This is eclamsia because of the hypertension in pregnancy with symptoms of end-organ damage and failure combined with siezures (FA2020 p643).
None of the other answers are consistent with the presentation. Epilepsy alone does not cause the symptoms of end organ damage (elevated liver enzymes, lactate dehydrogenase, and inability to urinate), renal disease alone likewise would not cause the combination of symptoms. Sepsis and septic shock causes hypotension not hypertension as seen in this patient. There is no specific drug toxidrome that matches the combination of symptoms.
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
This is eclamsia because of the hypertension in pregnancy with symptoms of end-organ damage and failure combined with siezures (FA2020 p643).
None of the other answers are consistent with the presentation. Epilepsy alone does not cause the symptoms of end organ damage (elevated liver enzymes, lactate dehydrogenase, and inability to urinate), renal disease alone likewise would not cause the combination of symptoms. Sepsis and septic shock causes hypotension not hypertension as seen in this patient. There is no specific drug toxidrome that matches the combination of symptoms.