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Retired NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman with a long standing ...
Macrophages ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: Immuno repeat

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benwtee segmchpoaar nda hi;ltsrpenou uerplnhisto era mero eher si ngol gsndinat ):

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azibird  Is hteer nnytagih else to it? I asw iinhktng poisheunlrt ecasbue tehy locud be ldflei ihwt oclipdoicc ni aeno.rrhgo +4
nbmeanswersownersucks  I nikht fi etyh eadwtn nhporlteusi htye vw'uledo dha ot omninte mghetosin uotab aemby sup ro wteih idrehasgc btu nseic stih is nhcirco dna dr,cesar tsi lekylnui phonsutriel dwoul be eepsrtn ..ei on rngelo an itvcae noiniceft +3
cbreland  tCn'a ebeveli siht wsa atth si.em.l.p +6
thrawn  acsoMahgrpe atcetvai orfsycbeti to be bsblotsriaf +2
thrawn  heTer si alwyas a mnase fo cgcmotpnalii a hint.g +1
jaramaiha  xcEues em helwi I og eahcs oems ezrsab +6
coco  2020FA p126 cnricoh iarammhmcalefpnoingat:o rae moidtna lcle smaog:corteucnir +2

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