Myeloperoxidase deficiency (MPOD) is a common inherited immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by the inability to produce hypochlorous acid within phagolysosomes. The disease is typically mild and may present with recurrent Candida albicans infections.
CGD is caused by NADPH oxidase deficiency and results in impaired intracellular killing of pathogens. This presents as recurrent pyogenic infections with catalase+ organisms such as S. aureus with normal concentrations of leukocytes and immunoglobulins.
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Why nto rouxdeiesp esdmusati? tsI het epst gihtr in beewent HPNDA ihrcon(c oamulsgarunto esesd)ia dan PMO
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hyw si trhe iahlreexyrfp dna a inkaisbb igsn inneagm thta there si an NMU sn?eloi
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$279$49oFrm ataPmoh h.C 2 p.g :14 OPM fednicyice urselst in deeievfct ircnesvono of HO22 to Cl.OH crensIead isrk fro nCddiaa xnnsfi luhghato( stom etatpsin c.)soamipatmty lbeuirNto auiztletorm tste is amrnlo eubaces hte oypstarrrei rustb is catylaul llsit tintca. Tsih niatetp has dinacad tcfiionne nda deldaye, but listl anc kill htspa ,a cwhih gmesnylie oseg agnlo iwht teh ctaf tath teh osepirtrray rsbut is lislt cittan, utb whuoitt MPO ti aym be ndehride a litelt.