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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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nmxniiagE napiett fmor a stoglroui smipiel rosBken Basi cihhw doulw ksew het ppiunlotoa nema fo rmesu uaer itneorng awya rmof eth uter atcueacr e.anm n,heT izleaer spciernoi si nepeteddn on tctlitisaas ew"P"ro wchih is caiensrde sdeab no het eizs of eht tpaonpilou of teh ty.usd aedceis(nr pirosniec = areicsden tsctliiatas .reo)wp Thferer,eo na rneiseac in utpalionpo of a sideba ogurp hiwt dela ot cuiyacacrn hitw ghih ecrnii.sop

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forerofore  to dad up, the sogorutil ifmslhe sndeot' add or emrevo uacyrcac in(ces sthi si a ldoob s,t)et awth aceersdse het yurccaca is eht ftca atth in oerrd to eb estn ot a otsgiuolr oyu bapyrolb are icsk in the rtifs pclae ec(sinltoe i),sab os yruo aure rnngetoi si iellyk ot be eerdtl.a +27
sharpscontainer  I gththou of reoinspci as omre fo a foitunnc fo aaci.enrv aaiernVc lilw saceeder itwh a teagrer eamlps zise. daH a hadr mtie esebauc I aws htignink taoub steho 4 ardn gtsetar ltonu(wd' 050 tarsd loko eorm prdesa tuo tanh 1?0 utb on, teh ivaacren ilwl be rbet)te thta eahv neeb in my oksttxobe esicn t7h agdre adn rof the rtfsi ietm I aws deska a iqotsune tobau isth ecnpcto nylo ot covedsri tath I i'nddt heva it ondw as wlle as I +1
peridot  npareitnocs@arhs I eelf u,oy I hotgthu het cteax msae nhgit. koLedo otin it a tbi dan I tikhn ti hsa hmgsentio to do thwi eth ywa stdaardn eorrr or antasddr dnoetiavi ro ihogntsme ikle thta is cl,luacadet ubt Im' tslli osudcnfe adn oto tdeir ot dgi rfutr.he osA,l edwtna to toinmen htta tihs NMEB hsa a iisrlam qusnotei tbu taindse st'i tobau the 9%5 ncdeoeinfc tvnailre - mebay atll'th hepl uoy sueanddrnt eth irpiceosn hntgi tbeter encsi teh 59% cefoecdinn ilverant rosrnwa itwh a rraegl peaslm eszi? oS 'tsi kadin iedt ot ?niicseorp +

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. xmaelpE fo ucaeanrict utb ilghyh csriepe 
    a. 005 iestptna sieneg a ctulrpiraa otordc fro a lrcirpauat s
s.e2liln mplxEae fo tcaruaec utb erpmcs
iei    .a 01 aeptsint grnueod a gecnesinr ta a laml 3.
 thoB cuatAcre adn cepseri 
    a. 500 etsiatpn ghh(i irpo)cisne ogrunde a ngrsneeic (hghi accucyar ~ no iasb ro issmycte roe
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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uccyArca neams eht tada tpsoni are essper,did but hewn you tkea eht mane fo ethos stpino, htta emna p“le(asm )”name si ebrnay hte lopouaptni aemn “true( )aenm.” aDta tospin are oemr“ cseerpi” fi hte sriodpiesn ocsras adat psniot si mrlslea athn smoe htroe tse fo aatd oitspn i(tcone woh htsi is a inrscapoom adn otn an ”elbt“ouas amnt)t;eets snoipreic ssya nhiognt tubao woh olesc het ervaage of the daat posint era ot het “true man.”e

eepK ni nmdi ahtt ycrccuaa dna spoeriicn rae rtivaele rr;spdetsoci ouy ’tanc ysa -s“-dnoosa is ipr;ece”s n,o ouy can ylon ysa h-sc-“cdhsunau si mero sieecpr hant saoos-d-”n or ossd“-nao- si more crtauace ntha ndsucsh-u.a-c”h oS, ni siht esca, we can erifn hatt MBEN neircssod nem“ at the olrugsiot” to hvae NUsB that rae scroel to hcea hrteo omer( ctd;ureles omre epcser;i elss dsdeerip)s anth teh NBsU of “enm ta la.”ml

Here’s a ncie eigma:

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submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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sscsDiungi osricenpi nloy ekams nsese if yhte erwe ot psleam "X # "nesaptti lmtlupei smiet and ese how sleco eht nerfftdie smmeeu'tasnre estslru reew to ahce .hetro The lactua zeis of het pmaesl otdh'lsu atfefc inrscpoie, tub therar it ohusdl usjt ftcaef cruacyca ichhw( si reuddce yb eth easdib ppuilotnoa at hte ultosg.ior) hmS

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submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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wHo osed 050 men ihwt iuoasvr ilorclgoua ioidcntnos lertsu ni a siecper ?meeaistt o'Wuntld teh ayirtve of eusalv ued to isarouv eedgres fo sillens eruced ciipronse adn eacsu a rwedi tyva?eir

eaMyb I gevutohohtr ti

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