iyipac,leScfl hawt is eth pospreu fo lI1- ni hsti ?esotinuq
si it jsut htta reahgmcapso akme 1?lI-
es'dnot paapre to eb ovdivenl ni glarnomua omntia.for
INF y liwl iibnith iafeitinrndeotf of T2h lselc nad foeeterhr e,(a ) rnbwog) areygtuolr T cs l)lde if het cesa asw itlkgna otaub iusvr
rfitnonree ammga wlil od a ewf tnshig ni oytd-g-b;& 1 aavictet cepagrhsmoa to likl! or ot eoecbm dtehiiopel sthoyiecti ot lalw ffo n.otsneifci -2 ti llwi nsicreae teh mca olmlceuse on eth uasfcre of eht sclel. .3 it ihbistni tfdienrianefoit of t lcle ot 2th clel ceaubse t2h sha aint oafylmatinrm (il1-0 it)eosenrc adn nioocilhispe iotcvaitan nt.uincfo .4 saol detvtaaic hte kn slcel ot tarts linglik!
NFI gmama ustetimlsa emrpoacashg to prdueco uarlgoamns
et'sndo gmaImFN-a geaeluutpr CII?HM Which wdoul tataceiv T ohlptyeycms to uecprod iytk Io?ncse od teg hyw egachoasmrp si eth trebte a,nresw btu ti'ndd surendtnda awht -L1I had to do tihw th.n.niga.y
submitted by ∗trazobone(97)
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$279$49I aws so exafdit on eht fcta ahtt in a BT onuralam,g argepsahmco pcdureo 21LI or apTlNFah, otn IL1. oS I ildmtneaei C nad dcclkie B, enve oth st’i not D4C mocesyyptlh thta oerucdp TNa.pFlah uBt hte ctaf taht acagmerpsho rpdecou LI1 llits in’ddt mkae yna ne.ess
I nd’tocul find ayn nlpxanotiea in firts adi rfo hits t(i netd’so etll uyo htwa slecl esteerc IL1), utb aodgrcinc to ym tseno fmro na monumi leturec I lahf padi oittanten ,to L1I is a iteknyco of innate mnuiytmi eedtescr by se,ymtocon agmpaseohc,r eaohntildle lse,lc nad peetiihlla ;lecsl os ailylbacs eoy.eybdrv ishT soeg ni nojiotcuncn wthi reghietvyn that AF ssya A(1F8 p. 810)