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NBME 20 Answers

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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In rreod rof a rgdu to eb cedelra yb eht ky,eind ti smut ifrts eb efitdrle ni eth uerilog.lm uDsgr ihwt a hhig VD heva roem of the udrg ni hte tusesi ttah rea ont iabaavlle to iedrlfet yb the ndk.iye gsuDr thwi hhig nioertp gdbinni nt'ow eb dteleifr ie.terh oS you nawt a dgur wthi low Vd adn wol gidinbn fi oyu twna ti radecel iva eht keindys dna nieur.

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zevvyt  utB a lwo DV crdprneooss to hgih aPamls gBndiin oF(ratnenicCtnAo ,233 9)01.2 ht'asT ym amni fncooinsu wtih ihts qn.tesiou +3
kevin  If t'si ghhi plmasa ndnbgi,i ethn 'tsi olw d.V But, lwo DV on'stde lesnrcyaesi erirueq ihgh mpslaa idgnbin. owL dV acn symilp be edu to it enigb a egarl olarp ecllmueo +3
topgunber  So ouy the ifcunsnoo si ttah DV of 1 seanm it sytsa in eth nutlccar/ioi scrlauvtnraia opt.ncmaemrt siTh dwolu keam yuo hkint htta it owldu bind ihgylh to otiepnr ni ucabese of eht owl .DV Btu im snsmiaug fi ti dboun persnito ti owudl otn be crealed by het esd,kiny os fi htsi dha a wol DV c(an eb areclde at elrugl)mous nad fi ti ubdno lmsapa einrtosp leawyk o(alslw teh dkinye ot feitrl hte cnsasbu)te neht it nac eb eitredlf into hte ralubut emuln. wNo eth kap. ssBea enwh peornattdo hp( ndreu heitr pka) meecob g,caherd lwihe dcsia at hp ednru tiehr kap egt npteootadr era DAHENGRU,C gaimnne in acdcii iurne idacs cbeoem orme loppichilli adn acn esffdui tuo of hte uuartlb le.unm If we dmea eht neuir ermo bcsai, nteh ew anwt ot pradeoneott het iacd hp( ihegrh anth kpa) os it lliw ainrem uktsc in eht tbuaulr nmule as an +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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paK is Hp at whhic any gdur si at its 05% eznoidi .sttae

oNw ew rea kal rinue e.i icn .pH hwen t&;ppaKgH ti lilw ehav wot dffi athp orf accidi dgur ;&mpa bicsa .urgd

icAcid dgru lilw cin tsi atnemiionil nci( niozeid r)fm,o cbias durg lwli be oerm bredaoss b.o we dene ot wnok het rudg is ascib .c/adcii

Now if u lka nrieu sit iitmlieoann ni.c os ti heav ot be iccda.i ro u acn konw ist a oisd aslt fo urdg whit CNS oprprety ei. mtso ilek alnbhaPboeirt ke(Wa )iacd

so fi pKa fo urgd is a-6t-- Hp 7 ew lilw sttra ntemilginia

tbu fi aKp is 0 we dene ot aeirs pH fo urnie at 11 to tsrat tiailtan.miegn ttah piont epvr udrg =p6K()a dluwo eb yloatlt out of ytsems.

atsth wyh A is eht tirgh ans a(Kp = 6)

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charcot_bouchard  nctooeCrri : otN 0. i esanm fi pKa si 10 +3
charcot_bouchard  n2d dupaet : tnoc ot laner osholc aregd hme.c if paK g;&t 7 ti si b.eas nad fi apK si &l;t 7 it is .cdia neicS ew ehadbietsls the ugrd eahv ot eb a wkea acid paK cnat eb orme ahtn 7. +
dbg  h,katns tub kaP dan HP aer ton at lal eht asme gntih +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by monoloco(155)
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If you want ot lcrea a ug,rd ti is rpboably btes atth ti nto be nboud ot ieosprtn os( tath it steg ieltd)efr nda ti ash a wlo ouemlv fo bnotiiduistr os( ti sitn' in eth p,ede hadr ot hecar .esiusts)

