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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#10 (reveal difficulty score)
A 42-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Rosacea ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—sahusema(173)
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eocaaR.s nA lafyitamomrn fciaal inks soedirdr ichrczerdaeat yb starmeteuohy supalpe nad pesluut utb on desnocm.eo yaM be aotsesidac thwi ialafc inlgfuhs ni snrpseeo to rnltexea iumistl (,eg lco,loah .hea)t

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icedcoffeeislyfe  02F0A2 pg 477 +

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submitted by โˆ—nosancuck(102)
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yuo onwk woh ti is deze sboi got dat alcfai FLSHU eud to xeraletn atusntmili

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dr.xx  spelea ues dsntadar .Eshingl I catnon nrdaentsud a ordw of hwat yuo ear gsna.iy +14
aishu007  AF pg 64,8 cfalia ifhsulgn edu to axlertne stlmiiu eikl ipysc aIaoA.n mfoydotmr caf lia knsi oidrrsde ziracdceehrat yb eoyrastemhut lpaupes nda usutp sel 0 , tbu mtel.oe&nnd;;so&ct g May be dtasaocise thiw caf lai huginsR in noseresp ot nlxrteea sutmi il e,(g eoll),. coathah uoashPymt aroasce can seuca orhmaphnyi bu( ulsob dmoeonaritf fo s)ne.o +3
madisonivy  tmann/nyeslhi/.:diostivp/o +1
an_improved_me  idntD' onkw inMsaod swa negttgi rhe DM; emas sa rD. Jnnyoh niSs! +2

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