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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old girl is conscious but unable to ...
Pseudocholinesterase deficiency ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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lPep"eo whit padnesusetlocersheio cfdyceenii yam not be lbae ot mveo or etrabeh no hriet wno for a ewf surho faert f[aittcgn-sa ,sdrug ucsh as cuhoslliecinncy dan umimac]urvi are m.teandierdsi

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ragacha  TXH +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—powerfulgarbage(17)
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eherT was a oludrw Q on shi.t hTe duraonit fo ioctan fo unoySllhccicnie is deetirmned by ist emotsambil by salpam teeslcirhenoas. eoSm ppeole are myoosuozgh rfo an blaomarn almspa icoraehssn,eetl aak pcidee"sus"enoalrsetho or rylnbtysesutoihlce""rae )HCB.E( ePlepo wiht a zmuoogoyhs CBHE outnimta avhe ydlaeed etsmaloimb of ncuehiloc,nlsciy mmvriuai,cu roih,ne nda co.nciea

nI teesh pante,sit pysrsaila fomr euncciihnyllsoc can alts rfo hruos dan oyu heva to aimntina htem no cimhacnale toienintval nitlu yeht nca behrta on itehr won

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lovebug  291FA0 3.8p5g +1

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submitted by โˆ—d_holles(218)
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osAl, I khint tahw is kye is ot rlzieae atth ringujni CN X io'natvrret(iape CN X jyunr)i' odse ton lead to phgrmadia r,sayslaip nloy pichrne rvnee jryiun olwdu od tta.h


uFmothrrree, hte ertho isotpno onciiidy'rcs(ta rxn ot u'oaeesnlrvf adn ryn'ainedo erptocer ec')fdte rea rof anganimtl ietehmayr,rhp NOT ulenba ot bharte npsyo.slteoaun

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—an_improved_me(91)
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Mtghi be a bmud snoetuqi naC ipetnats lmaronyl banirhet on tihre onw fi nevgi l?ycnoclechnuiis

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trazobone  Yes! aomlNr elpoep lwil aehv na dqeaaetu lelev fo tnosoaepucldshieeers ot bkera dnow hte nncluyshccliieo nad leyvuetanl cease ist .cftefes tBu fi oyru onqtuise i,s will nucnociyiellcsh ilstl niitibh hbnatigre in a lrnamo se,opnr sey ti .illw tI lwil wkor to lrapyeza smuescl ekli( yoru higarmdap) in othb a rmoaln poersn adn in mooesen thwi hte oihetlpecasdureessno d.iyfeecnic The ianm esusi si eth byiatli to ytlvlaenue kbrae wndo eth ulieocynsclnich adn ceom uto of the aiypsrlsa +1

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