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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old girl comes to the emergency ...
Speak with the patient and her parents about the findings ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: ethics

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submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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saihcpinsy" uodhsl aalwys eoruancge alyhhet marnroguan-dii"inic

lsAo r'euyo gigon ot od mseo euirsso tsnihg to cuer siht igrsl' esis,ade alidegn pu ot oYu anct hied htat rfom hr.e

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djjix  oNn nesse ... oyu anc hdei eht ouiattmanp mrfo ehr +22
charcot_bouchard  uJst shwo rhe eno gle t.iecw +8
pg32  I cpiekd eurt"sqe hatt an otn."gl.o.ciso ebacues I rdefgui it duwlo eb erbtet to eavh onemeso htwi ermo nodegkwle fo xent etpss nad ongpsrois dsiscsu het iassede ihwt the yaifml as depcmora ot enmeoos wkrogni ni teh D...E hwy si that r?nowg +7
ibestalkinyo  p23@g: rneegfiRr ot ntroaeh sipncaihy is mastol eevrn an easwnr rfo /SLEMNUEMB suoqtn.sei us,Pl I lefe iekl tihs doluw eb hidngi teh aetitsn'p rpolmbe romf her nda eht 'tneitpas sn.etpar +8
dunkdum  I tkhni het rasneo that yuo erqsugniet teh soltoicnog stin eht msto ercrcto srwane hree is s.eau.e.bc vnee fi omre tests dendee to be neo...d you uoldw tills sscusid hiwt oyur eptitan oatbu atth fact dna say e"yH shete suetrls mace kcba setgigusng ahtt oyu itmhg veha this adssi,ee ew illw ende to od moer teigtns ot amke uers we nca teg ti eatkn ecra of if you in tfca aevh siht esa."edsi dna od'uy yobabplr od that boeerf uyo og nda gte teh g.coostnoli +6
peteandplop  p23g@ I wsa dnik fo whti ouy, ubt I etwn htiw hte crtrceo narwse cebuesa it sasy LSTYORNG utgegs.isev If yo'uer vginig em a lowrfuep rodw to ylrela azepehism ihst si seorta,cosmao hrsee't on ened to elyad snasipg that ofioinnrmta to tpitan,e nad ni sthi eacs fo a mnri,o ehr st.reapn +5

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submitted by โˆ—epiglotitties(29)
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Tshi 'ntis eht esncraoi ni tish tousn,iqe btu I asw orwdienng twah wdoul hpneap fi uyo adh dlto eth pstenar hte ogsasdini dan yhte tdn'id ntaw hitre idhcl ot nk?ow

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submitted by โˆ—stepwarrior(29)
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oYu dholus nidf out ehethwr ro tno she awnst ehr spnarte to wonk iftrs

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misterdoctor69  hSe's a irmno to.hugh +2

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