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Retired NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 2/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 6-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital ...
Myeloperoxidase 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem repeat

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by itsalwayslupus(48)
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rmoF aaPtmho hC. 2 gp. 4:1 PMO eycfcinied tsuesrl in fetcvdeie sneivocorn fo 2OH2 to HlCO. ncIedresa iksr rfo Canadid nsxnif (ohtuhgla osmt entsiapt asoycpmmta.)it Nietorulb tlirauezmot sett is mrlaon uaesebc het ysrraotiepr sbutr is luactlay listl Thsi iantetp ash ddcaain ineocintf nad deyeadl, tub illts nac likl phast a, ihhwc ngylemeis oges lagno ihwt eht acft ahtt hte irtorrsaeyp tusbr si llsti c,atnit tbu tuhwoit MOP ti mya be ieenrdhd a titlle.

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namesthegame22  ieN!c ,sYe hte BNT estt si ranmol ihwt O.PMD fI it ss,ay "A ertnbolui elturmtoazi tste ssowh enitiefcd ocindture by oensl"ytrguac = CDG! +

  • Myeloperoxidase deficiency (MPOD) is a common inherited immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by the inability to produce hypochlorous acid within phagolysosomes. The disease is typically mild and may present with recurrent Candida albicans infections.

  • CGD is caused by NADPH oxidase deficiency and results in impaired intracellular killing of pathogens. This presents as recurrent pyogenic infections with catalase+ organisms such as S. aureus with normal concentrations of leukocytes and immunoglobulins.

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submitted by amy(4)
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So tath si ot yas BHOT (DHPGADCN doixaes i)enecdiyfc AND eMelearpiosoyd yeedniccif eproisssedp ot ieaico-vslstepata gub nieofcnti.

A2F020 109P oyln eezpsdamih no CGD" ttaniep aer at cisearnde sikr ofr eiftnnoci yb ac+aseatl scseepi ealpbac fo uarienznltig teihr onw ,2O2H nvalegi hpctgaoyse wuitoth RSO for gnfthiig finnieco".t tuB ara,ppnlyte idgocnarc ot htsi tqo,ineus itsh ttnmatese lhdso teur to saeprlooeidyMe yccndeifei as lwle

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submitted by ilikedmyfirstusername(19)
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hWy not poerdxiues simetsad?u sIt het tsep hgrit ni eneebwt HPDAN cincro(h asoauumrgtlon ds)eisae nda PMO

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ilikedmyfirstusername  I usegs htat cdlou ntiolteapyl stmfeain sa an neev weosr neeotpyhp ni ?CISD +1
thekneesofbees  stI seucbae DSO ofrsm HO2,2 but OH22 is knbero nodw yb Sneci tSaph uAurse si taaselca posvie,ti ti ntwoldu' eb kdiell by it a.yawny +7
minion7  hteseeobfnek@se ,,,,, os if npttiea hsa SOD ,YCEDINCEIF he antc eenagret 0,H22, so he si much mero eiutlsscpbe to gte klidle yb goa?rm?isn +1
topgunber  Teh rifst hnigt to epke ai:httrsg sreaotnic in BCWs rea mante ot ieecnras ..SO.R ehilw tscrnaieo in rehot slelc rae ot teg dri of R...OS iperxdsuoe is cmuh rsrneotg tnha h2o2 na(d is htwa eewr' itetgsn tiwh hte asrrtporiye butsr ttse orf AGDCPDN-H sdOaiex c)d.iiceyenf iedS nt:eo OSD deiycincef ouldw smnaifte sa oul g'ihgsre siedeas S)(LA sbaucee eorepduxsi is so xcoti it saeamgd the lscle teesAfmservleth. DSO owskr no ,O ti emask HO2.2 porsayilMxedeeo esatk 2OH2 and tsurn ti noit ebhalc )H(lC.-O hTe oiesnutq is gylmipin tath OBTH daandic adn shpta cnotan be lledik yb tish .ipttnae hTye era tohb aecsaatl tve-piios hsit nasem htat if the epnaitt ncta' urnt 2OH2 inot hte nsotergr HCOl- neht het lascaate esioipvt sraogmnsi nca sujt rutn 22oh noti atrwe and .xyoeng oehp atht aekms .neses +3

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submitted by mdmofongo(0)
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xysealerMoeodip si hte lnoy neo ytualcla evlondvi ni aknmgi eefr sa.dlrica sCeataal semka 2H2O inot ,tewra iprueSeodx edsusmait eeinltsima oexygn adac,ilsr LHD eamks atatlec o(n lroe in terlaicab nkilg),il dan ON nessath,y ekmsa NO.

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b1ackcoffee  I gtuhtho DSO aosl csmeo )sced(on after hwaatpy g(nkiam 2)oh2 to kame —HCOl +1
mdmofongo  oNw atth I ookt a kloo ta teh wpahayt aagin uoy rae grht.i Kwgoinn htis dI’ asy ttah eref disracla of 2O slitl evah a ccneah ot seuac msoe gama,ed as eerhw rngdoeyH rdieexop just essrve sa a rnteatimidee orf eref alriacd irof.mtaon husT OSD dcincfyeei eevals meos beiilacrctda itnoac utb POM elaesv n?neo +2
igurl11  So I meidss tihs too cb I asw logikno fro HDAPN xO b(c I pertdnieret yeeddla ointac ainastg Stpha A sa ON eceftf no saelcata )+. nThe fbireyl neierddsco POM ehnt diepkc SDO nad vmdeo o.n utB MOP kesam snese cb sti ndeede ot kmae haeBcl (woh plrsihuoten lkl)i t&g;- efD =tg&; dandaiC cieift.nno athW ethy mnae by adlye in ttcayivi ofr taSph si kgatlin butao eht aexrt spte eddene to esu hte ea'sicatrb wno 22HO ot hnet maek uBt juts sa eht abaitcer si inmkga ,2OH2 'tsi aols evngroim ti siung taa.slcea So ti ekta a liltet egnrlo ot aehv eouhgn aechbl to ahev a acaildtribec fteec.f +

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submitted by stunna216(0)
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wyh is reht epfairrelyxh dna a basnikbi gnis gmneani that ether is na NUM eonils?

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csalib2  sedha p,u i thkni ryueo’ in eth wnrog qesontui ehrtda +1

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