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How to differentiate between Norovirus and Rotavirus here? Must be related to the the contagious nature of the illness?
Norovirus (Sketchy) = Affects where a lot of people are in close quarters - especially common on cruises - 90% of all diarrheal outbreaks on cruises
i think i have seen this in zanki cards...
Rotavirus- most common cause of viral diarrhea(watery) in CHILDREN.
Norovirus- most common cause of viral diarrhea(watery) in ADULTS.
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This question is testing whether you know the difference in who the virus infects. Notice it says 25 adults...Norovirus. Rota is preschoolers.
Norovirus is the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in the USA due to vaccination. + Rotavirus is the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in the rest of the world. In this question you had to know the most common cause
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submitted by โchandlerbas(118)
i think because they were so specific in detail for when the sx began, theyre trying to test us if we know the onset of rota vs norovirus. also if you look at the transmission of rotavirus its FO and respiratory, so unless youre playing with poop at a wedding, its much more likely food was the transmission. sketchy says anytime you touch food with your hands its noro
heres a table for reference. https://contemporaryclinic.pharmacytimes.com/journals/issue/2016/february2016/best-approaches-to-acute-gastroenteritis