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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 61-year-old man has erectile dysfunction ...
Area labeled โ€˜Dโ€™ (Corpus cavernosum) ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: anatomy pharm

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submitted by โˆ—neovanilla(57)
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A = eMyab het eruflpiiasc rladso veni

B = rAlaeor uessit

C = rrahUet du(rdusroen by ropusc imnogu)poss

D = Cruspo nsorumecav cort(ecr wrnse)a

linidlaSfe nasiceers oodlb fowl ot the peisn by igltdani het rupocs emuvorcsan ranc(sedie NO avi bitnihoini of DEP5 t-&g-; GcPM t-g;&- oohtms lmscue ol.arxeni)at tI esnd'to cluyatal fcafte eth olbod evslses ypilugsnp hte usporc ,cousamrnve I elvebie

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mangotango  Tihs wpythaa eassuc elioraxnta of ualcsavr otmsoh smluec so it causes inlodstavoai nda raecdseni dolbo wfol to eth oupcsr movneas,rcu cguians na eirc.onet +2

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submitted by โˆ—xxabi(293)
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EP5D- htirbnisio .(.eg lsladiefn,i idtaal)fal rea iedticand ofr DE yb yaw fo igeircnasn dlobo lofw ni hte sorupc oncveamusr b(ldeael )D fo eth snipe

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dulxy071  I lieeveb yiahectlnlc eth wensra wluod tno be ()B sa hte sprouc ocmevrauns snit' DCEAT NO by DPE inrbithosi ( epr eht sordw sdeu ni het sonuqeit ) btu tarerh ympsil lslif sa a usertl of EPD hsioinribt citgna no eth intealnr uispd rraety aomng mnya tseroh ot lwaol eorm lodob folw nito eht ucpros anuovesrcm rof na oirceent +4

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submitted by โˆ—calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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ueD ot tis npki ag,niisnt I otghhut B aws sotohm slmecu gnioruurnsd teh coprsu avcs.uemorn But I seuppos atth teh lclse mopscigno eht CC rae oltrcatncie yb hessv?eeltm dnA my tsiopausnm ulowd ekam hte spnei a angti suceml โ€” wihhc ti stom yaetcnlri si ont...

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submitted by assley(1)
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assley  FA 0022 pg. 2,66 462 +

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submitted by โˆ—ley(1)
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PcMG si nrbkoe dwno by speossiahtrpedhoe so daoipehrpehtsseso oihnbitsri lwil cuase reom PGcM dan moer dvai.saotlnoi

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