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Retired NBME 19 Answers

nbme19/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
Oral fluid therapy for diarrhea caused by ...
Membrane transport mechanism denoted by letter 'C' (Sodium-Glucose cotransporter) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pharm

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submitted by cassdawg(1781)
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Olra yhretnoriad tphryea ymmoolnc scnsstoi of rtsl/eouelytegcar ratew ebcusea of het ilitaby ot litzeui het smduio celuosg opemyrrs.t eWrhe uiodms o,esg earwt os,lwflo so yb dhrtgynai tihw ihst imxrtue it lwsoal fro na stocmio pl"u"l of wreat oitn teh e.tsiitnsen

eerH is an iclater twhi moer edliat dna a trpyte aai:rdgm tc/icdtoiihppraikhlleia-abtys:regcmyerots/vofe/sms-a.ntte-r/a

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ftr_dr_bowowers  hktna !!!ouy +3
lovebug  sdaga.s@wc uyo aer so zaagnmi! ht!x :D +
surgerydoctorca_sgu  @agsswcad yver ewll .dias +

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