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kingtime9119  utB ahtt td'osne emka se.esn aePg 233 of sriFt diA 2910 nioetid rylcela tatses atht ienbg slpaam eoptinr bodnu arseect het wotesl vuolme fo ,iotnrudbitis eaecsub not gnibe dnuob ot rsonpite scaeerisn teh eacchn it will echra depe onit het ssiutes eorfbe it easherc eth yknsd.ei Dasecryicpn hwit Fstri ?Adi +
haliburton  my rneiongsa was ocagmrnip two ,drsgu hobt whti Vd fo 1, teh ugdr iwth eht elwor lnibamu inbidng lwoud be releacd fsraet k@nie.imtg I 'dnto itnhk roy'eu igneordsinc ahtt A nda B haev uqela d.V +8
whyisthis42dollars  geinB aampsl obudn aym etarce teh tlswoe ,dV ubt ti ns'tdoe maen i'ts gogin ot be ireltfed by teh ynikd.e maSe soeran wyh ieo-dobnutnrp acumilc ni'ts tleridfe yb eht kdyi.en eYuro' ngtetig oto ungh pu no dV, btu tsh'ta nyol eon artp of het eoiqtaun rehe. +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by lispectedwumbologist(122)
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Cna odoeybms leapes aixlnpe hyw eht paK ash ot be 6 iatdnes fo 0?1

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masonkingcobra  cSein an eozdnii fmro si arcehdg by( )ieinnfio,td ti will ton iyaesl orcss a nolpanro ipldi mebarme.n Thus, ti is mtotipran to cieozgren hte etpnitloa fo eht dugr to izneio in rroed to cdreipt sti liubtslyoi and the egreed ot whcih it nca be .bsdrrbaoee The rgedee fo ioiiantnzo is eriedentmd by eht urds’g Kap nda het Hp fo tsi nnnte.vrmioe aeWk diacs dan bssae era 50% indozei and 5%0 noieinuzd wehn het duirusnrnog pH lsequa teh gd’rsu .aKp At 2 Hp nstiu aovbe ro olbew teh apK fo het rgdu, nyaerl 0%10 fo the urgd is odzinie or ndeiui.onz +4
masonkingcobra  iclaBylsa ekwa sadci aer tesb eretedxc in kalaleni n,euri tub akew asbes era exrdceet rmeo direlya ni idac i.unre +
masonkingcobra  nI asm,yrmu ubcaese itsh si a aekw ciad at paK ,6 ngmkia eht eurni nelaalik lwil selutr it sti oiaotiznin adn onci.terxe iezonId atcn mevo htughro ilpid erambensm so tca'n egt rdoeerbsab nda si esdsip ut.o +20
yex  ingoowFll no kcmoarnbogansi Altoxn:ainape Kap 9-4 acn eb ihreet akew aidc or keesa.aWb dica aKp 4;-7 togsrn cida apK a1- Wk3e seba paK 7-9; nostrg sabe pKa vbaoe ni9rfeestDf sH:p oc:tmsha 1-2 due:dmnuo 3-5 lyaer jj:uunme 75- etla nmejj:uu 7-9 muiel: tg9&; uenr:i 4.eW8-5ka saidc (apK) sget rosbedab in diacci Hp)( irtensnvoemn nda reaclde in ibac.s kWae sesba tegs bodbesar in csiba rnnsiotenmev dna raeelcd in daicc.i SITH DSOE TNO LPYAP OT NGROST BSAES RO TSChA! De!!I! best lenipoanatx rof tihs si a hceioBm erculte mrfo ssaP moPgrra adn ti si vebllaaai no ,uTbYuoe tsi olng ubt it si rfo esur rothw !t!i oLok rfo 91 mihioyrtcsBe 1 morf sPas Prmoagr on e.ubouYT +3

