Hsi peixssoern is os ilsb.ufls U nac lelt t'yeher inohost pu omes flul o-iodpui gonitsa odeiecn tpye of sthi adn otn mose tshtiy rptliaa ooip-idu goiatsn bprrnueepinho peyt fo tsih or msoe isth elki plarodeemi atht dt'esno eenv cta no het NSC
veen bt,tree if uoy arclel that het hasgpuseo is tTEOenoapRrReil ( its ni ekil hlaf teh weanrs hei)ocsc. ,ecenh to etg to ti uyo aevh to go AYYAYYWY epde ( keli rcki nad mrtoy sumnglggi ts.)hi rfeat ,htta hte lgun tooipn esamk teh stom sene.s
,olAs lparnuymo eraryt si ywa oot rfa waay ot eb adaedmg by nirtanel ujuarlg vien aerciazhit.not
ahaay@hy, I have an siseu hwti ttah eirpctu sulsen 'Im imngiss get.mosnhi nI reevy ohrte coseru I vah,e hte eilnnatr grjaulu veni elis LAARLTE ot eth nmcmoo rdicoat rrya.te hTe icurtep you odviepdr whoss teh rnlainet ljgurua eivns eldmai to the cnommo rtiadco r.ryeat
Look at the htore I hitnk it tums eb eth oniinulamtpa of tigrunn the aedh ot teh eostpipo edis htat etrteb exseops the argjulu rof haianzeotecirtt sppusore
submitted by โhayayah(1212)
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tCehtaer mc:tnalepe
laelRc taht eht ulng expa denetxs evoba het tsrfi .bir