nNo nssee ... oyu nca ideh eht oatnumipat omrf reh
I cepdik tqsree"u ttah an oo.ogt."in.lsc ceaubse I eirgudf ti odlwu be eebtrt to evha omesneo hiwt emor okwegeldn of xten tspes dna rsnigopso sssdiuc hte sedasei twhi het fimayl sa apedcorm ot smnoeeo kgwoirn in het DE... hwy si atth o?ngrw
@3:g2p rergRnefi ot rthoane hisipynac is tmosal vener an anresw rof MELUSBM/EN squtio.nse uPl,s I lefe elki sthi wlduo be gidnhi hte pa'nttise ormbelp romf erh dan eht e'atnstip erntps.a
I ntkih hte raseno tath uoy iuesgrqnet the oloignotsc ntis eth otsm ocrcetr resawn eher is bec...uase veen if erom tesst dedeen to eb edno... yuo odulw tilsl sucsisd whti uory pateitn baout thta acft dna sya ey"H sthee esslrtu cmae akcb ssngeuiggt hatt uyo hgtim vahe htis assee,id we lliw ndee to do more tsentgi ot make rues we acn teg it taenk raec fo if uyo ni ftac hvae shit desai".se dna ud'yo yopalrbb od tath eoefrb oyu go and etg eth oo.nlctosig
3p2@g I swa nkdi of thiw o,uy but I went with eht crrotec anrwes beesuac it ysas LGNYOTSR sveesi.gutg fI r'eyou gvinig em a wrofpleu drow ot elyarl emapehzis sthi si o,ratmsesooca eth'ers no need to eylad spiagns ahtt nmonftoarii to ,pntitea and in sith aecs of a ,omrni hre rnpeat.s
submitted by โyotsubato(1208)
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slAo 'royue ongig to od meso oireuss nghist ot ucer hits gi'lrs asde,eis egadnil up ot atnmp.uatio uoY cant hdie hatt fmro rhe.