Myeloperoxidase deficiency (MPOD) is a common inherited immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by the inability to produce hypochlorous acid within phagolysosomes. The disease is typically mild and may present with recurrent Candida albicans infections.
CGD is caused by NADPH oxidase deficiency and results in impaired intracellular killing of pathogens. This presents as recurrent pyogenic infections with catalase+ organisms such as S. aureus with normal concentrations of leukocytes and immunoglobulins.
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hWy not poerdxiues simetsad?u sIt het tsep hgrit ni eneebwt HPDAN cincro(h asoauumrgtlon ds)eisae nda PMO
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wyh is reht epfairrelyxh dna a basnikbi gnis gmneani that ether is na NUM eonils?
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$279$49rmoF aaPtmho hC. 2 gp. 4:1 PMO eycfcinied tsuesrl in fetcvdeie sneivocorn fo 2OH2 to HlCO. ncIedresa iksr rfo Canadid nsxnif (ohtuhgla osmt entsiapt asoycpmmta.)it Nietorulb tlirauezmot sett is mrlaon uaesebc het ysrraotiepr sbutr is luactlay listl Thsi iantetp ash ddcaain ineocintf nad deyeadl, tub illts nac likl phast a, ihhwc ngylemeis oges lagno ihwt eht acft ahtt hte irtorrsaeyp tusbr si llsti c,atnit tbu tuhwoit MOP ti mya be ieenrdhd a titlle.