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Retired NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 2/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 6-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital ...
Myeloperoxidase 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem repeat

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by itsalwayslupus(48)
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oFrm ataPmoh h.C 2 p.g :14 OPM fednicyice urselst in deeievfct ircnesvono of HO22 to Cl.OH crensIead isrk fro nCddiaa xnnsfi luhghato( stom etatpsin c.)soamipatmty lbeuirNto auiztletorm tste is amrnlo eubaces hte oypstarrrei rustb is catylaul llsit tintca. Tsih niatetp has dinacad tcfiionne nda deldaye, but listl anc kill htspa ,a cwhih gmesnylie oseg agnlo iwht teh ctaf tath teh osepirtrray rsbut is lislt cittan, utb whuoitt MPO ti aym be ndehride a litelt.

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namesthegame22  Ni!ec eY,s the TNB stte si orlamn hitw .DOMP If it y,ssa A" ouintbrel zutoemliart test hwsso feciidnte cduerinot yb "glsaytoucern = GCD! +

  • Myeloperoxidase deficiency (MPOD) is a common inherited immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by the inability to produce hypochlorous acid within phagolysosomes. The disease is typically mild and may present with recurrent Candida albicans infections.

  • CGD is caused by NADPH oxidase deficiency and results in impaired intracellular killing of pathogens. This presents as recurrent pyogenic infections with catalase+ organisms such as S. aureus with normal concentrations of leukocytes and immunoglobulins.

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submitted by amy(4)
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oS tath is ot ysa BOHT N(ACDDPHG oxeidas )eefndciciy NAD ysplioerdoeaeM yfeniedicc sesdpsrioep ot -teaetiasascpovil bug iionnc.etf

22A0F0 910P noly dziasheemp on C"DG teantip ear at rnsdeaice sirk for oicnefitn by sealt+aac epsiecs placbae fo inelnzrguati irhte nwo OH,22 eingvla oapgchesyt whutoti SRO rof tghgiinf to".cinenfi tuB raply,npeta drcacongi ot htis t,qisoenu htis tattesmen sodhl etru to eyMsoeaoidlerp iicfncdyee as llew

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submitted by ilikedmyfirstusername(19)
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Why nto rouxdeiesp esdmusati? tsI het epst gihtr in beewent HPNDA ihrcon(c oamulsgarunto esesd)ia dan PMO

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ilikedmyfirstusername  I gsseu hatt uolcd oteatnipyll mtsiefna sa na nvee wrseo onhptpyee ni DIS?C +1
thekneesofbees  tIs acbuese DOS osmrf ,O2H2 btu 2HO2 si onberk onwd by al.escaat Sncei Shtpa urseuA is tecasala ivoe,ptis it dl'untwo eb llkdei by ti nyaywa. +7
minion7  ekbhee@nteoesfs ,,,,, os fi epttina sah SDO EF,YECCDINI eh ntca etenegra ,H0,22 so he is hmuc mreo stseplceubi ot get llidek yb io?amsn?rg +1
topgunber  ehT tfris intgh ot ekep at:ghistr tocreaisn ni BCsW aer etnma ot areinsce O...RS welhi icosnerat in hreot slcel aer ot teg dri of O.S..R droseuxpei is umch oenstrgr ahtn 2ho2 d(an is twha er'we gttesin hiwt het topresrirya tsbur stte rfo AGDNPH-CD sOaedix fc)ndeceiyi. Side e:ont ODS edccniefiy duowl teiafsnm as luo hreggsi' iesadse )A(SL baucees ueroepdisx si os xcoti ti gdaesam eht llces Asevelteefrhst.m OSD swrko no ,O it msake H2O2. epxosediayoreMl tkaes O22H dan suntr ti tnoi helbca .C)-l(OH heT nseuioqt is yimnplig htta THOB cdainda adn psath nnacto be dkille by iths piatent. yThe era bhot leatcaas eitposi-v shti seman tath if het tapenit cat'n urnt 2H2O tion hte trngesro C-OHl enht eth taleasac ipvieost aorsgnsmi cna utsj nutr 22oh into atewr dna nygoe.x peoh hatt akmse es.nse +3

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submitted by mdmofongo(0)
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eMyerdsloaxopie si the lnyo one lctuylaa nleidvov in iankmg feer ar.acdlis alCsatea esmka 22HO noti ra,tew xoreuiSped iutssemda tnaiilesem nogxye ,ailrsadc DHL skeam aelattc n(o oelr ni bcaaeitlr gni,lilk) and NO hts,aesny ameks .ON

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b1ackcoffee  I uththog DOS aslo ocesm deson()c featr ptawhay ag(nmik o)2h2 ot kame OHlC— +1
mdmofongo  oNw taht I otok a lkoo at eht ahytpwa angai you era gtrhi. niwogKn isht ’dI ysa hatt eerf saiclrda fo O2 stlli hvae a enhcca ot eausc esom a,edgam as ehewr Henygodr epirxode tsju seesrv as a emtndateerii fro rfee rdcliaa faoirmnt.o uhsT ODS fycdicneei slavee smeo editbraccial icnoat utb POM asevle ?onen +2
igurl11  So I sedims shti too cb I saw gkniloo rfo DHNPA xO bc( I pttrrnediee aeedyld aointc gatsian aSpht A sa ON efctef no etsalaca .)+ Tenh lirybfe deoridecns OMP neth icpedk SOD adn dmveo no. But OPM sakem sesen cb its ddenee ot keam achlBe (ohw lnteoipsrhu )lilk &t;g- Dfe =;tg& adiCdna .ninfoicet taWh ehyt emna yb aedly ni cvaytiti ofr pShat is tnlgaik oaubt teh earxt pets eddnee ot eus eht rbi'cateas won 2HO2 to nteh kmae lcha...eB utB just as teh baiecrat is gnamik 2H2O, si't also vgoinemr ti snuig saeltc.aa So ti aket a tltlei geronl ot avhe eonguh lhecba to aevh a crliaactbedi .eecfft +

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submitted by stunna216(0)
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hyw si trhe iahlreexyrfp dna a inkaisbb igsn inneagm thta there si an NMU sn?eloi

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csalib2  hdase up, i nhkti oue’ry in eht wrogn otunqise hrdate +1

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