Just wondering if someone could explain the difference between collagen and elastin for this one? I thought either or could be used for tensile strength. Anyone have clarification, don't know why collagen is the best answer!
i_hate_it_hereIt is also the disulfide bonds that add to tensile strength of collagen, while the inter-chain fibril cross-linking that leads to elastins elasticity FA2020 pg: 51&52+
xw1984I think the Q emphasized postoperatiive. Maybe the production of elastin does not increase much comparing to collagen.+
topgunberi think they would refer to elastin in cases of arteriolar compliance+
submitted by โnotyasupreme(48)
Just wondering if someone could explain the difference between collagen and elastin for this one? I thought either or could be used for tensile strength. Anyone have clarification, don't know why collagen is the best answer!