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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Heterozygous mutation in the ankyrin gene 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by nala_ula(127)
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heT ytlsoogih si of cperhtseosy slalm( lcreishap eclls /ow ecrlant p.rl)oal ardrHeitye orpsosetsiych si ued to eftedc in torispne ttiannirgce thwi RCB ramnebem skenoetl nda palasm raenmmeb kr(ynn,ia ndba 3, troepni 4,2. i) tMlsoy oosalamtu tinonmda hnraiticeen so( tzeoosguyehr uttoamin senci uoy yoln ende eon mauttn aeelll to get teh a.i)ssdee

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wuagbe  oT dda to ht:is yoghomsuoz SH sestrnpe tihw eslmshyio enve ni casbeen of soet.ssrrs hist npttiea si olny srpgtinene with leap ks,ni dan teher are no hsotcctsysie no teh pplriheear rs,ema os t'is a hoesouzregyt rikanny umit.tnoa +9
pg32  I adntew ot pkci yareteridh itysrcophesso but eht nmae rsluauocrpc oicnotacternn was morlan dna I ghtthuo it asw updsepso ot eb lvaede?et lsA,o ywh aer eehrt os ynma RBsC ttah rea ywa igbegr nath het ?ocseeprshyt +8
nephroguy  m'I sasungim atth hte MCC si mronla bceaesu hte nietatp is ghoruyteeszo rof .SH otN rsue fi isth si rocet,rc tub taht swa ym tuhgoht rcespso +1
draykid  rAe teerh yna pspear hatt xepnail teh eefrdeicnf in sxesripneo of ohosozumgy vs ueeoytozrshg ?HS +25
waterloo  I n'otd nwko fi ahtt serttam sa u,chm ilek eth ppeyeonht ifednrfece of ooysmzhoug or gtoseyurhoez fro hsit i.ntesqou Sicne uyo olny nede eon lalele ot hwos t,hsi ypla do.ds Is eh mroe lyekil ot veha AA or A.a That saw ym ttuhgho c.sspreo slA o fi uoy ese rspcehoytse you'd eb oging rfo yinkarn ght,ir not glbnoBi- bc tath hdsoul eb egttra secll - slrgsrdaee fo M.CCH +1
alimd  as I bemrreme AD aer yaalws soez.rgteyhu Bueecsa yomzsoghuo aer yaslaw ea.hllt +5

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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I otg isht Q wrngo. I swa nnegrowdi wyh siht naettip ha“s on pnraosle ro imfyla .yhrisot” ertHiydaer ceohsoirsypst hlsudo be a DA sed,asie o,s grlylaeen aksniep,g siht zid uhdols eb nees ni each eig,orteann t?ihgr

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step1soon  I was gtknihni the esam! +
wuagbe  everSal neictsge qsosiunte no 2EMBN0 pearpa to eb intgry to orthw su ffo yb gnihcgna eht sdnritpcesio fo rinhicant,ee nleviga us ot masues oincteepml atc,enpneer +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by dr_jan_itor(87)
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nCa nonaye wesrna yhw hsit neo nt'ca be F. Baet mshaaeital om?ajr I swa giitnnkh besacue of hsi eaiamn dna the aeupner"o t"eecsdn iwhhc eidsnulc the mnteianerida neoeu.srpa Unslse EBMN tserirw hiknt ttah eunopear noyl samen het nseo ithw etarx itwhe peeopl lol

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dickass  npaoueEr iielspm nehrtnor reaenpuo t(hey veen eecdspfii het niaetpt was a posrne of ,)ropall meirrdnaaeent cnsedet si uylulas deiplmi yb utncoyr of giiron or by rihu-ottgtas wnitigr tnmi'' +
poisonivy  hTe CVM is o,nmalr ahtamsessila are micicrcyot ea,mnsai taht tihn elphs ot eulr uot hte eltaaassh.smi wrHoeve, I gto it gowrn, ton rsue hwy it noanct be a oooymszhug mttnioua ni eht ranyink gnee +2
adong  noiy,@spiov reoht mcmroeten idoetnp otu 'its ulamsoota omandnti so best wesran oudwl eb zytugoesehro +

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by victor_abdullatif(10)
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I tnhik the kye to this siouteqn is ot esu oitalminnie fro fsatc ahtt we kown rfo e.urs heT irsft is tath s'ti a yciortncom ,nmaeai so lla halmsissaeta ear lure uto csnie tahl = tocrccmy.ii

thaT eseavl A nad D. ecSni the CHMC si lrmona w(chih si ont awht ew odluw pxetce for heiedtaryr ssyepsrcio)hto nda eth 'astipent mpysosmt rea ese,ver eyht umst avhe a mdile"r" sonveri of het sedeias (.g.e adraalhpocions si olsa usootmaal maontidn nda si alleth fi yuo tge eht yougshmzoo f).mor

sOblovyiu meso bgi aselp ni seaingnro ereh utb st'aht neo hatp ot hte htgri anwrse

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victor_abdullatif  edti :1# maed a p.toy aemnt ot asy h"te a'sinettp ysmtposm aer OTN "yesrrre oves baotu ta!ht +
l0ud_minority  eYs I ndo't runadetdns why eth HMCC is lnmaor htta si ltils ton htwa si xeteepcd. I sihw ENBM eidrvpod wrnsea ksye dna cdite htrie sources rfo eirht raailn.oet +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sciguy(1)
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HS is saluotmoa matdni,on but bthexiis mpintleeco nea.ntcerpe oS he dah no cedror of aernpsol fla,miy ubt lltis kelliy hotgz.rsueey

kei()aWiipd heT icalclni tyevires fo HS reivas ofmr s-pmftoermey iaerrrc ot rseeve syoeilmsh sbeeuac the rsideodr xiisbeht ncmletipoe patceneern in tis press.xnioe

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ibestalkinyo  Thsi si ahtw thrwe me off; I gueidfr thwi 2 anedfcetfu epnrs,at si't orem klylei eh hda na oluatomsa eeresvsic mant.tiuo +1

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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tuAo dmo dasiese are lusyual zotuoyheserg (ro os tyeh tanw us to uma)ess

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xxabi  owH do ouy wokn si msaotoual d?toaimnn +3
scpomp  iHyreatedr estoycipshros +1
fshowon  stIn hte naem raucrpcluos loomenhbig oaonnetcnticr descaneri in tshsoroypesc?i Tahts thwa htoughr em ff.o +5
charcot_bouchard  se,y uowld eb inc ni repv NMB.E tuB isht si tsahibt mben 02. U vahe to tnieidyf schpysoerte owiuhtt ntaeclr parlol ni PFB +4
charcot_bouchard  eys, lduwo eb icn in verp M.NEB utB tsih si thsabti mben 2.0 U aevh to fnityide peerchotyss htuwtio ltaernc porall ni FPB +

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submitted by sunnyside(2)
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naC yenoan yuistfj hyw ethy did tno seircebd an raeisencd CHM?C FA 9120 ssay ssehstiypcoro hsa hhgi CMHC, nda they did ton neev ahev it on het prepu end fo

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