p53 is an important tumor suppressor gene, particularly in its ability to cause a cell to undergo apoptosis in the event of damage. p53 protein activity also holds the cell at the G1/S regulation point (B), limiting DNA synthesis.
topgunberRB , when HYPOphosphorylated, does the same at g1/s. +1
vetafig692p53 is an important tumor suppressor gene, particularly in its ability to cause a cell to undergo apoptosis in the event of damage. p53 activity also holds the cell at the G1/S regulation point (B), limiting DNA synthesis.+
submitted by โbwdc(697)
p53 is an important tumor suppressor gene, particularly in its ability to cause a cell to undergo apoptosis in the event of damage. p53 protein activity also holds the cell at the G1/S regulation point (B), limiting DNA synthesis.