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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 66-year-old woman with pancreatic cancer ...
Short gastric ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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Treeh si eilnpcs envi mit.hrssboo heT ostrh gciarst nievs laonryml drnai ntio teh eplnisc n.vie ueD ot hte tooihbs,msr terhe amy be ifudl acbpku and iaenrdesc r,erepsus gneltrusi in .civsrae

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sononono  WRLUDO D:I 75191 +1

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submitted by โˆ—dr.xx(176)
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sGcitra evciras aer efd yb het rshto atiscgr v.ines


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cienfuegos  Ad'dl UW fnu tcaf si rfignteanfetiid ormf cirtgas vrscaei 2/2 PT:HN rtGcasi :ivacesr can olsa be seen /w elsnpci vine hotribbosm 2/2 nichorc aittins,aepc patiarencc rnaecc dna dnbolamai uomstr - eugsa sgtcira vecisar oyln ni teh nfsuud e(andmirre of oamthsc nda ugsesahop usylaul nto ceffeatd vs. PTNH: nriedecsa psrusree ni lfet sgircta esvn hstu hotb isactgr dna aeeposalgh sercvai) +5

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submitted by โˆ—sahusema(173)
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The isqutnoe yssa IARGTSC cei,avsr nto GHAPESEOAL .evscira My spitdu ba.rin ulsP Im' snmusgai left gtplieoascipor ldwou eb a crretco rasewn fi ti aws esidt.l

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cmun777  leihW L pleproitcosagi dulow aemk emor nssee nath het erhto rwsne,sa snnidciergo ti has na snsmsootiaa dn(a htrrofeee an utotle for hte edrsnceia b)olod I iktnh ti luwod ahev much sels irsk of in/bveeegsdlrcia anht the orhts itrgasc lwudo +1

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submitted by xw1984(8)
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itghR gseaircoiloppt V nac loas eb eidardn iotn ist aercrutpton no eht ,felt ubt orhts arscigt V eosd tno vahe mtanoes,ssao so the casvire fo otshr igsratc V ledas to nd.iebleg

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submitted by โˆ—dr.xx(176)
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rMeo le fAefnuytlrsf: to itcrags ve.rsica The entfsaerf to VG ocme rfmo ltef aigstcr n,vie ohrts ctiarsg eivns adn ritrpsooe sgiratc niev eht telf rscaitg ivne ylmina oriuntbecst to tfonmaoir of acicrda eviacsr herwase hte ohrst ctisgra inve nad resotirpo cigsrta evin orebtcniut to ntoarmfoi fo dulfan ase.crvi eIlsadto crstiga ecarsiv are more elkily to be adeertl ot iegorsoatcppeli esvin.


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