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Retired NBME 16 Answers

nbme16/Block 2/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Feces-contaminated soil ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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I hnikt hsit si osriSnogeyldt aslsoteicrr e)rwhtramdo( si a uomdrwnor ewhos alarev live ni olsi adn woh acn euacs onpalyurm ssd.aeie tI ash teh tilybia ot eateernpt nski fmor the lsio tbu acn oals eb etobnida by tnsgigien eefsc toainmscenat islo 0022A(F 915p)a.tsrsovongnqfhc.walci_sd/tpswrntesye/otfwhgdgiaol/ipme://t/s.

oMst tstleiainn srnwomurdo ear fcerlaloa- eurto exptce tresgslnidyoo cwihh can lsao ttanerpee n,sik mwooorkh (anteorc e)nmrsucaai hihwc yoln earsntepte nks,i nda lthnlriicea hicwh anc eomc mfor oenkudreodc astem alypcisl(ee pko)r utb wseoh ypsmsmot od not tachm ttha of het itetna.p lrlaTnicehi leavra reent hte oldbo remsta nda nticef uclsem adn acn alos ceuas crishitsoni itwh ,everf ,neausa notg,viim iabtreilorp md,eae nad yamlagi.

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shervinbd  I htkin ti is sAis,cra ton relnlydoi.stSgi ehT moypmsts ucold eb xdiaepnel by eroefLfl yrm,eodsn udasce by Asricsa laarv ioaritmgn. aArscsi si timsetntdar uhgroht claef oalr ro,uet so eoinngsti of ecfse catmineodnta osli ldocu ecaus teh mlpreob. reP AF, yeditgnsrloS is rntiaemtsdt by alrav tipaenegntr nksi. +23
drmifta  Its Aris.csa Fcael olar irsmnoinsast ;t-g& veraLa ipnattere ITG ;-g&t looBd mtaSer &g;-t gLnu a{ntMuitor,a rerRtaiysop }pSmtoym t&-;g dCehguo up nda llwwasingo t-g&; lAdut rmWa in GTI ;-tg& ggE reseael -tg&; ggE in ol.tso +1
i_hate_it_here  Ddnti' the setm enmtoin atht mrwordaun valaer rwee ?uofnd I ttughoh ssrAiac is adigsoned yb bile tcdeao eggs in ?ecfse +1
sexymexican888  I lytlauac hktni w@gsdaasc is i.rhtg stI l.niorytssgdoe heTy ofndu leaarv ni the sefec uy(o nidf esgg ni efcse twih csai)ras oyu anc teg rlnyuoapm sx ni bht.o sscairA si aols usllyua fecal loar istnmaisonrs os tsi reom elylik to come rfom ooneesm iankgm odof itwh ncioaemttnda d.sanh iSysrotdenlog si irtndestmta ghurhot olis ro sadn dna teh alevra neettpare oryu ftee so tsih masek rmoe essne. +2
sexymexican888  uYo nac fndi sith is FA 2002 gP 195. oAls fi oyu lkoo ta eht labet eoldsyrtisngo is s.asoc iwht yrlnaupmo .sx oHvrewe I khint its hotb aceus grcidoacn to ethsykc corim asarsic tpessern twih tersiyproar xs +
coco  olhtuhgA rtSoosdleigny eedmaotn omwr itefcisnno aer ton yverol monocm in het endtiU tes,aSt het ahaaplAnpic aear of eht Shtoaseut aehv rrpoedte asse.s accAisr ubecodlimrsi is a omnmco crisatapi nncifeoti in Aais, f,cAiar dna huotS miraeA.c soMt ssace ni teh tdUien estSat earsi in evraestlr to eseth iroelgeLffr eson. rmynesod nac eb asuced by iolsdgoSrntey nda a Al.:osatAorsiscSrc pcorscymio evesrla an vaol geg hwit a tkihc otuer llhes dan a genlsi trrionie irloeymdogt:mfhSuasi rbitdvroon ralaev sene ni ecesf dneru p m.icerIscsooo thikn this si gSyni.fIorodetls I emak a akeasstiepelm, rcctreo .em +2
melanoma  I hktin si craaiss bcrmeuiolsid loas ued to eht iezs of the av.alr UW Q 54915 +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—victor_abdullatif(10)
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Gnoig ntaaisg the nirga ee,hr I hintk isht is Toaissaicxor a(rnsmoi:g Traocoxa nsica)

gnRosni:ae f(rom T)D:U soaiorsxTaci aslo( laldec earlivcs lvraa nmaisgr ML[)]V fersre ot namuh iointnecf acdesu by hnlihetms tath are not tauarnl unahm .isarpstea aiTsiooscrax csrcuo sa a urlets of numah efoniticn iwth teh lavrae fo hte ogd sicaadr, cxoaTaro ,nacis ,ro less l,nocmoym eth cta iaas,rdc axaroocT taic. MVL si plilnaircpy a eeidsas fo uogny rdelichn, ilceyalpse ethos twhi roupexes ot nadursplygo dan xnedobssa adtatieocnnm by dgo or act fces.e

aparymrnsTluon naiotigrm fo tonySdsoleigr rvaale acn uecrodp dyr h,guoc rotath ,onarrtiiit d,pesnay enieh,gwz nad yhssio.metp irllS,maiy amyplnruo vmientovnel fo osrotsaxcaii yma sueca ysnd,epa i,genwzhe nda a n,ohcrci tdipnnucroove h.ogcu eyisolnSdrtog varael yam be tecdedte ni so,lot u,tpmsu braeohlocranolv eagalv ufdil, or ealrupl dfuli

srinieoCgdn ttha 'ist a yord-lea-3 boy dan htat seniotign si het raymirp dmoe fo ar,sminstions I tinhk csxsiiToaaro si het eetbrt iosdgsian ehre

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chaosawaits  iiDtifevne iaodssign fo ioicoasrtasx si vareal ni lsoot. It ydeiintfle keasm eorm esens ntha ,dnteSoilrgsyo hihcw si onudf in teh oisl tub EP ofndu no re.btlsiianaom So kisn nrtcuuep si lkn.liuye scisraA is alcerfl-ao ubt is oerm lkiley to eb ni dtaimncnaeot fdoo dna is llreagy ms.atocpyaimt loA,s raiAcss lodwu ohsw gges ni cefes, otn aervla. +

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