PCP is a sedative-hypnotic and dissociative anesthetic that generally acts as a downer but can also cause incredible aggression coupled with pain insensitivity (the superman drug). Vertical nystagmus is a commonly mentioned physical exam finding.
azibirdFA specifically mentions hypertension and tachycardia, so I ruled it out immediately. But you're right, it's a hallucinogen, I thought it was a stimulant.+2
schepI spent so much time on this question. I also ruled out cocaine, methamphetamine and PCP because (I thought) his vitals didn't match. Then I was forced to convince myself that someone on oxy or a benzo would suddenly get violent...+3
submitted by โmkenerly(11)
I've been taught that any overdose vignette with a patient assaulting the doctor is a dead ringer for PCP due to their aggression.