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Retired NBME 16 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—bingcentipede(359)
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AF ,1029 .P 043:

27- syad wlfngiloo na ,MI hetre anc eb a illyprpaa leusmc purutre, dgilnea ot ltiamr oiniertgat.rug suTh the rumrmu in het nr,sewa leiaisfylcpc eht spciriondte of yssliloocoth nda acaricd expa

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baja_blast  )A sscediber tcAior atior.Rueitggn B) drssebeci tlraiM isosesn.t C) rceesbsdi Acroit nss.etiso D) cebisesdr a .APD +1
beto  naC be SDV repurut oto +1
sexymexican888  LOSA eerrbmme atth shit si plbborya eud to msadoreiltpeo aiylpplra selucm sebauce it ylon ash 1 odlbo slupyp APD( from CRA if itrgh naoimndt, omrf LCX if ltef otdnimn)a wheli hte laalarttorene palpariyl mlcseu sha daul dlobo yl.pusp Tsih fo csoure si in the eltf reinceltv -tg&; apryalpil scmule epurtru tg-&; atilrm uiierrgngttoa +1
chaosawaits  tA rsik of onnisdgu klei a oelptemc rom,on hwy t'nsi A ynmraulpo trntigiergo,au B uptsdciir ss,inetos C urnamlopy nsetso,si D ,DPA and E VS?D +
chaosawaits  h:Rspreae hyw ti'ns A) iacrot ro yunropaml ,geurrg )B mtlari tni,sosse C) ormaplyun ist,ossne )D DP,A nad )E VSD +

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