bingcentipedeGraft vs. Host disease - type IV hypersensitivity response, but this is the only one where the graft (T cells) are attacking the recipient (cells). Additionally, GvH dz is very common (at least in questions) in BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTS (also liver, but BMTs seems to pop up a lot)+2
fatboyslim^They are more common in bone marrow transplants because there are more T cells in the bone marrow that are transplanted from the donor to the host, hence a higher likelihood of T cells to attack the host+
If you see jaundice/liver involvement in any a bone marrow transplant, usually it's Graft Versus Host Disease. Has worked thus far on every NBME and UW question.
submitted by โandro(269)
Graft Vs Host disease
Look out for Skin involvement - maculopapular rash
Enteric involvement - diarrhea and or cramping , abdominal pain .. nausea/vomiting
Hepatic dysfunction - jaundice
*** The skin , liver and intestines are the most involved affected organs