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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 24-year-old woman with sickle cell disease ...
Serum parvovirus B19 IgM antibody test ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—jo(29)
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arovP fnteisc BRC rcrroupses in hte rmarow cwhih acn sceua patsailc iscsir ni eskilc llce tatens.pi

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jo  fonInceit of rruprsoesc alth BRC niarutmaot hihwc esdal ot tinag brnpsmlrotsaoo whti rauerctnnila ivlar ocninlisus ni eht ireehyppr Urod)(lW +16

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submitted by โˆ—spow(50)
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oT go otghhru the orhte ss:nerwa
A dna )C If esh adh mseo otsr of thyelicom aainem cedsua by tbindaioes .(i.e vstoiipe bmoosC s)tte ro hse adh hyioms,les rhe tiruoctecyle ounct udolw eb ald) eeBetv No dnee ot od a clsheoe,oerspitr ouy nwko hes sha elsick clE)el Seh sha na tdalevee MC,V so hes natc' eavh noifi-cnrdeyiec naiaem

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submitted by โˆ—temmy(153)
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aHtelhy lpopee owh egt ciks ithw piovsvaurr yam ahve a cbulliicsna nislsel twhi ragiaathsl sa het lyon mpm.oyst tuB eskicl llce nstiaetp dan tntpisea hitw sdreecsae issmpaihtooee lilw pvo[dlee ebon owrmra ulaifre esbaeuc hte uivrs fftaec eht omcitthaioepe tsme escll ngeilad ot istpcaal srscei adn btyalinii fro the oneb aorrwm ot atyladqeue metcponesa cehne teh lwo ccyreteoluit avpovontusr.uci r dpsle.epucass.a heeskc ni idks opdryhs fsileat in suf,et cpltaias srsice in seclik lecl nad siaargtarlh in orteh pisan.tet

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henoch280  k.hstan revy lluefph +1

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submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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olw recit cont=u orarwm ton wriknog .

waht acn panexli hsit ? ovrap ruvis feacifntg eht pheattoimeco stem slecl , ehnec teh wol tierc otnc,u

hintk of eth olw trcie ntcou of gginiv a itpruce of a nigliaf omrrwa

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submitted by โˆ—forkyeaa(1)
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hyw si het MCV daleveet in hits tqesioun ewhn 'sit uopespds ot be rtiomccyno nno lhoimycet apilctsa mniae?a

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