nI cidabiet oscoa,sdikeit rthee is aeecinrds cida in eht araelxretcllu cgdroAcni ot FA rheet is a rlsacanleulrt tifhs ude to acdesrdee lsuiinn htta aleds to oemr +H tgeienrn eth lelc ni neeacxhg rof +K. This sdlea ot mpyehelakira ihwt peedltde teilnlaurrcla sstreo of +K. ehTer is lsoa imoctso rusidise htat ldase ot naesidcer +K osls in hte ienru dan talot dboy K+ topee.dlni Teh qsuoteni saks taht is somt yillke ot ceeersad twih iuinsnl p:teryah rseum oatsmsuip caonirtneontc ilwl sereacde as K+ si onw eeanghxdc orf H+ sendii eht ec.ll
This explanation is faulty. Insulin causes K to go inside via upregulating NaKATPase activity. Nothing to with H+ exchange as far as Insulin is concerned.
H and K exchange is separate from this.
I regea taht eSumr K screedea si teh reettb swrnea, but lonu'wdt rienU K laos esdreeac oenc odobl sguar ogse ndow twih ininlsu etmnrttea i..(e citmsoo sudiires wlodu snes?l)e
submitted by โan_improved_me(91)
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islInun oesd ypla a orle ni gbgrnnii kcba K+ iotn leslc iva uodamitnol of K+H+/ he.ecganx hisT is suaceeb ti hlpse to srdaesd het tkdatoioecic tstae of the eit.tanp yB gnbiigrn pH esrocl to ,leeinbas there si rrteun fo +K iotn hte le,csl hilwe +H omecs bkca uto fo the clls.e