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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
500 Men from a list of patients scheduled to be examined by a urologist 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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iaEnximng ptnaeti ofmr a tuiorlsog ilmspei koesBrn aisB hhciw dlwuo eswk the pnluioapot mean of srume erau netnirog away rfmo the etur rcctauea nea.m ,Tenh iaerelz pcesioinr si pdneetend on sctitastali ow"rP"e hchwi is esacirden absde no eth izse fo teh oupiatolpn fo het d.ysut nredicsae( npsocriie = asrecdine astatticsil wr.)ope fTeerrhe,o na einasecr ni noltoupiap of a sadebi pugor with lade to crncaaycui htiw gihh cseporii.n

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forerofore  ot dda ,pu hte rotlsigou iflsmhe ostend' add ro eremov ccyarauc esni(c htis si a odolb se,tt) htwa seadecres het acuryacc si eht fcta ttha in orred to eb etns to a olutroisg yuo pobbryla ear scki in eth stifr lpeca ens(ticeol ,bsai) os ryuo urea tgonenri si kilyle ot be +27
sharpscontainer  I uohhttg fo inseiopcr as eomr of a cunftoni fo aneva.ric reacaniV lwil eescedra ihwt a getrrae mesalp ezs.i dHa a radh mtei secabue I asw hnigiknt oatub osteh 4 danr ergtsta wudno(lt' 005 trads look omer radpse out nhat 0?1 ubt on, teh iaacevrn llwi be )reetbt tath evha enbe in ym oteokstxb iensc th7 rdeag adn rfo eth rftsi item I saw daesk a tioeqsnu tbauo tihs eopctcn nlyo to rcveosid taht I tid'nd have ti odnw sa wlel sa I md.euass +1
peridot  nrsiehosptaca@nr I elef ,uoy I ugthhot teh xeatc aesm oekdLo noit it a bti adn I itkhn it sha egnmhitos to od whti eth way anstdard rorre ro nddrtaas iviodeant ro tgominehs elik taht si al,cecudatl but 'mI lltis sndoefcu nda oot irdet ot igd ru.frhte loAs, nedatw ot nnetmio ttha isth EMNB sha a slrmiia estnuiqo ubt tsdeain tis' bouta hte %95 nefccnioed reialtnv - aebym llt'hta lphe ouy anrnesddut eht ircsonpie ginth reettb scien eth %59 einencfcdo ltienavr sraowrn hiwt a arelrg spamle z?eis oS 'tis nkadi dtei to eicnopr?is +

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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.1 lEmepax of aarncicteu ubt lygihh crseiep 
    a. 005 asetntip esngei a uarpaltirc ootcdr rof a piatlracur l.ns2seli
 Emplaex of aectacru tub p
isecimer    .a 01 taeistnp egduonr a encsgiern at a mlal 
.3 Both aAecrcut nad esrcipe 
    a. 050 apsnetti (hhgi esnopciri) egndrou a seriegcnn hh(ig rcyaaucc ~ on bsia ro yemissct 
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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ccAacury nasme teh atda iponts aer piseerdd,s btu ewnh yuo ktea eht enma fo tsohe ipt,nos htat mnae pmsa(e“l ”anem) is neabry the loapuitpno mena ue“rt( ”ea.nm) aDta psitno ear “emor ieps”cer if hte rseodiipns roscas atad tniops is lselamr athn mose toreh est of taad psitno (toeicn how hist is a aoircnmpos nda tno na b“tsle”uao ttnts;e)mea iesorcpin sasy nthogni uobta who lsceo hte greevaa fo teh daat iotnps aer ot eth “retu e.m”na

peKe ni inmd that yaccaucr dna ipnirocse rea ievealrt csdrsoit;rpe oyu ’ntca asy ssd-no-“oa si ”recipe;s ,no ouy cna ylon yas hc“c-dhsnsuau- is remo cseperi thna ds-s”aono- or oosd“ns--a is mero cecratau htan s”cd.s-cuuahhn- ,So in sith c,ase ew nca rfein thta NMEB isdcrseon me“n at eht soirtuol”g to heav UNsB ttah aer cloers to heca oethr roem( eslduct;er rmeo s;eprice less p)drseesdi anht hte NBUs of mn“e at all.”m

’seerH a iecn e:maig

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submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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nguisisDsc oriscenip lnoy eamsk sesen fi hyte rewe to lmpesa "X # tnet"iasp ltumliep eimts and ese how clsoe the firntefed enses'mmutare etsuslr ewer to hcae t.eroh Teh tlaauc size fo het elmaps 'lshdotu faecft ps,ioinrce ubt trhrea ti uhlsdo sujt ecaftf ayrcucca (cwhhi is rcdedeu yb teh ebisad itlnuapoop ta het )ulogosrit. Shm

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submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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woH soed 005 nme with vuarois iollcraugo nsitocoind ersltu ni a irpscee sm?aietet W'unoltd the rvteiya fo easluv due to arusvio deergse fo lienlss eeurcd ierpnscio and asuec a iewdr iray?evt

beaMy I hhteougtrov ti

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