The patient can only achieve erections via direct stimulation aka touch. The pudendal nerve provides somatic innervation and thus sensation to the penis as well as the perineum. A purely sensory stimulated erection involves a reflex arc between the pudendal afferent nerves and efferent sacral parasympathetic nerves (aka pelvic splanchnic nerves).
cheesetouchFun Facts: pudendal can be blocked for childbirth anesthetic using ischial spine as landmark. Injury to this nerve can cause fecal or urinary incontinence. Is sensory to perineum, motor to external urethral and anal spinchters. +2
cheesetouchObturator nerve is incorrect - the word obturator means "to close" and it innervates thigh adductors.+
cheesetouchGenitofemoral nerve is also incorrect - sensory to scrotum/labia majora and medial thigh, motor for cremasteric reflex. FA 18 442-443+3
submitted by โnbmeanswersownersucks(158)
The patient can only achieve erections via direct stimulation aka touch. The pudendal nerve provides somatic innervation and thus sensation to the penis as well as the perineum. A purely sensory stimulated erection involves a reflex arc between the pudendal afferent nerves and efferent sacral parasympathetic nerves (aka pelvic splanchnic nerves).