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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
An 18-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Reactive T lymphocytes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: Immuno repeat

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by alexp1101(11)
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eeshT lpiyaact yom,hlyeptcs aka ewoynD lscel ywnDeo( 319,)2 are alctulay tvtadciae 8CD T shoyyelmct,p otsm of cwhhi aer norenpigds to tBEeVnd-fice clel.s

D8+C T- slelc scenerai ni rbsmuen in eth olbod atsmer nad aer acaeivttd (aka oeDnwy ,lelsc veretcia hmceyltsypo ro aicltyap hymoptcseyl ascubee of thrie tyapiacl cerpenes ni phirelraep bloo)d to eeiitmlna BVE tfedenci -B otpesmyyhcl.

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mambaforstep  fi you awdthce shk,tyec hte guy on het otbtom tigrh nrceor swa erpneegrnsti a deowny lelc aka a teivecra T pcyotyehlm +1
mambaforstep  losa AF 1092 ayss ai"talycp phycesotmyl on elehrpirap bodol mae-rs not fetecind B slelc tbu tverceai toyoitxcc T ce."sll pg 615 +
mambaforstep  also ^ i anetm oomttb ltef rfo the ykcshet cehtks sryrory +

While EBV infects B cells through CD21,

the atypical lymphocytes in on peripheral blood smear are cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes fighting to the viral infection.

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by haliburton(224)
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AF 017:2 tsIfenc B llsce thugrho C.D21 latpyAci oysmhtleypc on piloaoerehrdlbp seamr G —ont ifnecedt cB elsl but ticearev xyccootti T llecs. ⊕ oopnsMto oeesot—esdlitpnetrbiihhate cdeteted by oatf ltgaoiginnu phsee ro shoer eUsR .sBC of olxaiicmlni in loisscn nmcnaeuoo eusac teachiracstirc cmalaruolapup .ahsr

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zup  dmsriea the tunaccso" or"f equnosti sa hatsw' teh esraon orf hte tayclpai scly.eotpmyh So I denawrse suvri" eedctnif B "mohecp.yltys onyAen eles erdsiam it lkei t?tha +17
nala_ula  t,hSi I marisde that oto dan I cdetino it nwo. severN etg hte ebts of u!s +
stevenorange  fI teh ionuqets si aks hwta si het apiytacl yeoymcplht in het rnaib , ahnt ti usdloh be teh nfdeetci B lecl, RTHG?I +

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