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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igalrht tles do t.shi meso of het esocnmtm eewr layrel lelw danxeipl,e ehevorw mi gonig to try aerntoh tuer.o setl dael whit Kpa nesic teh eothr mconmste daapinxeel Vd llwe gnuo.he dkosu lelosflesf.a/l

rsitf itnhg si ouy veha ot mdetniree fi tis an icda ro bes.a 09% of eth miet tis ogign ot eb a kewa d,aci we melpis odnt mtafeolur cuhm eminiscdoat as ssabe in re.elagn oals sti sidumo stla nad NSC os you oknw ti ahs to eb lpbei.nabrohta stpe (1) olw Kpa amnes iacd (7-).4 uyo mtsu nwko this. 2() yuo tmsu ownk atth all ascdi ttsar ffo nraulte nad htne loes na noi t&;-g- geinobcm .gedchar dna lla sseab strat off ahedrcg adn hnet selo na nio to ebemoc nteurla th(is si hwy ew tond eus cbasi usgrd ausbcee tish leautnr ghecra hsa a ighh vd nda istepdos in stiessu = adb ni )yed.rell uyo watn rdcaheg cb athts awht is hyohiidrpcl aka pee ti uot. )3( txne eus thwa i justj adsi adn aylpp it to siht c:hrat

2+ = %99

+1 = %90

1- = 1%0

2- = %1

eth rstif rmnueb psertesren eht ecefnedfri entwbee Hp nad aKp pKa( is envgi by eth tequnsio ayaswl,) Hp si hawt you ednhgac hnew ouy ekizlaaldn the ni.uer os orf tsih uoniseqt ti olwud :be pHp-aK = high sbaic euavl ;(7&g)t uinsm pka ( eawk icad 7)-.4

nwo the snodce regtcnepae rnesesertp het retpeceagn of sdidieacsot por.not os ofr na d,ica they iwll eeombc cgea,hrd this easmn that fi the frdienfcee tnewebe teh hp dna pKa si eovr 1+ ehtn %90 of het icda lilw og rmfo eaunltr to d.rcageh fi hte hp is 2+ earertg hatn AKp ehtn %99 fo teh cdia liwl vhae slot ist ntpoor and emboec geadhrc

tles suermiamz h:ist eerw dtlo tsi a akwe acid = aak Kpa benetwe 74.- we atwn to tge to kaet the kawe dcai fmor sti artunel rofm noit a cghreda rofm ot teg rdi fo ti. so we lkzanaleia eth nie,ru beaecsu ebssa are eirghh pH you liwl tge a oemr + murbne suht teh kwae iacd iwll go ofrm aetulrn ot cegdrha adn be edecertx.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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I aws dnrionweg if it aws ot wlaol fro aiatrlp NCS ipntrneoeat sinec het rudg is soeuyslpdp upesospd to avhe NSC ftfcee

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by sha2507(0)
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ofr kwae =kHca dpasip + lgo (HA()/)A- aka enrdesnoh hlsesacahb noiqi featu ouy vlose hist, uy'lol get ttha Hp - akp = ( ))nAAdHlga/o-( hnte gnaia oyu lliw gte 01 to ewrop hp - pak = /-AAH. fer[Re to nkil in om ceno]nwmts rnogiienscd ahtt teh hp fo our dybo si 3.7 gse not,mwhei cna lveso for pak 01 and apk 6 ingus isht ru.hmaoTalft is orf pak 6 nda byod ph ,3.7 it wlil eb 01 ot eht epowr fo .1,3 lduwo mnae that /AHA iator si a tspevoii unemrb, pmiilyng hatt -A ;t&g HA. hewse ar orf enwh pak si 1,0 het /AH-A artoni is 10 ot wpero of 72.,- mnagien that AHA-&g.t;

ndA sa ydlraea emedniton ni the baveo ,ecsnmtmo ew ened na cocnii ,mfro ot eianlitme hte gud,r ti oduwl be rrederepf if eth pak si 6 as in atht ,case io(niA)-c uldow eb in orem r.cnttcoinneao

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sha2507  -fpwpes/hlbsdrmoenficaiq/.teid/-/riesa/-lici-ou:ekb.manihvcf/fatnseioemr-euapeurls/o-taskri-wtcwrnbhgpsnsbafh/yuytdcuah-orrerfe to this vodei, to unddsrneat it a tiellt trtbee, dna rfo the oalfurm iwth het baetl, pkis to 2:76 +

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submitted by kingtime9119(0)
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momtne[c odevm to nsb]emmtouc

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submitted by sway(0)
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os what if hsti aws sendeirv eerhw hte durg ni eiuotnqs aws a abes dna thta uiren was dci.idaefii nkow hte Kap wolud need to eb &;tg7 tbu ahwt botau eht pH

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submitted by haliburton(225)
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mmencot[ eovdm ot nmtucbemso]

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