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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 6 Answers

step2ck_form6/Block 1/Question#22 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Decreased androgens ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: repro

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submitted by โˆ—carolebaskin(109)
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enAgsdorn aer lbspesinero orf ilbido in obht !xsees

,osAl c'nat be stngreeo ecaseub eht'yre on RTH adn givana is tomis dan tgread,u adnctiigin eaaqtued regtonse

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jlbae  go"rnesdnA aer bepsleirson ofr bildio in both "esehix!s sT si hyw uoy nac vige tsrtseoeoten orf oluarsa dsrosried +4
drdoom  Theserโ€™ a tgrae shTi emcrinaA efiL .ep lal obatu this +2
daisy19  Am I the nylo oen hwo got shit ogwnr sucebae fo the neidylrcib opro marr?mga "hWhic fo het fgoniwlol si the omts yilkle cusae fo hsete n"iisngd?f yhalceTlnic kge,sapni eyht were sutj nssduisigc eth PE hichw hwodes a mstio, lewl taregud v.ignaa oS I asedsmu eyth etandw to kwon atwh asw csanigu tah.t +2
mariame  heT iidionstmtraan fo roal sgeostenr itrdyllaamca sreancise athicpe oupnritcod fo exs hrmnbeiinong-od gnboillu (HSGB) nda ot a sesrle egdree bnitrldoinosi-gc lunlbogi (G)BC 5(.) esheT bgindni ulbgniol gansehc rrtefhu dreceu efer adn lailvaobibea toeesn.oretst - -0/0taf1/2/.ir8gl:ul2)t(th25w6et08tc-rrl0ps9fs2xttw02tSew/oere./ +

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep7(71)
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  • erOsiva tno yoln uecdrpo ss,rnotgee tbu also ecpudor aenodgnsr hatt ylpa a atcreln relo ni liibdo ng(moa ehtor ntghsi)


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submitted by โˆ—sugaplum(487)
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ihst eon si uoght ubt hsit si awht I ma .hntnigik If oyu oselo yrou searvOi ouy eloso your ojamr cerosu fo steroneg. ecOn ouyr elcaerp ttah allry,o oyu lliw hvae exsces geternos goialftn ni het o.bdy htta lilw go htsu dwon rouy PHA aisx, os oruy etrho osdgnarne wlli own be dcraesede &-tg-; wol doibil

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lindasmith462  epr :UTD lrOa" ngteersos sola eensciar sex obiirnhgennom-d ubollngi )SGHB( orem hnta lamsrntader rapi,atnesrpo hhcwi rsleust in lowre efer eresoetonstt o.cteconninarst ishT dcoul rylcileoehtat tseulr ni a genvieta imptac on lbidoi and auslex ntucnfo,i tub this has nto eneb "ovnrpe +1
lindasmith462  rysor ofr the udelob nmtcmeo - os in aiditndo ot het lrao oesengrst adn eht esdeacrde etttsooseenr uctopdrnoi rofm a SBO - etseh esecsdare ni ogndrasen rae not licesotsnynt dletera ot deeeacrds rOalvel ronnaged hoernom elesvl dan eeracdsde olbdii in nomwe heva on ro akwe csisonaaiots in teh rcuretn arurtitlee. temtrtnae wtih gndasrnoe sha adh emos mpnrisgoi trslseu tbu hsa tno eneb oticnet.sns oS shit tets uqotiesn 'tsni orwng ubt it snti right Long ryost otrsh the adat on hsti si ntlnsotsceiy ontceisn,inst lingudnci on eth hsopogyccli srafcot gmpcnitai iidbol post HB/ATSO +1
passplease  utB cnat eonesgtr eb nrdotcvee to tonotsreee?st +

And this is why one of the side effects of OCP is decreased libido!

+3/- qfever(67)

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submitted by sizario(2)
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hwo mcoe isth ncotd'ul be resdceeda ?FHS noeDst' ersntgoe haev eeanigvt cdabkeef on F?LSH/H

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adong  FHLSH/ onul'wtd eb teh rnaesw to yhw rhe idlibo si wlo hot +

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