This man has HSV meningitis. The treatment of choice is acyclovir/valacyclovir which are guanosine analogs which preferentially inhibit viral DNA polymerase by chain termination (FA2020 p201). Cidofovir also preferentially inhibits viral DNA polymerase and is used for acyclovir-resistant HSV. Foscarnet is also a viral DNA/RNA polymerase inhibitor used for acyclovir-resistant HSV.
Remember HSV are DNA viruses (HHAPPPPy) (p163)
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Neuraminadase inhibitors (oseltamivir[tami-flu], zanamavir) are used for influenza
Protease inhibitors are used for HIV (-navir) and hepatitis C (-previr)
Reverse transcriptase inhibitors are used for HIV (NNRTIs and NRTIs). Foscarnet is technically also a reverse-transcriptase inhibitor but is used for acyclovir resistant HSV.
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
This man has HSV meningitis. The treatment of choice is acyclovir/valacyclovir which are guanosine analogs which preferentially inhibit viral DNA polymerase by chain termination (FA2020 p201). Cidofovir also preferentially inhibits viral DNA polymerase and is used for acyclovir-resistant HSV. Foscarnet is also a viral DNA/RNA polymerase inhibitor used for acyclovir-resistant HSV.
Remember HSV are DNA viruses (HHAPPPPy) (p163)
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