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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy has had fever, abdominal ...
Shigella sonnei 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by louisville(12)
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lu-leyetehenbM ideanst cefla ermsa elveder unmorsue rehunspotil btu( nto yna iosag)nsmr. ghlialSe si rleolssoc when dteanis whit meehenytl u;ble E iloc sasnit buel thwi meehtlyne ubel bseeuac ti nmsrteef .stloeca

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sympathetikey  .E cloi nitsas engre jts(u iy)f ,rseewhoit ee.ftpcr +14
chandlerbas  ylno E olic siastn renge, lal heort stecalo tnsrrmeeef tiasn preucbl/lpka uj(ts )ify e,hrwsoeti e.rcfpte ); F4 41A bttomo +5
dmotav  I nthik itsh is cutyaall a repatase tcpceon – .E coil ssitna el"lcmiat enrge" no neios lheyntmee ubel a,gra whihc si in the .E iolc stkyceh adn rtsfi di.a eoHrvew isht ntseoqui is frinerreg to het thymeenle uebl stte no a lcfae mrsa.e oFmr twah I cna ga,hert thsi tste illw eb iseivopt a(incidted by cspereen of eirltush)pno in asecs of nvievsia ehirarad .e.i( ,eshaigll asnaeoll,ml heotmraencrhoegri .E oci)l. Teh sett will be teaeinvg o(n thoplrn)ieus ni sceas fo rhaaidre aecdsu yb intsox e(olcha,r cteioigoneextnr E. c,ilo iard,gia rvial da)hre.ari o S eenv gtouhh .E coli can tpneesr htiw aflec MsPN (if is't hte cohithmanreorrege tepy,) I segsu ttsh'a slse ilkely anht ehes:lc arguiosl? /2e/n.w4:mwbt4hbo4h1lw..5picd.m/ninup5gs/tv +8
srmtn  tcrreco vt@dmoa, Ensio leyhmneet bule agar si inftefrde fomr enhMeylt eluB intsa hihwc tjus oshw pserneec ro otn of l.tutjesyccu es..o adre lFcesti:a h oceseyuktl cna eb drevsebo ni heost twih het wnogllifo cnosndioit • olnSlmaael fotnsi•ne ci helSlagi toini fenc•s tirUceeval octii s•l s’hoCnr esssLueatydo keiec lliw eb beastn ni fleca plsmeas rmfo estoh thwi aG,daiir Eolc.i ro lirva icfnenotsi adn lsoa ni essac of oofd gi.pnsnooi +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by monoloco(155)
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I kthin ilelgahS is hte mtos prpipat,aoer sa it si talyaclu readgred as hlhygi amlri.ynfmoat e,Ys E. clio anc eb fo eht /CEETSHCE tya,ievr tbu E. olic clduo losa be of eth TECE trveaiy ro weharvte rteho riasnts it sha. ,oEgr .E oicl amy eb abple,ilus utb it is not the 'stom .'yelilk lehB ot teehs nskid fo ei.ossnutq

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jcmed  sihT si hwy I peckid tihs eon ucsbaee fo eth uimodc fisyaolrltooas/ntmm ntarue ): +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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aghiSlle suesac an ranommlyafit rrahdeai; it rsdoecup a nxito nad acn avidne uitsse cteiydr.l nI doi,tnida it is ettrnissa to i,acd os ti sah a iecirhrtalctylscaa wlo efnvtciei oesd (1~0 miasnor,g)s wichh etiastalicf tis -lfaroecal pornenor)p--e(otss rasped yaeclslpie in itssnegt ewerh egieyhn yma be mpormedcsi,o hscu as in daacrye or ulitntnatiois nsoi.guh It acn be iftdeiedatfren mfro E. iloC CE()EH esbecua E loCi 'tnsoed vaeh as muhc rptsoopsnn--eeor aersdp nad ylon ceasus GI gemaad yb eth eg-isikahl n,ioxt ton dcirte vinoasin. ofeTh,reer EECH unld'otw taacieilft sa rsotng of a coplurnteiih esresnp.o

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yotsubato  I eudsasm lla the sdik ni teh reaaycd dha het esma nhc,lu uths ogt ofod iinsgpo,on usth all gto EH.EC +5

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by beeip(141)
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rpatA mofr the enil ni FA nrfgeceneir NPM tainltrife ni gSallhie, hreet si no yaw ot tiraetfeiendf eehr betneew it nda .E iloC. paheC stho.

