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Retired NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 2/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
"Tell me more about your concerns about your son's height." 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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atWh is giong on r?ehe ehT homter is tno the ,eintapt hyw era we rnioepxgl isth uhterfr nehw hte ons is emptoelylc n?omral I teg it ahtt ew uowld ysa sith if eth tptenia erew non,edccre but seh' otn dna she' amrnlo so ywh d'ton we ujst tlel rhe ttah vrintehyeg si ?aorlnm lixrpgEno hurfret iwll lryobpba meka eth tteiapn eefl ew.rso

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drdoom  nehortA wya ot rade het semt si lkie :ihts ss“ueAm you wlli kmae a ntettsmea htat assesru omm ttah oyb si fein. Whta oterh mtettnsae od you want to mee?nk”i aSc ’rewe l**dyarea nsugsiar m,mo the tsbe exnt tgnhi si ot ska an edeenp-odn toe.niusq hTre’es a oranse for i.hst sA a ph,icsnayi oyu lylear ndto’ atwn to asy emro ahnt ahwt ouy are 1() seur fo ro )(2 leodbig ptccA“teo. imh as he ”is = “ygjd.’He us ont gniog ot egt yna ltrle”a = ouy ’tdno oknw ihst fro +7
cbreland  I dha it wndo nbewete het ccertro reanws nda y"our son is "aa.ergve ekdPci hte rnowg .eon As dsetat by @,ordomd the semt yass uoy hvae yealadr sesurader that rgevihntey is nfi.e It uwlod be a dgoo temi to gte xaert foin rfom mmo netdias fo ysa hte emsa tgihn revo aylleR teh etonqsui evga us the enwasr (I siltl dikpec nwo,gr but e'llw od brteet on sett !y)ad +2

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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dnRnpigoes to basdi’@irz eommtnc:

nAeroth ywa ot dera teh tesm si ikel ts:hi sA“mues oyu ilwl kmae a ntettesma that sesrsua mmo ttha boy si infe. haWt ertho semtaetnt od oyu watn to k”e?ma

ecSni ’erew l*day*are argsusni mo,m eth tebs netx ihgnt is ot ska an no-eenpedd to.nueisq he’srTe a seroan rfo .htsi sA a csainyp,ih ouy raylle ’tndo nawt ot say remo hnta atwh ouy rea 1)( usre fo or ()2 lobedgi to.

tp“eAcc imh as eh s”i = y.ujgd

sH’e“ ont noggi ot get any rl”tlae = yuo ’todn ownk shti ofr .ersu

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submitted by agraham416(5)
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I inldtieaem shit snraew eabseuc the hoemtr ldeaayr astedt her oec,ncrsn hihcw aws ttha 'she hrsroet tnha the tersfh'a ihhtge nda aobtu mhi ton nhvgia a wohrgt tp.sur sI htat ont a rencocn?

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submitted by amandlima12(1)
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layswa ask teh eatntpi llte" em orem" t’thas uaylslu sywlaa hte nwears ot rgnissedda tepntasi nocr.cnes

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