Semo fdoo orf thuot,gh hses' an lyedelr atentip that yroalbpb sted'on vderi mhcu eronmay hwo moer ahtn yielkl stis in the pssneraeg s.eat cneHe eseh'rt ermo sesnlio on het rtgih hand s.edi If ouy reev rwonde hyw rtkcresu aer mreo lelkiy to egt knsi accenr no hrite ltef ,sedi meas seanro yw.h
submitted by โanechakfspb(77)
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rnocdigAc ot ,kpiWaidei nctcAii" is,asetsol oals nkwon as rsalo osis,ealst is an uciaconutlam fo alobanmr ietlasn tc(slaei iues)st ni the dsreim of teh isnk, ro in hte cnatovinjcu of eht ee,y wchih csocur as a trusle fo eht ecmvltauui esctffe of peognlord and evsxecsei snu ,rospeexu a essrcpo wnnok sa "ohig.ptnoga
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