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merpaperple  As sebt I can nadseu,ndrt hawt ethy rea ignrty to teg at is ahtt BE"M saitn oshwngi sheltrpnuio" -&;tg BM"E sanit TNO nihwsog ngarsimso" &-;tg emor ykliel agelilSh ntha E il.oC fI a eclasip ltuurec for na onsirmag ..(ge EMB for .E oil)C hwoss on srgsaonim but ylno mroaylafnitm ,slcle .ei. nloisuh,eptr tath masen ahtt aginsomr is nto trnsepe. If tst'ha teh noipt eher s'it dnik of a ikrtc niqus,eot sa we lal uwdol vhae gnteot ti tghri if ythe dah tjsu dias "BME ehwdso no r"gni.ssamo I segsu eth akaatwye is ahtt het itpon fo a slpicea cuulrte is nraiby - ouy era onlkgoi orf a ispcefci rsgimoan, and ti si eierht hrtee or it nit's. +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by groovygrinch(39)
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Leki many r,hee I aws eeetbnw E. Cilo and lhiegSal ubt enwt ihtw elliShag becaesu fo het dcaraye retcen oit.rshy I otsaascie HCEE E. loiC ihwt dab bruger emta and ti demsee lyleinuk to me thta yhte lwoud eb phnpiwig pu rgsbrue at eth daecayr sUa(luyl nreeyoev isbrgn ierth onw unclh to y)raecda .

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by feralbaskin(2)
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hgSaliel si eht stmo leklyi culasa rmgoaisn rvoe E. lcoi due to eth vtieengt psefccalyili asitngt eth anpteti ahs had blodoy" IUCDMO osolts thiw mues.t"esn

egaP 144 FA 0129 IG snsnmftoiatei:a e,Frev rmpacy milbonaad pnai &tg;- ,eesmutns boldo udcomi tlosso allb(cayri nr.estde)yy

ePsela rrcotce me fi m'I gnowr, tub I ndt'o reebremm ketScyh onnnimtieg loboyd iduomc soolst rfo E. olci and htta taidel soe'dtn esme to rpaaep in AF.

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meja2  hknaT uyo! I dd'tin acthc eht d"ooylb comdui sl"toso ne,reecerf adn sye royue' igh-rt .E clio 'lwdontu ahev thsi poinatere!tns +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by step1soon(51)
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nOs BEM A,gra lsdioaet scoenlio fo sftage-loimtcnneer ebartcia arppea orbwn to alclebb-uk ni colo.r Eihcieascrh oilc epprasa sa realg, el-uablbkc lsnioeoc, eotfn iwht a enger emltcial nhese. anroteeEbrtc sp.p eprtens as obnwr to aeb,bklu-cl dcoimu soloncie twih on s.ehne gonte-Niefnnetr-solmac oo,eiscnl cuhs as Sielhagl s.pp adn alolemnSal ,sp.p erappa ntrpsrantea dna sc.esorlol

We iayaslclb eneded ot rolectera htat → on sisonarmg nese utb only rltniohpuse to ibegn a ctolsae mtfrnrnoneeo- nrg.siaom Terreoefh eht swnrae si elihgSal nda tno E loci

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by an1(114)
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eht dchil saw in a carey,ad onisen dan artoiusrv ear het eosn ot peek ni n.imd snnioe can also be due to hndueswa sgveegi dan eth flmiaaymront ltsoo p(ui)tseohlnr olsa tidseianc o.enins the calk of srpuoeex eudkoocdr(ne eamt rfo EECH) shlep ot erlu tuo C.oEli. ryitd watre ETEC( and )IECE et'anr soieplsb uebecas fo siht sdki oldoyb .otslo lsoA rfo hist ot be SUH et(h noyl solipsbe .oiClE twih dyoblo arai,d)rhe ew suldoh eahv sene hte irtad ro at elsta sghnemito oaubt it mnea(ia + rctphbetomoynaoi + Atecu Rlnea )snIf.f.u Aos,l o"iudmc "osolst is igthr ormf eht AF rhcta ofr e.lashgil

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submitted by whyisthis42dollars(1)
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E. oicl nit's an immoantarfly raahired, Saghiell si nik(ht bcak ot eth amelsf ni het cShetyk ve)iod. aTht enloa si gnoeuh ot luer out E. cloi mofr sawner

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by beetbox(6)
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anC nesoome pehl em ?tuo I chose .liECo o,ot adn I'm oto ctikh to rdtsednanu teh smtnocem .eher heT qteiosnu idas feacl seamr ont islapec aagr trlceuu .i.hdh.esysw era ew kntglai tuoba aisnt or?olcs and hyw dlowu emelyhten ulbe ditsean alfec asrme ohws on rg?sonami I ttohugh mhteneeyl ulbe snsati tsju ubota yan lelcs thta ash NAD/RA.N If teh nestoqiu is rginyt ot llte su that herte rwee NO SAOISGRMN eens ni hte smare, wyh udowl lSlgiaeh tno be esen? sI ti esbecau iaeSlghl snadvei cells nad oncersided mreo luanrlitcelar tanh E.ioCl?

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topgunber  i nthki .E oliC lowdu eb sieblvi on a ymeltehne uleb tsain (erneg )tia,ns m'i muianssg hsleialg is ateo ievnrgiv.i aupehrlicystmao sucase lobdyo rrdieaha enulik eaocrhl but mi geusigsn its rgnwo seaebcu sit ofmr efoda.os ehlSaigl dna .c ejijun era omcomn in eht tstesa aem(s iwth e li)oc. aeueBcs ylno ophrueiltsn erwe nistead we evha to smuesa atht its ton e icl.o +

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