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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Heterozygous mutation in the ankyrin gene 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by nala_ula(127)
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ehT itoslgyoh si fo cehtspryseo all(sm ilahrepsc lcsel w/o aletnrc olap.l)r teHirardye ocoyhsrspsiet is deu ot defetc in psitrnoe gniatnritce ihwt BCR marbmeen tenleoks nad apslma eembnamr ,ni(yarnk bdan 3, ipotner .2,4 ps) yostMl atsmualoo tnionamd cnniiareteh os( zeohguyroste noimtaut seicn oyu noly nede neo mttnau alelle to etg eht ).diseeas

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wuagbe  To dad ot t:sih gooyomhuzs SH ptsesner itwh osylhisme vene ni aecnebs of srss.otesr sthi tatinpe is lnyo nepitsrgen wthi plae snki, dan eehrt aer on ehscossitcty on hte erleirppha eamsr, so 'tsi a ogeeruotzsyh knyinra t.antumoi +9
pg32  I ndwtae to kpic rtrdeehyia coropsestiyhs ubt het eman lupsuccraor tianorcncneto wsa lnmaor adn I tugthoh ti asw eopsspdu ot be eetvael?d loAs, hwy ear teerh os yman sRCB atth rae ayw bigegr nhta eht s?sceorpteyh +8
nephroguy  mI' nisusgma hatt teh CCM is rmlona eseubca teh nettpai is ehzysrtoeugo orf HS. toN eusr fi stih is otce,crr btu that swa ym tgtohhu rocssep +1
draykid  eAr trhee yna reaspp thta exlipna eht ieefndfcer ni pxroiensse fo syoomhgzou sv yuzrghoeoest ?SH +25
waterloo  I d'tno owkn fi tath rtemsat sa hmc,u ekli teh teohynepp ercffednei of hsomouygzo ro hgoyoruteezs fro sthi qstuo.ien icenS uyo loyn ende neo eaelll ot ohsw s,thi alpy sodd. sI eh emro kyille ot haev AA ro aA. tahT asw ym outhhgt sescor.p Aols fi uoy ees hpycrteesos o'duy eb ogngi orf ykirnna gir,th ont ng-olBib cb ttha uloshd be ertagt clsle - drgelsesar fo .CMCH +1
alimd  as I ermrmeeb AD are aslywa ehu.resogyzt asceuBe zosoomyghu are wsylaa lalh.te +5

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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I gto siht Q wgor.n I was idnrwgnoe hyw htis tnaipet h“sa no aloepnrs or yafilm osy.htri” reiHayterd yirsespsthooc dslhou eb a AD sieae,ds ,so llegnreya a,espnkig iths diz udolsh be nsee in echa eengi,tnaor tgrhi?

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step1soon  I swa nhnkgiit eth sae!m +
wuagbe  vlearSe nsgieect suqntesio on NEB2M0 reapap ot eb tignry to whotr us fof by gcnhaign eth dcispoinstre of ,ceeiannirht ieagnlv su ot assume lmeiotcnpe ptrna,eeenc +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by dr_jan_itor(87)
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anC ynonae enarsw yhw itsh eon a'ntc be .F Beta atlasihame ?aorjm I saw iihkntng eecubas fo his aneima nad the p"aeenruo cntede"s hiwch encdilsu the tdeanmiaerin sneslU BNEM wetrirs ihtnk that onuaeepr loyn emsan hte eson htwi terxa wtehi oleppe llo

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dickass  Eneaupor eispiml nrtrneho anureepo ey(ht vene seficiped hte iteanpt asw a esonpr of lloar,)p dtnnemaeirear stecden si laysuul plidmei yb trcoyun fo rngiio or by uaotrhgsit-t inigrtw eaie'rrem.tnad'n +
poisonivy  heT VCM is ,lrmaon elthmassasia are cictciryom eaa,sinm ttah thin hlpse ot rlue tou eht iamstls.saeha ,eHeovrw I ogt ti ,wnrgo not sure hyw it ocnant be a uoysmhgzoo nuittmao in eht yrnkian egen +2
adong  io@s,onypiv oerht ormcnemet ntedoip out s'it atuoomlas mndnoati so etsb nsarew oldwu eb youzrsegetho +

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by victor_abdullatif(10)
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I ntikh eth key to itsh qosneuit si ot seu lnaoiiitenm rof fstca ttah ew kwno ofr .rseu hTe irtsf si tath st'i a tocmniryoc ia,anem so lal iastlamsaehs ear erul otu inecs tlha = crc.iitmyco

hTat aevesl A nad D. necSi eht CHMC is raomln hcwhi( is otn waht we dlwou eetcpx for drahetreiy hsopctiysre)os adn eth at'npsite mpmstoys aer eseve,r hyte tsum haev a "merdl"i noreivs of hte edassei .(e.g laoohnisrapdac si aosl umslaoato mdtninoa adn si taehll if ouy teg het omhzosuogy omr).f

soOivylub omes gbi saelp ni nrioagsen rehe tbu a'stht one thap ot the ihgrt rwnsae

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victor_abdullatif  dtei 1:# dmea a .opyt mntae to ays hte" s'teapint momsptsy rea TNO vsoerer"yres taubo hat!t +
l0ud_minority  esY I d'ton tdudsranen yhw the CHMC is mrlaon htat is ltlsi otn tawh is etpxc.dee I iwhs MENB dopvider nwsaer seyk nda ctdei tierh oscsuer rof hiert orlaneit.a +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sciguy(1)
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SH is sumotaloa imt,noadn tbu ieixsthb toiepmncel cnrpee.tean So he had no erdcor fo elsrpnoa ylaf,im ubt tlsli ylelki .zrotehsygeu

diiapikW)e( hTe caililnc eyvrtsie fo SH vsiera form pfoyrtemm-es rirrace to eervse oshsyeilm buascee the soderrid xithiseb nipltcemoe eteacnpner ni its .roesnpxesi

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ibestalkinyo  Thsi si thaw ertwh em of;f I ueigfrd with 2 cfatunefde tpaer,sn si't emor kieyll eh hda na laausmoot ireeecsvs itua.otmn +1

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submitted by strugglebus(189)
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ouAt odm easieds rea ulasylu ohoytezugrse or( os eyht wnta su ot us)eams

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xxabi  oHw od ouy kwno si auaotlsom otn?amind +3
scpomp  eryHraedit hytsocsiperos +1
fshowon  nstI hte eman pulraruscoc molegobinh ontcnaeconrit iesnceadr in peossr?shioyct thaTs awth ughorht me fo.f +5
charcot_bouchard  yse, lodwu eb nic in evpr N.EMB But hsit si thsibta nbem 2.0 U evah to teiidynf tyesrsohcpe otihuwt atrelcn proall ni FPB +4
charcot_bouchard  yse, wluod be cni in pvre B.NEM utB siht si hisbtat nebm .20 U evah ot ndtiyief sehctspryoe wtituho elacnrt llropa ni PBF +

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submitted by sunnyside(2)
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nCa neyaon istfjyu hwy ethy idd not deesbrci na residacen CCMH? AF 0291 assy stoshecpsoyri hsa hhgi MC,HC dna yeht ddi ton evne ahev it no teh pprue edn of mlonr.a

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