asw edu to eth ghih pht (i..e atdrpayhrio ooQ)antnuasdmiee si alltycau :iknasg hawt rae hte fsceeft of TP?H ,a ,c speitpoo of TDH P nad E i eldebiev naer't alerdet to onHsud-TBPS ongtshime ilke teh spaethoingse fo ruae shopyeidpsitohyrmFdap- ew idenifelyt wkno htta TPH aciesnres Ca , so yb enrcaniigs etsolctsoa iiatov/tyruttmianca ouy rebleita mluciac iont eth o.bodl itsh is eht ebst +1

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submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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nI aodinidt to THP = eltstosoca ytvtiiac = neeircdsa ,imucacl hsit esnopr lcuod sola be nbehixtiig stomypms fo MNE.1

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topgunber  MNE 1 - P P P . hya,dtroairP ssaancrr(eatgipn ni iths ac)es, piuarytit s.oleni otn eky ot anirgewns hits n.stiepuq ot somec hiwt stymposm fo macrpceyihae,l smona, g,srnao nothers (gnpei,e) ycshp vkoeosor on.Lte ta tph nad .uacimlc we see ihgh ca dan ghhi th.p eW know hatt ighh aclmciu uodwl lwroe ip.t.sth.h nmesa teh ghih ciclmau swa ued ot eth hgih hpt ( yaoirdarhtp Qim edoo)snauenat is altlauyc isnkga: thwa are hte ecftfes of PTH? a, c, oipstoep of DT PH nda E i dlbeieve netr'a lrtedae ot -PdouBsSTHn tenmgosih leki teh ghsanipeteso of rpd hmipe-ydiFrsouaaptyhsoe ew lnifediety onwk atth PHT esacsrnei Ca , so yb egarcniisn osltactsoe tatiivmayao/tuintrc you elrtbaie iuclmca toni het obo.dl shit is the best snaew.r +1

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rio19111(16)
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ist iypramr yipsmrhhryietdaapro udeacs yb aiotaryhdpr amdonae. tddaiino fo teh cpiept lurce gtusseg lenilroZg ---&tg; MNE1

utb neno of htat is ipm aecebsu ha'tst tno tahw tyhe era g.skain llA ehty era ikngsa rof si hte unitocfn of PHT.

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rio19111  S,tsnoe aro,nsg hestn,ro spharticyic vseeronto t-&;--g spmsmtyo +1
topgunber  EMN 1 - P P P . rydaroaihP,t gscaniesara(prtn ni shit ce,)as ayptriuti s.inleo ont eky to aeninwrsg hsit q.ntpotuesi ocsme thwi msotsmyp fo erielpcchm,yaa a,onms sn,orga esotrnh eeg,ip(n) scphy okenLeortvso .o at tph nda cclm.aiu we ese hhgi ca and hhgi .pht eW wkno tath hhgi camlciu lodwu rloew th.t.pshi. masne het hihg cuciaml asw ued ot eth ihhg pht (e.i. dyoarphtair mnai)oeaQdeuns to is aytclaul g:ksian what rae eht sefctef fo HP?T a, ,c psptooei fo TPHD adn E i bedlveie etrna' delaetr ot soS PduHT-nB ghtoemnsi keli teh saheiogpstne of apidrphhyyoosi usr-Fmdpeaet we teylnidief nkwo atth HTP ncirsaese aC , os yb arngiinces escstoalot tttiaiiavym/cotarun you abrleite liucmac noti het boo.ld stih is eht btse ae.rnws +1

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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oseD eoanny kown hte sciningfeaci fo mtneycoo otimt?lyi

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submitted by arthur_albuquerque(1)
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What pledhe me ot eanwrs isht noe iqeut iylesa was eht ogwloifnl :itleaoran

cacelrempiaHy + hhig TPH t&;-g ipmryra" a"rtypseihorhdpamyir

How do hghi HPT aled to iay?relceampch ecnarnIgis slsooaectt tcia!vtiy

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submitted by topgunber(68)
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MEN 1 - P P P . ,thdPoairrya rcnsreats(ingapa ni hsti ase,)c ityptauir no.lsei nto kye to swagrinen hist nsq.itoue

pt msoec ihtw mmosypst of eher,maccilpay noas,m nsrag,o trnohes epi,)gne( ycphs rtosevoen.

okLo ta pht and uilmac.c we ese hgih ac dan gihh eW wnok htta ighh cilcamu uowdl wrloe .sht..phti emsna hte hghi ilaccmu wsa due to teh ighh pth (..ei oaitdhpyrra ndoa)ame

etnQosui is alacuytl skan:gi whta aer hte eseftfc fo T?HP ,a ,c popoesit fo HTP

D nad E i ledbviee ne'tar terldae to TPH

uosd-nBS hieongmst ielk the tieehassgonp fo ypaytrmueioaersddhphosip

-F ew tlyeideinf onwk hatt TPH isaesnecr aC , so by cinreniasg osaeottcsl aavyrmcatnitu/toiit you etableri icamclu tnio hte .oldbo sthi is hte ebst nerasw.

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