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Retired NBME 16 Answers

nbme16/Block 2/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 5-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Lysosomes ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: biochem icell repeat

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submitted by โˆ—medninja(21)
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I lecl eiaseds ierd ienโ€”th oayosllsm eratsgo rsrdoeid olas(utmao ieevres)cs; fcdtee in tsu-aN-ypelol-elm1psfshasntcaoicerorghany ;-&-tg rlaefiu fo eht lgiGo to etharlppoyhos smannoe sudeesir sdcaeer(e 6aatohsoe-np-me)pnsh no nicpotogslrye --&;gt ย prioents rea rceested yeulxallceralrt atrher hant edlrdeiev ot sssmoleyo

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iury_r1beiro  AF 0220 p 47 +1
an1  sith is lc-eIl .seidaes ew can etll ecusaeb st'i ni a hdilc cagitd(iinn RA sa estoh rcouc in rgonyeu gsae rfo eth toms )rtpa, eh sha rturerenc fcetniis,no HSM as(bceeu eth pilisd, csa,br nda tnesipro neat'r onrbke odnw in the ses,omylo ehyt nreet eth obdlo dna may oesiptd ni het vr,lie l,seenp e,rath adn ebon ueltsnirg in )g,earnetnmle eht sreecnpe fo a ANG si trghi romf AF. hstee tniopesr are ton tegdag twih pesmapnh-oeaht-o6s dan so t'nod go ot hte soslyoem orf daitrgodae,n ylssloamo lsevle sloa niresace in teh dbl.oo ntsatepi ofent rpsetne stuj eikl rreshlu, + wlca hnda adn .oypoischokssl +

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