I knith ahtt teh rsewan si ton yiolpcr esisonst, cihhw essrpten htiw RIOCTEJLEP ul-niosonbi itnmviog -s4k6w salyl(sacilc ritfs ronb bayb .o)yb
rsb@ie - I ntkih it si eht asme ctcpoen as hte lociypr .rehnicpst nI clrpyoi nesisto,s ti tekas a fwe wseke rfo the cleusm ot aclutlya wgor ueohng ot eacsu na ,csroiobnutt os reahspp eht emas ccepont slpaipe to het ELS u-lemcs astnh' dah time ot rowg ogeunh to peke thmsoca totncesn fmor gugirtenrigta ni a .wbnerno aTth ouldw mkea snsee why it loudw olresve ervo mit.e Juts a tuhg.hot
utsJ ot add to athw thoser vahe rlaedya talebaedro :ounp
agasplheEo pmssa - ilraegrur isiandedrgzo ttcinnsraoco of ahplsgoaee uatru,mlsecu louwd cuesa i,ahapgysd or dmeeimati uiotrtriaeggn in shit enw bnr.o ihsT owudl lbrobapy epanph ihtw yvere fede.
tGu ontmiolarta utidg(M litaonr)toam - teresnsp iwht suiiobl viontigm ued ot lnouedda tounsitcbor iav dLad dBnas nitmfo.ora
lghaoTaehaoseepcr estraia - dowlu ntspere wiht csiy,asno oong,idrl adn seescxvei ng.uhcgio riA dwolu eb rnetsep ni hte ,hsomtca adn t'nac saps a rgatiocsasn eutb hhortgu ot teh am.oshct
submitted by โandro(269)
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Ben-ign otrshaaegepgolsa flruex ( i.e aemiurtm wrole alphsgeeao ptshecnir )rigtiaeogutnr of doof ylhtsor refta iefnedg .
oN rfruhte otssmymp , tehlyah nrleihdc whit oamrln edetenmpovl
htpeoriy-pcrH ocrplyi stiesnso
Rtaurngeoitgi - erotipclje nuonsboiil giniotvm eltrcoteyle aaicnslmbe ( slkliaosa nda aykeihlompa ) * apcshyli iixonetmaan yam raveel na oielv msas no aipltapno fo sgprtmaeuii
y*ita ylpcl rsstta rmof enbetwe n2d adn ht7 week fo age
iM-udtg uslvvluo ar/Moatltoin uno/adelD rieasta * luobsii nogiitmv * lmioaandb dtonsniiet * nIagimg mya aerevl snigs kiel eht elbdou ulbebb sngi ( ddalenou ratsiea ) ect
:eNot ehT silt is ton eauhisxtev as ehrte are ynma more uasesc sscetodiaa htiw noebrwn gnimiovit